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Comment Re:Well no shit! (Score 1) 232

Wrong. You can use a deprecated engine which is limited slow and inferior. So all those who want to compete with iOS cannot have a level playing field.

Cite? You can only use webkit on iOS. btw, when you say "competing with iOS" you weaken your argument by way of sounding like a prat.

Comment Re:I just don't care (Score 1) 232

are you a lawyer? care to cite the exact law they are breaking, along with court precedent of a comparable case?


Google has 70% of the search market. Many companies with much less market dominance have fallen under this act for a much smaller share of the market, because they could exert monopoly power (most likely due to network effects).

Comment Re:Pointing out the stark, bleeding obvious... (Score 5, Informative) 247

So the plan is to install enough batteries to power the world all night long, and then for a week or two when the weather is bad?

Or is it to put solar all over the Earth and have a massive world wide power grid to move power to where it is needed?

I suppose either is technically possible, I just don't think either is likely to happen.

Read up on baseload power plants: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B...

Essentially solar energy activists aren't out to throw away all coal or fossil fuel plants - just to increase the diversity of power (with a gradual push towards renewables as battery technology and solar extraction improve). Some solar proponents also even support properly implemented nuclear (me!) - anything to get us off the coal crack-pipe.

btw, an industrial scale solar molten salt facility does have a built-in battery - take a look here - its not like this is unfamiliar territory - it's been implemented. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S...

Comment Re:what's the C in AC stand for? (Score 1) 1089

Spoken like a true AC.

Do a little searching of the news. You should find references that there are at least 850 registered voters over 150 in New York City. In North Carolina there are over 2200 registered voters over 110 and at least two actively voting over age 150, the oldest being 160 when a vote was cast in 2012. These people would be automatically purged from the voting rolls if votes were not being regularly cast against their registrations. And, by an amazing coincidence, the vast majority of these voters are registered Democrats.

Care to qualify that with an actual citation? (pro-tip: link to a non-partisan website for more believability)
Saying "do a little searching" is bullshit.

Comment Re:You can have my steering wheel. . . (Score 5, Interesting) 341

when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

Which may very well occur when autonomous vehicles can't decide what they should do and come to a stop, causing others to plow into them.

More likely, just like older folk that insist on hand-writing letters, having a land-line, and banking in person, you will not be forced to give up your driving. Instead, your costs will go up, while other more inexpensive or convenient options will become available for those who don't care to drive to get from A->B.

Feel free to yell at those folks from your porch to stay off your lawn as they blissfully ignore you.

Comment Re:I dont see the need for this feature... (Score 1) 95

Also 2 day delay will instantly kill this feature.

I dont know if this is available in the USA.

However here in Canada, from any bank I can do an Interact e-mail transfer.

Recipient receives the e-mail in 20-30 mins, followings instructions and cash is transferred bank to bank instantly.
Cost is $1.50. which is less than ATMs charge to withdraw your cash.

I pay my rent this way (as there is an electronic log), and transfer money to the ex for child related things, again because of electronic log.

Ubiquity is the selling point - ok, this is US only, but for local transactions where cash is either not present (no ATM around) or inconvenient ($28 when everyone only has 20's) then this could be "easier" than other payment apps - esp. if you're all already using the app.

Plus - what about paying for your night-in with your "acquaintance with benefits"?

Comment Car pr0n? (Score 1) 188

“We do not have adequate bandwidth capabilities to the car to support streaming video at this time,”

Notice that this doesn't mention *local* recording - say, a snapshot every 30 seconds or so. Then auto-upload via WiFi when the car returns to the agency. This might be very valuable for corporate marketing research, and to catch people doing things in the cars that their contract frowns on :-)

Or as a separate venture to capture and broadcast "in-car pr0n" - they don't have to be pictures - HD space is cheap... I wonder if that's covered in the rental agreement fine-print.

Comment Thanks, Winston (Score 1) 188

Realize you have no control over it. You don't know where "the" microphone is, whether it is active, nor how many there are. And you never will.

Listen, is it normal to expect all our encounters to have "party oversight"? For now, I'll assume that Hertz vehicles are "police state-ready" while others are still "in development".

Makes my choices easier for now.

