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Submission + - Fire retardants as problem chemicals? (nytimes.com)

TempestRose writes: First: Hope the link works for all. It did for me in Chrome.
Second: If you could buy furniture that was free of chemical additives of any kind, especially fire retardants (cotton batting only, say),
whether or not it can be proved that those chemicals can get into your kids and guests, and you, and do harm:
Would you go out of your way to buy them?
Go out of your way to replace them?

The wife and I have already removed all plastic food containers from our house that might be used when reheating food, just to be safe.
No Plastic anymore in the microwave or oven. Glass only.
Yeah, yeah, better safe than sorry.

What do you all think?

Cripes, I raise chickens. Should I start putting the feathers into all of our couches (RTFA)?

Seriously, any cogent thoughts on fire retardent chems and household exposure?

Comment Zero'th Law? (Score 1) 840

Sorry for bringing fiction into Real Life, but wouldn't the good of ALL humanity outweigh the good of the individual human? Seriously. Asimov made a good play for a zero'th law. ( Yeah, bah, I'm too lazy to go look up how he wrote it. Bite me. ) Is this TRULY what we want? Everyone choosing what is best for THEIR children, at the cost of what is best for humanity? Travolta, you need to build an organization, QUICKLY, to make sure that custom babies are blown to bits, preferably with LNNW ( no more ball bearings!), just to be sure. You know? Olivaw to the Rescue!!! Olivaw for President!!! (For the humour impaired, get a clue. )

Comment Re:Why do they act like a keyboar dock is a big de (Score 2) 265

I would go so far as to say that my TF101 is a pretty good Android tablet that can double as a pretty good Android netbook. Seriously, I do love my transformer . The screen is a bit hard to use as a touchpad while docked, but not really that tough to use, unless you have CTS. The keyboard, for me, more than makes up for the awkwardness of the keyboard. Oh, and if you REALLY need a pad, you just, you know, take it out of the dock. If this one improves on the TF101, so much the better in my book.

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