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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 477

More like "Believe it or not the rest of us actually have kids/a life outside work" and won't be answering outside of work hours except in the case of legitimate emergency. There's always one idiot so willing to climb the greasy pole he'll be the dogsbody if there's no rule against it, you can be that guy of you wish.

Comment Re:At least someone appreciates work-life balance (Score 1) 477

Are you in your 20s? To call being available by phone "exploitation" is pathetic.

Then obviously you've never been an situation where you were exploited in that situation. It certainly can be a gross intrusion onthe rest of your life to be expected to be on call 24/7 for no additional recompense. If you don't believe me give post your phone number here and offer free tech support.

Comment Re:Especially solar cells and carbon fiber windmil (Score 3, Insightful) 214

The average person's ability to "invest tomorrow" is piss poor, that's why they need a push sometimes. Investing in the short term now in renewable energy is going to result in significant price decreases in the future, especially when you consider the likely future path of oil prices.

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