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Comment Re:'Decommissioning' is a made-up scenario (Score 1) 235

What? Your logic here is totally faulty.
A: Are you arguing for State control of all nuclear facilities, I'd guess by your general attitude that would be a massive no-no ideologically.
B: Using something you literally have no idea how to repair/replace dispose of adequately is the clear example of a disposable culture, wind turbines are made of pretty easily recyclable components.

America no longer makes things because some idiot thought it was a better idea to have a virtual slave working in China than have Hank next door make a decent living.

Comment Re:'Decommissioning' is a made-up scenario (Score 1) 235

Water and sewage plants are usually public utilities so the owner is less likely to flee without paying the clean up costs (or sell it to a third party who tragically go bust shortly after leaving no liability for the previous owner), plus the pollution they generate is significantly less toxic.

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