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Comment Re:This is why I'm leaving academia. (Score 2) 541

"Public debate needs to be held to a higher standard than it currently is. Would you expect to win a debate by having your entire team sign a letter saying no more than, "The other team is wrong"?"

You're assuming there is 'another team'. In this case, there is 'another team' in the same sense that the 'intelligent design' people want you to 'teach the controversy'. There is no 'other team'. There is a bunch of scientists and a bunch of lunatics who claim to be scientists. Forever having society confused about their status, is how they stay alive. You're just feeding into that.

Comment Re:This is why I'm leaving academia. (Score 1) 541

Exactly. If somebody were to publish a populair scientific book on the origins of the universe, misusing and quoting every study out there, and eventually seriously coming to the conclusion that the Sun is made of bananas, and this book were to become popular, you can bet your sweet ass that there would be a public outcry from all the scientists whose work was quoted.

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 541

That happens. It's ironic for example, from a sociological standpoint, that one of the areas with the most inbreeding in the UK is the area around Hull. Here, there are two populations that are both terribly inbred: the aboriginals, and the import Pakistani's. They *could* interbreed and resolve their inbreeding, but they won't.

Of course, 'they won't' means that they won't *yet*. Our long years into adulthood gives us terrible oversight of these things. Give it a generation or two and they'll be in bed with each other like rabbits.

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 541

That's not insightful, that's dumb: in animal breeding people control every single aspect and criterium of mating. That's just impossible in humans! If only because our resolve to constrain mating are always limited to one or two generations (Berlin wall, anti-miscegenation laws, etc).

Humans will travel, and human males will stick their thing in anything that moves (and doesn't move).

Comment Re:Biological Basis to Race (Score 1) 541

'Race is a commercial qualifier in the industry that breeds cats, dogs and horses'. And that's all there's to it.

There are dominances of certain genes within certain biotopes, but there are no races. Case in point: the entirity of South America, more or less. Human males will fark everything that moves - that's just how it works. And that's how there isn't even a question of subspeciation *). We're really all of us quite the same.

*) A subspecies is when the same species is separated by, for example, a mountain range, and have differentiated to the point that they don't recognize each other as mating material, even though they could produce viable offspring.

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