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Comment Re:Go Ross, Go! (Score 1) 208

>If someone is in chronic pain, whether physical or mental and a drug as cheap to manufacture and as safe as heroin is cheaply available, does it matter if they become addicted?

something about the cure being as bad as the disease.

Besides being addictive, clean pure heroin is a safe drug, side affects are constipation and drowsiness. It's safe enough that my aunt was given it for childbirth (last one in Canada).
What is the hangup about being addictive? I'm addicted to air, water, food and even things like company. Then there are the drugs such as coffee that I'm addicted to and yet coffee is not demonized.

Comment Re:Go Ross, Go! (Score 1) 208

Lots of things are highly addictive, the various drugs starting with oxy are good examples as they're perhaps more addictive then heroin and frequently prescribed. Then there is alcohol, one of the few drugs that can kill you during withdrawal and tobacco, the most addictive and also one of the most deadliest.
If someone is in chronic pain, whether physical or mental and a drug as cheap to manufacture and as safe as heroin is cheaply available, does it matter if they become addicted?

Comment Re: Democracy is tyranny (Score 1) 106

Republic is pretty generic, examples include N. Korea, China and Syria and democracy now a days really means representative democracy (Switzerland is about the only close to pure democracy and one of the more free countries in the world) where the people vote in representatives to govern us. The opposite, monarchy, is also usually a representative democracy with the monarch mostly being a figure head. There are exceptions, mostly American allies who actively support the Taliban and Isis. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are examples of absolute monarchies.

Comment Re: Propaganda (Score 1) 106

You don't have protest parties? Here in Canada I've often voted for the Rhinoceros Party as I know they'll keep their promise not to keep any of their promises, promises such as repealing the law of gravity, building taller schools to promote higher education, annexing the United States and making it a territory, put an end to crime by abolishing all laws and so on.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 144

Well making women sit at the back of the bus is a kind of Apartheid. Of course Americans usually are in favour of Apartheid, you just have to look at their friends such as the Saudis, Kuwait and various other middle eastern countries, even going so far as to bomb and invade one of the few countries where women had close to equal rights and making sure of a huge mess, but it did make sure women were back in their place, no more education or wearing skirts

Comment Re: Because she had a big impact on peace on eart (Score 1) 144

That's only true of the American brand of libertarian. There are also leftists who are libertarian and they are the only ones who have had any real influence. Examples include Gandhi, the Dali Llama and Mandela.
Note I'm using the original definition of libertarian being the opposite of totalitarian and being one of the other 2 axis of politics.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 2) 144

In the interviews with her I've heard, she has also talked quite a bit about peace and how the likes of the Taliban do not stand for Muslims and how she understands her religion.
This cuts to one of the big problems facing us, namely the fact that groups such as the Taliban and ISIS are trying there hardest to make the west think that they are representative of Islam and therefore promote religious war.

Comment Re:Prove him right some more (Score 2) 263

Back before the science was banned, there was quite a bit of research with psychedelic drugs, mostly LSD, on the mentally ill and quite often between the drug and having a good guide, people were cured of their irrationality, or perhaps a better description was that they were helped to be more rational.
Wiki is one place to start, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P...

Comment Re:To quote Sir Arthur Clarke... (Score 1) 269

They're ignoring a lot of the prep work that needs to be done to even entertain the idea of a long time research station, little well a colony. Need to do lots of exploring to decide on an ideal spot, somewhere with readily available water for a starts and most people forget that Mars has the same land area as the Earth. Then there is the new technology that will be required such as a nuclear generator that functions on Mars, something that should be quite possible but will require engineering and testing and likely re-engineering. Machinery to mine the atmosphere is another big one, going to need nitrogen at least. Then there are the other practical problems that might show up such as the effects of the finings (Martian dust) which may get into everything and being mostly iron oxide could be hard on electronics.
As long as it takes 16-18 months just to make the trip, things are going to be slow.

Comment Re:Sure... too bad they DIDN'T BOTHER TO GET ONE! (Score 1) 208

Only now do I notice that you put your comment in the subject. Hint, some people read the comment box rather then the subject and at least you should duplicate your message in the message box.
Personally if I was using my mod points in this article, I wouldn't have done more then skim your message and skipped it even though it deserved up-modding.

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