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Comment Re:I Take Issue with the Phrase "Give Away" (Score 2, Interesting) 450

Because clearly, what's good for America must be truly terrible for the rest of the world... er, what?

America creates the most billionaires in the world, and reaps the rewards (or doesn't, depending on your point of view...). Other countries only have themselves to blame if they feel left out.

Comment Re:Or... (Score 1) 483

But the summary does:

More male-targeted commercials emphasize cool gadgetry versus usability?".

Clearly, males are total saps for falling for the Droids cool gadgets and widgets that provide little in the way of useful features...oh wait.

Comment Re:Loosey-goosey Creative Commons (Score 5, Interesting) 130

Let's play this game. Assume Wikipedia was using a more draconian licence that restricted monetary gain. Then it would become a much less valuable as source material. If I was working on a research grant, I couldn't touch wikipedia, not even to check their sources, out of fear of getting sued for copyright violations. Do we really want more of that?

Comment Incentive for Private Companies? (Score 1) 421

Since NASA has no chance of ever establishing any more manned missions outside Earth's atmosphere, thanks to the weak political will in Washington, the continual myopic budget cuts for NASA, and the idiotic use of NASA as a jobs program for certain states by certain politicians (who I will not name, to avoid the obvious trolling that will ensue), this discovery may actually lead to future lunar missions in space. The Moon is just close enough to Earth to be nearly practical for the private space companies, and may be rich enough to be worth the haul. Especially with reports of China embargoing Rare Earth Elements.

Comment Re:Suddenly, it doesn't feel like '1984' anymore! (Score 3, Informative) 152

Oh come on, it can't be that hard to match up spelling and search habits up with people, given enough data. In Google's case, they have lots. Lots and lots. Even if you use the proxy, you're going to visit an external machine sometime, at which case Google will have 2 key points of comparison, and Bam.

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