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Comment Fuck your interactivity (Score 1) 358

The "non-piratable" bit has been beaten to death by the other commenters already, so I won't bother with it. Instead, let's look at the other part: "interactive". No, I don't want to interact with the fucking music, Bono. I want to put on the music and have an epic soundtrack to my life. The only reason you think full albums are boring is that your music is boring.

Comment Good (Score 4, Insightful) 323

People acting like users have no right to complain about free shit need some perspective.

For example, do you like tofu? No? Well tough shit, it's free, and I'm going to force feed you three pounds of it. You have no right to complain about free food. Hell, I'll opt for stinky tofu while I'm at it. Here in Taiwan, people love that shit. Everyone who doesn't thinks it smells and tastes like raw sewage.

U2 is the stinky tofu of the music industry. You have people who like them, and people who can't imagine why you would find it necessary to inflict such pain upon yourself.

Comment Prove it (Score 2) 418

Comcast is exclusively run by assholes, but I'm not seeing any proof of this statement. People shouldn't get all up in arms about this claim until there's some evidence. I'm sure as hell not going to take some random asshole's word on it - I wouldn't even trust him to tell me if it's raining outside or not.

Comment The summary is all over the place (Score 3, Insightful) 134

What does Paypal have to do with exposing Satoshi?

As far as the main story goes, I wouldn't call it "jumping in with both feet" when they're not actually even enabling it on Paypal. They're just putting it on Braintree. While that might look like a huge investment, it fits Paypal's hobby budget pretty well.

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