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Comment Re:Sick (Score 1) 301

I wonder if those Scandinavian countries with high GINI scores have a defacto policy of importing more poor people from neighboring countries like the United States does? No, they all have very tight immigration controls and immediately deport illegal and undocumented aliens. Wanting to reduce the number of poor people and seeking to ease the process of entry for poor migrants are mutually exclusive goals.

Comment Gigabyte Brix Pro is still the mini-PC champ (Score 1) 60

That i7-4770R and 4K-capable onboard Intel Iris Pro 5200 is hard to beat in this form factor (if you can handle the hurricane fan noise). They were available around $400 at Black Friday. This new NUC is a nice small form factor, but kinda pricey for the performance.

Comment Not forever (Score 2) 305

Sure content creators need to be rewarded for their work -- but not until the end of time. Certainly not for decades and decades after they're dead. And no fucking way singing "Happy Birthday" in a restaurant should count as a public performance and result in sending a check to Warner / Chappell music (but it does). And while we're at it, fuck the perversion that copyright law has become, and fuck Big Media's teams of lawyers who'd rather exploit talent, rootkit PCs, cripple their own content with DRM, and turn people into felons and sue them into the poor house than fix their obsolete distribution models. Your tired argument is the same one that has been parroted by the RIAA and MPAA shills since the Net has existed. Yeah, let's throw the "fuckers" under the bus and give Big Media Corps the right to do whatever the fuck they want, forever!

Comment Re:Heh. (Score 2) 78

What "VPN industry"? To the extent it exists at all it's just tiny. And they're going to get legislated out of existence around the world in the next few years. No government - driven by the twin demands of the US government (ok, and their own security services) - and a reactionary, right wing media (following the rules of its wealthy, right wing proprieters, who've invested in and therefore benefit from large corporations who are all in bed with most western governments because they don't need to pay tax that way) - will allow people to communicate in private because "that's what terrorists do" (and people who want to challenge/change the above)

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