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Comment Re:Bad place to ask (Score 1) 307

We use an instant messenger product at work, and the programmers often use it to ask me questions. I will spend about 20-30 seconds to type a 4-6 sentence response. They will take 2 minutes to respond with 4-5 words. BTW, you can see when they are responding, so I know they are typing the entire time.

It's called editing.

Nah, the managers use the messenger at work, we programmers like to, you know, program.
We're typing the entire time, cause doctor.el is running in another buffer.
Only bugger is reading Slashdot in w3m mode.

Comment Re:Haskel bashing (Score 1) 292

I am working with Haskell for a long time and don't understand the Haskell bashing in that article.

Neither do I. Elegance vs readability.

There is, however, a more pressing Haskell issue:
(diary excerpt)

  • 2002-01-01: plan hobby project to nurture and show off ego
  • 2002-01-02: decided to try and port ghc to msvc++ in a few weeks/months
  • 2002-01-03: figuring out compiler structure
  • 2002-01-05: WTF frigging perl demangler
  • 2002-01-16: sjeesh assembly
  • 2002-02-01: christ cygwin-less build system
  • 2002-02-05: nearly done.., need some nfo, just a sec

    WHAT? this guy Simon Marlow allocated 3-5 FSCKING days ("difficult") for the port of GHC to the Microsoft Visual C++.
    O M G ! ! ! F E E LS S O D E P R E S S E D * *
  • 2003-02-01: Perl job application accepted.

Comment Re:Are they soft lenses? (Score 1) 98

Perhaps you should try some rigid scleral lenses; they ride only on the sclera (white part) of your eye, and don't touch your eyeball lens at all.

Ehh. Nightmare on elmstreet with a bulbing keratoconus... Main use of sclerals is prosthetic to keep the eyeball lens at bay.
An experienced hospital optometrist (specialized in lenses, not glasses) will try not to rest any non-soft (ie RPG,hard) material on your eyeball lens to ease wearing (movement/blinking) and minimize scratching eyeball lens surface.

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