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User Journal

Journal Journal: Just got back from Bermuda

I was in Bermuda for a week. Nice there, but my back was sore most of the time I was there.

I have a PS2 at home now and I spend a lot of time playing Tiger Woods golf on it.

Now I'm back to the grind at work of developing Flash games for pharmaceutical companies and trying to start up a financial services company on the side.

When I get home, I'm going to read up on the Hurst Exponent and play some golf after that.

and sleep. I like sleep. a lot.

User Journal

Journal Journal: so much better

I no longer work in the Office Space world. Granted, I still sit in a cube at a place where we do stupid shit for larger companies, and occasionally we all gather and have cake... but there aren't any consultants, layoffs, or Indian fellas.

I am pretty sure that were I to clean off my desk, I'd find a stapler... but it is a black Swingline, not red. So take that nancypants.

so I got that going for me... which is nice.

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The faster I go, the behinder I get. -- Lewis Carroll
