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Comment rounding error (Score 1) 190

I'm more concerned about "rounding error", at least for the USD market.
Most people probably use a rough "point = penny" heuristic in their head and call a, say, 1000 point game "about ten bucks". In reality it's about 12.50 though, so they consistently underestimate the cost of everything by about 20%...

it's to videogames what the "and 9/10 of a cent" is to gas... maybe a little more weasle-ish than that.

Comment Re:Beat it at what? (Score 1) 789

Well said.

If I had to pick one, it would probably have to be the laptop, mostly because of the recreational programmer. Luckily I make a decent wage and having both just isn't that much of a financial burden.

The Not Getting It on both sides of the argument is pretty amazing.


Game Prices — a Historical Perspective 225

The Opposable Thumbs blog scrutinizes the common wisdom that video games are too expensive, or that they're more expensive than they were in the past. They found that while in some cases the sticker price has increased, it generally hasn't outpaced inflation, making 2010 a cheaper time to be a gamer than the '80s and '90s. Quoting: "... we tracked down a press release putting the suggested retail price of both Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64 at $69.99. [Hal Halpin, president of the Entertainment Consumer's Association] says that the N64 launch game pricing only tells you part of the story. 'Yes, some N64 games retailed for as high as $80, but it was also the high end of a 60 to 80 dollar range,' he told Ars. 'Retailers had more flexibility with pricing back then — though they've consistently maintained that the Suggested Retail Price was/is just a guide. Adjusted for inflation, we're generally paying less now than we have historically. But to be fair, DLC isn't factored in.' He also points out all the different ways that we can now access games: you can buy a game used, rent a game, or play certain online games for free. There are multiple ways to sell your old console games, and the competition in the market causes prices to fall quickly."

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 165

"For personal one to one text communications I don't see how you can improve on texts/SMS, and for anything else what does twitter do that a web site can't?"

It's the one to many thing -- not "many" as in "countless hoards of fans", but many as in "a set of people I know in real life and who I've run into online" -- most people don't generate enough content to make a website worth coming back to on a daily or more basis, but amalgamated with a bunch of other people's thoughts, and now you've got something!

There are other paths to the same thing -- if everyone used RSS heavily, you could be part of your audience's RSS feed, and still get a proportional amount of timely attention. And Facebook has a similar "fax machine effect" as Twitter -- for close friends, I would hope to get personal email or a call or word in person of important events, but for a big mass of people who I'm not that close to but not entirely distant, FB fills a niche. (That said I barely keep up with FB -- in general it's more "day to day" boring stuff and less people trying to be clever than twitter)

So that's what twitter does that a website (in practice) "can't" - aggregation is the key.

"In fact, I would say it is the communication (real or imagined) with "famous" people that makes it so appealing."

I'm sure this is true for many twitter readers, but it's certainly not universally applicable. I might follow some famous people, but only ones who seem to be trying to write funny or smart stuff.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 165

Ironically, your clever (and shibboleth-ish; I had to google UDP to make sure I got it) line about twitter is an excellent example of what twitter is excellent for, as a "tweeter" -- the sharing of an engaging twist of perspective.

There's a lingering perception of twitter as a "what I'm having for dinner right now" kind of thing, but in practice that's a small fraction of the use of it (YMMV)-- conversely I would say Twitter's "right in the moment" aspect makes such talk a little more engaging and less banal, because there's more a chance of it being part of the shared human experience, distributed across space but unified in time -- but I think most people who "tweet" in that mode don't have big followings outside the group of people they know in real life.

So I'd say, as a tweeter, if you can come up with lines like the UDP one frequently, then you should be using twitter to increase the sum total of cleverness online and garner some of that old school egoboo. If all you're going to post about is what you're doing right now, then why bother?

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1, Insightful) 165

I can't tell you why you should be using Twitter, but some of us have friends or know of folks online who are good at dropping the pithy bon mot, or find it a convenient way to announce things.

Why again should you be using email? Or SMS txt'ing? Or slashdot?

Comment Re:Why not pixel qi? (Score 1) 134

I read "Anathem" on iPad, in iBooks, and am now getting through "How the Mind Works" on the kindle app -- mostly on my subway-based commute.

The iPad reading experience is, for my money, a world better than the Kindle, with its screen change flicker and Palm-circa-1996, Gameboy-circa 1998 screen. Intellectually I guess understand people saying the like e-ink better; in practice, to me it just looks like a gray smudgey, low-contrast mess.

The charge is a week, at least. It's not really difficult to recharge a device once a week.

So with being a superior (IMO) e-reader, a drawing pad, a swift and responsive browser, and a decent little game machine, I think iPad is gonna start eating Kindle's lunch. They aren't worlds apart, not by a darn site. (There are interesting rumors about smaller scale iOS devices coming out, like roughly Kindle size, which would address your "enormous" weight issue. But for now I find the iPad a convenient size for many tasks, and easily stowable.)

Comment it's a good drawing pad and so stowable... (Score 1) 443

Just want to get my two cents in.

I find it great for two tasks:
1. with a stylus and the app ArtStudio (why do so few of the art apps have "flood fill"? They all want to pretend they're "real paint"...ArtStudio is highly recommended by me, btw) it is a better doodle pad than the touchscreen Fujitsu netbooks I had been using.

2. It's so great in a backpack... every laptop I had, I either had to suspend, so it was instant on but the battery was dead 3 days later, or hibernate, and then wait 2 or 3 minutes to boot. This thing stows so well, and when you want to use it is ready to go.

The browser is an annoying throwback to pre-tabbed browsing days and doesn't support the "upload" tag, though I found the "Uploader" app is pretty good.

So that's why I'm happy with the purchase. Netflix streaming is very good on it two... it's weirdly more pleasant to watch "The Office" in bed, snuggled up w/ this and my gf, then it is to bring in my big 18.4 laptop and rest it on us...

Comment Re:The iPhone and finally walk and chew gum! (Score 1) 702

people also buy it for the infrastructure, and continuity w/ upgraded devices.

Infrastructure probably isn't a big sales pitch for you either-- I mean, I don't buy any music via iTunes, just good old MP3s from Amazon. But I appreciate the AppStore for making a very viable way of letting small developers sell cheap cool stuff, despite Apples irritating rejection policies.

Comment Re:The iPhone and finally walk and chew gum! (Score 3, Interesting) 702

Bang on-- the only reliable example of people really missing it are Pandora. Or, possibly, GPS turn directions? Basically, audio-only stuff, which brings us to an interesting point, with both iPhone and iPad, YOU'RE not really a multitasking device either -- it's nice how these devices don't try to divide your attention, and running a new app is a bit like running a new, more specialized device.

That said -- 90s era Palm had better culture of "resuming right where you left off" apps, but now maybe iOS gets that back... and I think I might start liking that bottom of screen app bouncing the same way I like alt-tab in Windows...

Comment Re:Apache Wicket (Score 1) 253

I used Wicket a few years ago. It wasn't god-awful, but between the irritation of keeping the HTML in synch and of trying to make a custom component or even fix Ajax behaviors gone awry, I don't think it pulled its weight in the power/complexity added ratio.

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