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Comment Re:someone explain for the ignorant (Score 1) 449

Visa and mastercard have issued an ultimatum of sorts to the merchants saying that this will only continue for magnetic stripe until the end of 2015, after which the merchant assumes liability for fraud.

Visa and Mastercard will be splitting the shift in liability between the bank issuing the credit card and the merchant accepting the card. If the bank hasn't issued a chipped card, the bank's will be on the hook for fraud; if the bank's issued a chipped card and the merchant hasn't upgraded their POS, the merchant will be on the hook.

Submission + - Obama To Unveil Plan To Bring About Faster Internet Access (

An anonymous reader writes: President Obama is rolling out a new plan to boost the speed of internet connections throughout the U.S. For one, he'll be asking the FCC for assistance in neutralizing state laws (PDF) that prevent cities from building municipal broadband services. These laws restrict competition and give the major ISPs no incentive to invest and innovate. Obama will also be directing other federal agencies to increase the amount of money they grant and loan to ISP-related projects. "Any effort by the FCC to preempt anti-muni-broadband laws will likely focus on a controversial part of the FCC's congressional charter known as "Section 706." That part of the law recognizes the FCC's authority to stimulate broadband deployment, which supporters of preemption argue the tactic would promote. If Section 706 sounds familiar, that's because it's also the legal tool some say should be used to promote net neutrality, or the principle that broadband companies shouldn't speed up or slow down some Web sites over others."

Comment Re:You are making things WAY TOO COMPLEX (Score 1) 182

Nope, at least not with any Paypal labels I've printed.

I've shipped countless packages a day late BTW, and never, ever had one returned.

In the eBay shipping center, next to the selector for Shipping Date is a link to More Info that states:

Mailing Date

The Mailing Date you select determines the date when your postage label is valid. An electronic record is generated on that date indicating that your package has been mailed. When creating an online label, you are responsible for providing accurate information when selecting the mailing date. You will have the option to select a mailing date up to 3 days in the future. Please note that the Mailing Date is formatted in Eastern Standard Time.

This is corroborated by the USPS notice posted earlier, though from your experience the notice should say "may be returned" rather than "will be returned." You are being given a grace period by the post office that accepts your package; others report their packages being returned, so late mailing is not something that can be counted upon systemwide.

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