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Comment Re:Groovy / Scala (Score 1) 238

You missed the point. Isn't there something akin to .NET Reflector (i.e., a disassembler) for Java? For C#, there is a one-to-one correspondence between CLI bytecode and C# source. I would imagine the same (or something very near it) is true for Java.

In other words, these are high-level bytecodes; not low-level assembly. Hence, they are easily disassembled to human-readable source.

Comment Re:There are a lot of Microsoft shills here... (Score 1) 221

But you know that splitting the parsing logic from the rendering logic and creating the interface between would take precious keystrokes from a programmer with limited time on his hands (and this was probably only one of many such points where splits would have to be made). Looks like they did the quick and easy thing by putting the GDI subsystem as a whole into the kernel.

Comment Re:Tell me it ain't C# (Score 1) 238

I don't care about type inference. My IDE does a good job. And I like static typing.

Type inference works with static typing. And, even if the IDE automatically produces boilerplate code, who wants to read and maintain *that*? I prefer high signal:noise ratios for source code.

First we got told that writing = "John" is bad. Bad, bad, bad. I never understood why.

The problem is with public fields; not with public properties. Properties allow you to enforce class invariants; fields do not.

Comment Re:Not you - it's the premise (Score 1) 234

So you get pleasure not from the repetition of patterns in Beethoven's Fifth, but from the interplay and differences.

Too bad you weren't giving this talk. The guy that gave it reduced this point to the mere repetition providing the beauty (and also was confused on his claim of pattern-freeness: there were in fact several recognizable patterns in the piece).

Comment Re:3 years ago (Score 1) 195

Yea, it definitely sounds like they've made improvements overall to the process. I think the most interesting bit is being able to get at compiler metadata (a la LLVM). This should open up so many more meta-programming opportunities (without the performance hit of reflection; i.e., with the perf gains of pre- and even re- compilation).

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