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Comment Re:Nope, it's the homeless (Score 1) 320

The homeless I see often near my work.
Crying baglady. (Always on the same corner, amd always crying.)
Shirtless birthday guy. (It is always his birthday, and he moves corners.)
Homeless HIV+ guy. (He is so unflaggingly upbeat and positive, [pun intended], that I have given him a few bucks once in a while.)
I need to get to $PLACE to see my daughter. (I fell for it the first time I saw him. Now I loudly call him on his BS.)

Submission + - Morse code test requirement to be reinstated for Amateur Radio License (kb6nu.com) 1

H0ek writes: One of the standards of excellence required to possess an Amateur Radio License was to pass a test of Morse Code sending and receiving capabilities. At the beginning of 1991 this requirement was removed for Technician Class licenses, and finally in 2007 this requirement was removed for General and Amateur Extra Classes. This will now be reversed and all new applicants will be required to submit to the Morse Code test again. Also, all previous no-code licensees will have a specific length of time to renew their license with the new code test requirements. This can either been seen as restoring a badge of honor to the venerable amateur radio license system, or the death knell for a crotchety old system fading away in a world of community-wide wifi and mobile communications.

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