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Submission + - Law professor fires back at song-swapping lawsuits (

giorgist writes: The music industry's courtroom campaign against people who share songs online is coming under counterattack. A Harvard Law School professor has launched a constitutional assault against a federal copyright law at the heart of the industry's aggressive strategy, which has wrung payments from thousands of song-swappers since 2003.

Submission + - Ho do I go about selling an idea

Giorgis writes: "I have an idea, but is mine all mine Hey Guys, I have an idea that is a bit of a game changer. It involves netbook with a twist. How do I go about getting some recognition, especially a monetary one. I can post it on Dell or ASUS but I don't want a prise G"
Data Storage

Submission + - Nanotechnology paves way for super iPods 1

giorgist writes: A breakthrough by scientists from the University of Glasgow could see the storage capacity of an iPod increase 150,000 times. Nanotechnology researchers have developed a molecule-sized switch which means that data storage can be dramatically increased without the need to increase the size of devices. Professor Lee Cronin and Dr Malcolm Kadodwala's work would see 500,000 gigabytes squeezed onto one square inch. The current limit for the space is around 3.3 gigabytes. The researchers believe that their development could see the number of transistors per chip rising from today's limit of 200million to well over one billion.
Operating Systems

Submission + - My own private grid

giorgist writes: I have a lot of computers at work, and they sit idle for most of the time. Is it possible to muster them all together and get them cracking on some problem of our own choosing ? We have a cluster doing computations and time on it is limited. Maybe I can setup another were I can run packets on idle computers. People from work can join in and take "packets" home and run them on their computers at home while they work. G

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Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
