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Comment Re:If we're all going to take Adderall... (Score 1) 407

Before the patent expires, the patent holder tends to do a smear campaign to inject FUD in further use of the pharmaceutical and discourages doctors from prescribing it. When the replacement medication is available it quickly supplants the old medication, even if it has more dangerous side-effects.

Medication is not a free market because the end-users are not the ones to make the decisions on which medication to purchase. It's a a decision made by doctors, who are often heavily influenced by sophisticated marketing campaigns from drug companies.

I'm fine letting the free market determine what I should pay for TVs, pajamas, corn, etc. Because I directly make the decision on what I buy. (note: corn is not sold on a free market)

Comment Re:Repeal the Fourth Amendment (Score 1) 409

States occasionally rewrite their constitutions. But as I understand it for the US Constitution to be rewritten we would have to get unanimous approval of every state legislature, and that Congress alone does not have the authority to do this. (anyone, is this true?)

I don't agree that a traffic citation is reasonable cause to search for drugs. Maybe if there is reckless driving and the driver appears intoxicated, but that is already a felony. I would much rather that it took a related felony before drug searches are permitted.

Comment Re:If we're all going to take Adderall... (Score 1) 407

How many sick days do you get? How many paid holidays (vs personal days).

At my US job I officially have 0 sick days and 0 PTO. I am paid a salary whether I work or not. I can arrange to not show up to work and continue to get the same salary. But there is no written standard for how much I can take, and I do not accrue any PTO that I can collect as a check when I leave.

This sort of weirdo policy is starting to become popular in the tech industry, especially in Silicon Valley. And it makes comparing job benefits almost impossible.

Comment If we're all going to take Adderall... (Score 4, Interesting) 407

Then let's all agree not to take it. As we really only care about the relative performance when compared against your peers. If all your peers did it, you'd be in the same place you are now.

Might be better is if we all worked less, got paid less and hired a few more people. I realize some people want to work 50 hours a week (or more), but I don't and it's been hard to not do that and stay in my industry.

Comment Re:Fair Use (Score 1) 301

When I read the article it didn't seem like the normal excepts you find in a biography. The excerpts have been described as "extensive", and I think Random House could have went beyond Fair Use and into copyright violation.

Orthogonal to the copyright issue is that I don't understand why Goebbels has an estate to make a claim against Random House. It should never have been permitted to allow a convicted war criminal to pass property onto heirs or relatives and all of his property ought to have reverted to the state and have been sold at auction. So what the heck happened?

Comment I guess if you write a biography (Score 1) 301

You should write it instead of cut and paste?

There is fair use, and there is lifting the work of another person. If this were an academic paper, I would be far more lenient. but this is a book written to sell a lot of books. The purpose is to make money here, and not letting publishers get a free ride is precisely why there are copyright laws.

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