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Comment Wide gulf between basic programming and games (Score 1) 170

These days to do anything interesting with graphics or games you start with a fairly sophisticated graphic library or game engine. To learn programming you need to learn languages, data structures and algorithms. You don't get very far starting from scratch, although I think it is absolutely essentially to be proficient in the basics. A serious game developer needs to know a decent amount of humanities and the arts. You need to tell a 'story' an art millennia old. You need to learn literature, history and design.

Comment watch out if they change Electoral Votes (Score 1) 609

The Constitution merely specifies the States should select Presidential Electors. Forty-eight states currently allocate all electors based on the popular vote winner. Two states by Congressional District winner. Congressional districts are currently draw to favor Republicans. If more states drop the winner-take-all method, that could strengthen republican presidency chances.

Comment two approaches: physics & data mning (Score 1) 94

Seismologists have crushed rocks in labs and heavily instrumented likely fault areas. These have found some physical purcursors of quakes, but not reliable forecasts yet. The most famous and costly experiemnt was a segment of San Andreas near Garfield that broke four times reviously in apparent twenty year cycles. It was 13 years late the time it was instrumented in the 1980s and 1990s. The USGS was heavily criticized on devoting so much money to a single experiment.

Pattern recognis more pragmatic. It doesnt have to show a physical mechanism (though may point to such). No pattern recognition algorithm has worked in the past. But new ones developed ofr data mining show have their try.

Comment people have tried for at least 40 years (Score 1) 94

I remember the Chinese claims of preduiction from folk observations and Russian claims from seismic velocity speed changes from stress microcracks in the 1970s. Although they may have "predicted" one or two qquakes, they did not work very well when intensely studied.

The most likely methods seem to be based on previous seismicitty- future quakes will occur where previous quakes have occurred, e.g. tectonic bondaries. There are tighter algorithms such as fore-shock and after-shock statistics: a larger quake will occure the week following another quake 5% of the time.

A Russian group had another interesting seismicity method. They drew cirlces around exisiting seismic activity of radius corresponding to quake size. These regions had increased seismic risk. this method sort of predicted the 1989 Santa Cruz quake from Tahoe area activity. The USGS studied this algorithm, but it hasnt been too fruitful.

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