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Comment Re:Proverb (Score 1) 391

And yet there are times when the tool itself really is shitty. That statement is not meant to be infallible, unquestionable gospel. Some tools are simply poorly made and a bad fit for the job they're supposed to be used for.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2) 83

This is a good thing, as it will help prove the downfall of the current patent system. When you can get the big patent holders scared of other patent holders, we can get some progress in trimming the power of the vague and obvious patent.

Who says Cisco is scared? Also this same line has been trotted out for going on a decade every time a big company is sued over patents and yet it has lead to jack and shit.

Comment Re:Pay for their own show (Score 3, Insightful) 667

Which is like saying you can only add 1s together to get small numbers (aka "microevolution) but not big numbers (aka "macroevolution"). It's an absurd position. New species arise through the accumulation of lots of small changes not the silly "chimp giving birth to a human" fallacious argument that creationists spew.

Comment Re:The bigotry of the political correctness crowd. (Score 1, Flamebait) 107

Collectively, we can't move forward if we grant a monopoly on "legitimate" discrimination to one particular group of people (the political correctness crowed, for example).

You gave yourself away too easily. This just some rambling bigotry from some right-wing nutter. Being against institutionalized bigotry has nothing to do with this nonsense. No one believes this outside possibly a few fringe nutters and caricatures created by the very bigots themselves. Nothing is more funny than listening to them trying to paint themselves as the victims of "PC".

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