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Comment Re:Not necessarily (Score 1) 400

You can potentially print things like toothbrushes, etc, but you cannot print food. Nor can you print gasoline or diesel fuel or ... I doubt this will significantly reduce shipping (it could potentially increase it - if printing stuff is cheap enough, the amount of raw material for printers might exceed the the shipping requirements of the finished goods it replaces).

Comment After 28 years in the industry... (Score 1) 323

... I've learned a few things. 1. Technology is continually changing. 2. It is up to me to be continually learning; no one else can, or will, do it for me. 3. The underlying principles and concepts remain the same, so someone with a good grasp of them will be useful IF THEY WANT TO BE USEFUL. 4. The best employers try to help employees keep up to date (but DO NOT RELY ON YOUR EMPLOYER FOR THIS).

Comment Re: And we're going to trust self driving cars now (Score 1) 664

Even if the self-driving cars are well coded, what about hackers? Imagine a virus that causes, say, a million vehicles to go berserk some Monday morning during rush hour. Or even just causes a million vehicles to brick themselves. Yes, people can also go berserk, but you likely won't get a million of them doing so at the same time. Have we learned nothing from M5 or iRobot or Terminator? Methinks 'tis about time for a Butlerian jihad.

Comment When dealing with security... (Score 1) 261

... best to keep it simple. Get there prepared with all the info they will need. Answer questions directly and simply. Don't volunteer additional info. I've traveled extensively. I've also had interviews with security services in the process of landing jobs. Those rules have always helped. Never had any problems.

Comment Re:Two different market segments (Score 1) 457

Dude, in North America, spending $500 on a goof-off device is called fiscal restraint. How many people do you know who've spent more than $1000 on a widescreen TV in the last 3 years? Or bought an ATV? Or a snowmobile? Or a home theatre system? Or ...
We spend a lot of money on toys. If the iPad turns out to be a toy, so what? If some people manage to use it for actual work, great.

Comment Re:Attendence in college? (Score 1) 554

I don't know that they will be punished at exam time. Many professors grade exams on the curve, meaning that they pass X percent of the class. If many students do poorly on the exam, clearly the exam was too hard.

When my father was in med school, ca 1950, attendance was taken and affected your right to take the exam, so this is not a new concept.

All that said, it won't work. For example, I walk into class and the sensors detect my card, so I'm logged as being in attendance. Woo hoo. Now I put my card in a metal wallet that prevents the sensors from reading the card and walk out the door. The sensors do not detect me leaving. Or, equally silly, I oversleep and I'm in a rush to get to class and leave my card on my dresser. So I'm in class, verified by many classmates and possibly the professor, but I'm logged as absent.

Comment Re:Gonna sound snarky.... (Score 1) 327

The vast majority of texts that authors give us are incredibly poor. Our editors have an extremely hard job of cleaning these up and rewriting them so that they are generally understandable and professional and are correctly targeted for our audience. To our established authors, we also offer them an advance on their work.

I'll second this. I once read a book published by the author on a vanity press. Although the content itself was good (and the writing was not too bad), the formatting looked like it had been done by a 10-year-old. Much of the text was either bold or underlined or italicized (and note that those 'or's are NOT exclusive ors), to the point that it was almost unreadable. Had it been formatted by an adult, I might well have purchased several copies to give to friends. As it was, I did not manage to read the entire book - the formatting was just too awful. Editing is NOT the same thing as writing. A good editing job is worth money.

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