Comment Re:well.. (Score 1) 760

It hurts revenue generation for the police force because a lot of the people pulled over are in poverty and get small fines.

You're making the assumption that this would continue. Instead, it's more likely the police would target more expensive cars for smaller infractions, since a BMW going 6mph over the limit is likely to be more lucrative than a rusted-out Dodge Dart going 15mph over.

Again, I fail to see the problem :)

(Bimmer owners think they also own the road)

Comment Strawman argument, here we come! (Score 4, Informative) 550

ISPs deal with this in some legitimate ways like throttling (deprioritizing bittorrent packets so that they're first to drop when congestion occurs or policing the endpoints to a maximum throughput rate) and some not-so-legitimate ways (injecting connection reset packets to disrupt sessions).

Sounds like a strawman to me. No one (except perhaps the anti-NN folks, like yourself) has proposed that throttling excessive usage goes against the tenets of NN. What NN does argue, however, is that throttling *based on endpoint* is not kosher - mainly because it provides a strong negative incentive to customer quality.

From the FCC Commission Document ( http://www.fcc.gov/document/fc... ):

No Throttling: broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.

Don't confuse last-mile congestion issues (that you raise, and are legitimate) with throttling the interconnects. In your example, the BT excessive user should expect to hit monthly caps (which are not covered by NN) or overall throughput caps, especially during peak times. That's all (again referring to Commission Document) considered:

Reasonable Network Management: For the purposes of the rules, other than paid prioritization, an ISP may engage in reasonable network management. This recognizes the need of broadband providers to manage the technical and engineering aspects of their networks.

Comment Re:"Conservatives" hating neutrality baffles me (Score 4, Insightful) 550

The conservative bias is "don't regulate what you don't have to,"

s/what you don't have to/at all/

Republicans know that if government doesn't do regulation, the monopoly or cartel that owns the market sure will (and such regulation is optimized to maximize profits, not the health of the market, much less *customer* health).

And thats where the congresscritters get their campaign funding. Sounds pretty clear to me what their goal is - just like their funders, it's to line their pockets.

Comment Re:Passed Time (Score 2) 135

Just because the police can do something, doesn't mean they should be legally allowed to do it. Before all the fingerprint comments start, I will remind folks that DNA is categorically different than fingerprints. Yes, both can identify an individual. But that is like saying both a driver's license and a smart phone can be used to identify a person. If you search someone's smart phone, you have boatloads more information. DNA is becomming more useful by leaps and bounds every year. This is too much information for the government to just blythely collect and shove into databases with little safeguard against hacking, misuse, and abuse. There seriously needs to be a national discussion and laws passed. It is sad that this is unlikely to happen.

Some (ie, those part of the security industrial complex) do not want this discussion because they fear a curtailment of police powers. Others do not want it because they don't trust our current government to not bend this discussion into the interests of the wealthy.

Luckily the supreme court is a bastion of ethical behavior and impartiality [1]. I trust this outcome is based on a rational forward-thinking, wise consideration.

[1 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/...

Comment Re:Just Remember (Score 1) 188

I cannot even begin to count the number of commenters here who pushed HTML5 as the best way to end, once and for all, those incredibly invasive and annoying Flash ads.

You got exactly what you were asking for.

So long as business is on the web, there will never, ever, ever be a technological "solution" to online advertising. There's simply too much money at stake for that to happen.

Flashblock does to HTML5 and Silverlight what it does to Flash. It blocks it.

The only difference between today and 2 years ago is that nowadays some browsers (Firefox, Safari for sure) block Flash by default (assuming you're not on the latest version plugin - which resembles 90% of people I know). This must be impacting the bottom line of online advertisers.

We're back to not relying on the browser to auto block ads and to use plugins like block and Flashblock (I go one step further and use facebookblocker but that's just me) to keep ourselves from being spammed.

The only problem is that mobile users are now going to use more bandwidth and get ads in return.

Comment Re:News (Score 1) 211

thats it, would have cost next to nothing to the people, and would accomplish the only good thing that obamacare has going for it.

..and is something many States already had a law for. It is unbelievable how many people point to the pre-existing conditions rule completely unaware that they were already living under such a law. It just goes to show that uninformed idiots are deciding things, and then defending those things, while commiting logical fallacies all the way through.

[cite needed]

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