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Comment Re:Well, I, for one, like it (Score 1) 213

Everybody hates PHP, I get it. I don't. I understand all complaints to PHP, but I have learned to deal with them (I keep a tab open so I can get the paramters in order). I currently maintian a PHP codebase that is just over 1 million lines of code. It is hosted on a cluster of servers that number about 30 (databases, sessions, application, static content, etc). The beautiy of PHP is the tight integration with Apache. When you do Apache right with PHP, you can make a website scale to no end (reverse proxy, load balancing, hot-standby, etc).

A budy of mine used to have this awesome quote: "It's not the language, it's the people". You can write shitty code in any language. You can write elegent code in any language. Shitty devs will write shitty code. It matters not what the language is.

Don't get me started on Node.js. It seems neat on the surface, but I'll be damned if I let my front end devs ever touch server side code. It is a completely different world with massivly differnet mind sets. It is dangerous to think you can unleash people well on both front and back sides of the coin.

Comment All hail the EFF (Score 1) 202

Seriously, in the last few months I have increasingly heard about the awesome work the EFF keeps doing. Where would be be today without them? They really could be one of the most important charities/non-profits out there right now. Please do support them in any way you can.

(note, I am not affiliated with the EFF)

Submission + - How to fix Slashdot Beta? 17

Forbo writes: Since the migration to Slashdot Beta was announced, it seems all meaningful discussion has been completely disrupted with calls to boycott and protest. Rather than pull an Occupy, what can be done to focus and organize the action? What is the end goal: To revert entirely to the previous site, or to address the problems with the new site?

Submission + - AltSlashdot is coming ( 3

Okian Warrior writes: I've registered "". I intend to run a site much like Slashdot used to be — better articles, less decoration and less "in your face" functionality. I'm reviewing and getting comfortable with slashcode right now. I'm looking for volunteers to help with setup and running the site. If the site becomes profitable, I intend to hire from the pool of volunteers. If you've ever wanted to participate in a site like Slashdot, here's your chance! I'm particularly in need of people who can:
  • Set up and manage a high-traffic site (servers, load-balancers, data sites, &c)
  • Edit story submissions
  • HTML, CSS, and script creation/bugfix/repair

Contact me if interested John (at) AltSlashdot (dot) org

Submission + - Slashdot BETA Discussion ( 60

mugnyte writes: With Slashdot's recent restyled "BETA" slowly rolled to most users, there's been a lot of griping about the changes. This is nothing new, as past style changes have had similar effects. However, this pass there are significant usability changes: A narrower read pane, limited moderation filtering, and several color/size/font adjustments. BETA implies not yet complete, so taking that cue — please list your specific, detailed opinoins, one per comment, and let's use the best part of slashdot (the moderation system) to raise the attention to these. Change can be jarring, but let's focus on the true usability differences with the new style.

Submission + - Do non-technical managers add value? (

Kimomaru writes: ARS Technica asks, "How does a non-technical manager add value to a team of self-motivated software developers?" IT Managers have come some way in the past decade (for some). Often derided as being, at best, unnecessary and, at worst, a complete waste of budgetary resources, managers in technology today can add significant value by shielding developers and systems engineers from political nonsense and red tape. From the article;

"Don't underestimate the amount of interaction your manager does with other departments. They handle budgets, training plans, HR paperwork. They protect the developers from getting sucked into meetings with other departments and provide a unified front for your group."

Comment Lamp behind the monitor (Score 1) 195

Seriously easy thing to try. Get one of the architect like lamps and can bend and move anywhere, put it behind your monitor with the light facing up. This removes the contrast of bright monitor from the dark background. I've had zero eyestrain for years after doing that. You won't use that lamp to read by, it's only to remove the contrast. It's easy and really has helped.

Submission + - What Will the Bank of the Future Look Like? (

Cara_Latham writes: "Going to the ATM in the future will be much different than what we currently do: No bank card? Forgot your password? No problem — the ATM terminal recognizes you through facial recognition biometrics with your NFC-enabled phone.

And documents and paperwork? Forget about that. A bank representative will be able to use a large interactive iPad screen to develop a financial plan for you. These photos and descriptions of what the future bank will look like evoke Jetson-like imagery."

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