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Comment Re:don't connect it (Score 1) 106

Having a thermostat that logs temperature and activity online would be fine, so long as the furnace control circuit is physically disconnected from the logging circuits. There should be no way that the furnace could be controlled from the internet. It can't be security in software but a physical limitation of the device itself. There's very little reason for home appliances to be controlled in this manner. Commercial controls, however, are already accessible online and the security is terrible. I know someone who installs these and he showed me how he could login from home and change pretty much everything with an HVAC system. I seriously doubt a hacker would have much trouble taking control but I doubt they could really do much damage to an office building. Maybe they could impact someplace that had a real need for strict temperature control like a greenhouse or refrigerated storage facility.

Comment Car Sensors Suck (Score 1) 178

I'll bet it works as well as automatic headlights and automatic windshield wipers. Hell, even gas tank level sensors still suck. Engineers may design something that works, but by the time it makes it into a production vehicle it's been hacked up and cheapened and built out of flimsy plastic components to the point of being useless.

Comment The BBB For Science (Score 2, Insightful) 86

Sounds like a great idea, but in reality it'll end up being untrusted and reviled by scientists. Set yourself up as THE authority on judging anything and the people you're judging will hate you because of your biases, conflicts of interest, lack of oversight, lack of accountability, and poor dispute resolution.

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