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Comment scammers cleaned up on $12B of reparations (Score 1) 195

There was virtually no requirment to show direct damages. I was inudated by email from scammers to let them help me join the reparations process (recently ended). I think it was partly beacuse showing cause of economic harm was difficult and much of the Gulf coast operated on an undocumented underground economy. Even the famed reparations lawyer Ken Feinberg of 9-11 and Colorado Theater Shooter fame was kicked off the case for wanting a minimum level of standards for reparations.

Comment Earths sky will have half dozen milky way streaks (Score 1) 52

During the collision era from simulations I've seen. However in two gigayears the planet will be too hot for life. In a few hundred million years the atmosphere will have too little carbon dioxide to support photosynthesis multi-cellular life. Existing carbon is gradually sucked into limestone formation. Earth will revert to a bacteria planet unless there is teraforming (burning the limestone to release CO2).

Comment inflation (Score 1) 337

These so-called rich visas used be in the $500K to $1000K range until recently. Basically you'd prove that you had the funds to live on and would not be a welfare case. However in recently years the Chinese snapped all such visas in the US and Canada and probably the rest of developed world too. The US and Canda ones are suspeended for further study.

Comment Human classes before/after money (Score 1) 503

A money-based economy is a fairly recent addition to human society. People mostly made their own stuff and traded without for most human history. Perhaps in a society of perfect abundance money will fade. That doesn't mean that human power structures will fade also. They were around since the beginning of settled society. Future ones may not based on money as they have been in recent centuries.

Comment journals like Science have news summaries in front (Score 1) 77

Not all journals do this. But I can usually understand about 80% of the news summaries, even ones outside my field, but only about 20% of the technical articles. Once in a while the news article might interview an author for additional perspective.
I think some of the newsfeeds with science sections (e.g. NY Times) then pick up some of the these new summaries.

Comment some successes with this in the 1970s (Score 2) 29

China predicted a couple of significant quakes supposedly based on animal observations in the ealry 1970s. Then they missed the largest Chinese quake in decades in Tianjin, near Beijing, in 1976. Strange animal behavior has part of Chinese peasant folklore for millennia. Various US groups tried to replicate this methodology since the 1970s without much success. A geologist in San Jose counted lost pet ads and claimed some success. But his prediction windows were so wide they were not statistically significant. Perhaps 21st century social media could help gather observations.

Comment 1983 movie Brainstorm similar theme (Score 1) 144
It was about full brain recording and playback, kind of a super VR that Mark Zuckerberg talked about this week. (plot of many scifi stories)
In the movie someone dies during a recording session. Then it becomes a tug of war for the recording between police who are investigating a suspicious death and scientists who want to see if there is life after death.
Plus there is an ironic twist that the lead actress dies of a drowning "accident" during the filming. But some people dont believe it was accident and the debate resurfaces periodically. The lead actress is Natalie Wood, who played the little girl in Miracle on 34th Street and Maria in West Side Story.

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