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Comment Re:School is Year Round and Life Long (Score 1) 81

Building a USDA / State inspected modern meat processing facility (a.k.a. butcher shop)

History, government, regulations, economics, business, math, engineering, material sciences, architecture, construction, plumbing, electrical, water supply systems, heating, ventilation, refrigeration, meat cutting and so much more...

Leatherface, chainsaw . . . ?

Comment Re:Seen on a Hat (Score 2) 421

MADD is the modern day Women's Christian Temperance Union: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W...

Those are the folks who brought Prohibition to the US, with disastrous consequences. They are just flexing their muscles a bit. After they successful ban powdered alcohol everywhere, they will start going after other fringe alcohol products, like Jello-shots, alco-pops or whatever those damn kids on my lawn are drinking these days.

Comment Re:I wonder (Score 1) 258

Hey, we're talking about the Teamsters' Union here; as in, "Where are you, Jimmy Hoffa?" They are continuously re-watching "Mad Max: The Road Warrior," and getting all leathered-up, with mini-crossbows on their wrists. When those robot trucks hit the roads, they will meet unfortunate "accidents".

Comment Re:the next Kickstarter project (Score 1) 114

  1. Drive around a Walmart parking lot.
  2. Find a car that looks exactly like yours.
  3. Write down the license plate number.
  4. Get an ex-con to make you a new license plate with the same number.
  5. Profit! . . . um, I guess I mean Privacy!

There is one small catch . . . if you happen to copy the license plate of a criminal, things could get complicated . . .

Comment Pod Diversity in the IT Industry (Score 1) 33

It's high time that we discuss the lack of Pod Diversity in the IT Industry. Over 50% of important US government officials are actually pods. But only 5% in the IT Industry. Although, they mostly hold managerial positions, where a lack of humanity goes easily unnoticed.

I believe this is because IT Workers are smart enough to use fire extinguishers to fight the Pods . . .

. . . or was that another movie, and I am getting confused . . . ?

Comment IBM Class M Kitten Electro Shocker Planet (Score 1) 1

There was a MAKE a while back about this. The Model M has old school wiring that you can tap with simple TTL logic chips, and use to control one of those personal defense shockers. At the end of the shocker, you attach a kitten.

Presto! Every time you hit a key, the kitten gets a shock and squeals.

Model M keyboards were real "Big Iron" and will last forever. Unfortunately, kittens are not so robust, and need to be replaced regularly.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Making My IBM Model M Louder? 1

An anonymous reader writes: Recently, my fellow coworkers have begun to complain to HR about the new IBM Model M keyboard that I brought into the office. I do a lot of typing, and it seems that the sheer auditory orgasm created by the keyboard is simply too much for their primitive ears. HR has let me keep the keyboard under freedom of religion guidelines (I claimed that it was an ancient Pagan symbol of worship) but my coworkers have now begun to wear headphones. How can I make my keyboard louder so that I can fully annoy the people in adjacent office cubicles?

Submission + - CERN confirms existence of The Force (web.cern.ch)

An anonymous reader writes: Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider just recently started testing the accelerator for running at the higher energy of 13 TeV, and already they have found new insights into the fundamental structure of the universe. Though four fundamental forces – the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force and gravity – have been well documented and confirmed in experiments over the years, CERN announced today the first unequivocal evidence for the Force.

Submission + - Bill Gates Donates 1M to Open Source OS/2

An anonymous reader writes: After all this time Bill Gates finally decides to put an end to the Operating Systems war and throws a bone at the OS/2 users. Bill Gates announce the donation of 1 million dollars of his personal fortune to help the efforts of making an open source clone of this platform and adds that all Microsoft’s OS/2 components source code will be posted on Github. He also calls IBM to join efforts and release the remaining OS/2 source code to the public. The OS/2 community sees this news with expecting eyes; while some members of the community are willing to happily take Gate’s money, other OS/2 zealots refuse to accept any help from a former enemy.

Submission + - "Greece Will Adopt the Bitcoin If Eurogroup Doesn't Give Us a Deal" (greekreporter.com)

PolygamousRanchKid writes: While Greece’s lenders are pushing the Greek government to accept their terms in order to allocate funds so the country will not go bankrupt, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis seems to have another ace up his sleeve. The second top thinker in the world according to prospect magazine surprised even his closest aides at a secret meeting when he said “We ‘ve had enough, we ‘ll run on Bitcoin.”

Sources very closed to Greece’s minister of finance told Greek Reporter that today Yanis Varoufakis held a top secret meeting with high-ranking finance ministry officials to prepare them in case negotiations at the upcoming Eurogroup fail. The anonymous source noted that everybody in the room was staring at each other when Varoufakis – also a prominent blogger – said “We ‘ll go to Bitcoin, we will be ahead of all the world economies and although it may be painful in the beginning, Greece’s economy will thrive in the long term.”

The Greek Finance Minister went on to explain what is the cryptocurrency and how it will be implemented into Greeks’ day to day life by using a special mini computerized card with a chip. All citizens will carry the card as an electronic wallet. The card will be distributed for free to all Greek citizens via the local tax offices but it will also be available for purchase at the country’s entry points for 45 euros, or 0,20 Bitcoin each. The sale of the card to tourists is expected to be another form of revenue for cash-strapped Greece.

Submission + - Einstein and Schrödinger didn't believe in quantum indeterminism

StartsWithABang writes: When it comes to the very nature of quantum mechanics — about the inherent uncertainty and indeterminism to reality — it’s one of the most difficult things to accept. Perhaps, you imagine, there’s some underlying cause, some hidden reality beneath what’s visible that actually is deterministic. After all, a cat can’t simultaneously be dead and alive until someone looks can it? That’s one of the problems that both Einstein and Schrödinger wrestled with during their lives. An investigation of that story, their work on that front, and their friendship that ensued as both pursued that same end is thoroughly investigated here by physicist Paul Halpern.

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