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Comment Re:PLIP (Score 1) 466

You have to give Google some credit. Their calculator knows the difference between a KB, a Kb. And given that a Kilobit is 1024 bits, the math above is off by a bit. Giving Google the raw numbers:

160MB / 115.2kbps = 3.08641975 hours

Shaves almost another hour off the math.

Comment Re:Number of optiosn (Score 1) 466

The problem with almost all of them is the power supply. Very few of them have anything close to a 2A power supply. And when they hit their limit, the output power decreases and crashes heads before the power supply dies altogether. Toshiba recently released some external 3.5" drives (with the drive included) where the power supply didn't even quite reach the power input requirements of the drive inside it or only had a margin of 0.1 to 0.2 amps.

I've had good success either replacing the power supply with something with a higher amperage rating or if I'm really nervous I use the molex off an AT/ATX power supply for the power side and the adapter just for data.

For laptop drives, you won't have much of an issue with a USB adapter - they don't use enough power to strain these things. But to be on the safe side, I would use a brand new one anyway just to make sure the power supply is still good.

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 261

PDF is the standard for e-Ink.

Where do you get this idea? The closest to a standard we have is ePub. Just because certain academic publishers have been using PDF does not make it a standard. Wide compatible support makes it a standard.

Even Adobe InDesign export to ePub. It's built-in. If PDF is the better standard why would they bother? It's in their best interests for their own format to be an integral part of ebooks. Adobe is even a member of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) that created ePub.

PDF is a format used by publishers who are too in love with their fixed layouts and don't want their content to reflow (PDF has reflowing text, but only within a single page). And page numbers matching between editions is too important for them. And really, fully reflowable content is not just a feature that can be added. It's a completely different way of thinking about the content- it would essentially throw out most of what makes PDF what it is.

You're wanting all these things from PDF that it wasn't designed for and it doesn't have. If you want them, why do you reject a format that has these things? Keep PDF for fixed layout printing. It's what it's made for? Why are you clinging to PDF when it needs to be rewritten from the ground up to be what you want it to be?

Comment Estimates are like contracts (Score 1) 347

They have to cover every detail and be iron clad. But by the time you've come up with all of these specifications, most of the work is already done. So how do you recover the cost of an estimate if the other party says no?

I came from the web development world as a one-man department of a larger computer store. Quoting projects was an absolute nightmare and the specifications always changed even when they somehow manage to fit the definition of the words in our estimate.

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