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Comment reminds me of something that occurred to me once.. (Score 1) 530

Long ago, shortly after completing Roger Penrose's "the Emperor's New Mind", so the subject matter was still turning over in my head, I had the idea while half asleep that all existence was a hugely infinite array of potentials and possibilities, and that among countless permutations was a single particular configuration, that included the physical constants as we know them and the world line of each individual particle, that fit together in such a way to perfectly describe the physical universe as we know it, and as a conscious virtual being in this universe, considering the notions of which I am writing, OBSERVES the truth of the ideas he just had, collapsing the wavefunction and bringing into physical being, well, everything. I love when books carry into the half awake half dream state!

Comment Re: 4 years (Score 1) 682

Incarcerated with access to an android or ios smartphone? I know there are cell phones in prisons (contraband) but do you really think he's going to be able to get a cellphone in there to match what his kid has and be able to spend quality video chat time? I guess the kid will have to be woken at 3 am when it's safe to talk on the phone?

Comment Re: Well (Score 1) 189

My thoughts exactly... I love the phone itself- decent specs, killer firm factor, Nokia true black (amoled?) Screen. Looks especially nice where the black glass meets up with the chassis on one of the colored phones. I wonder if anyone's managed to get android running on a lumia.

Comment Re: no ghettos pre-internet? (Score 1) 452

I don't know all the facts I haven't followed this that close, I was just trying to argue the point that just because one has a gun in hand doesn't mean the person it's pointed at can be counted on to stand there like a scared little rabbit. I myself of the opinion that as soon as Martin left the safety of his yard to go back to confront Zimmerman, he became the aggressor.

Comment Re: no ghettos pre-internet? (Score 1) 452

Plenty. I personally have taken a gun from a man who was waving it about in a threatening manner, long story. I don't claim to be a badass , and don't have a history of fighting, but just could see it in his eyes that he wasn't ready to pull the trigger. Mindset of both is hugely important.I'm guessing that he saw that look of fear in Zimmerman's eyes and knew he could do it. He had experience fighting, he's young and strong, and he sees some older scared looking dude, and took his chance. Hell, maybe he got Zimmerman when he was going for his gun.

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