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Comment What about unmanned Planetary Science? (Score 1) 125

The linked article is stilted and brain dead. It did not discuss the real science at NASA, i.e. the unmanned robotic probes that have been so successful such as the Voyager and Mariner missions and Hubble. There was (and still is) almost no scientific returned from the manned spaceflight missions. Almost all the discoveries and science come from robotic missions. Yes in spite of that, the unmanned directorate had to (and still does) fight for its life as the manned missions people who run NASA are always trying to steal their funding. That is why Carl Sagan started the Planetary Society; to stop the poaching of funds my the manned spaceflight pork-masters.

Comment Re:hah, thats amateur. (Score 1) 92

That is Boston and its beloved, if cretinous, mayor, Mumble Menino so don't project this city to the whole country. Not every city (except Providence) promotes its barely literate chauffeure driver to Mayor, but we had someone smart in there, they might uncover the dirt.

Comment Re:Cargo (Score 1) 549

Mine for what? There is almost nothing there. There are no plate tectonics or much in the way of hydrothermal deposits to concentrate minerals. Forget minerals such as copper or other metals except iron. There is no oil or coal or nitrates. You can have all the sulfur you want if you need sulfuric acid...

Comment Open up mission control? (Score 1) 84

Why doesn't China open up their mission control to western reporters during their missions? This is same paranoid crap the Soviet Union pulled. I am sure that they would also do the Soviet thing of only announcing their missions only if they were successful, but they cannot get away with it. Time to get out of the dark ages China; enough of this 1984 crap.

Comment Re: The Chinese can just steal the specs of the De (Score 1) 84

Just because you are a foul-mouthed cretin does not make you right. I know that Clinton is a god to you, but he was just another corrupt pol (and rapist also). From the Washington Post, hardly a leftist org ( "Yet early this year, despite expressions of concern from the Justice Department, President Clinton gave the company permission to launch another satellite in China."

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