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Comment Piracy FTW! (Score -1) 32

The EFF has become a free advertising grounds for Da Man now. Just like union bosses were actually relatives of Da Man, they sneak up and wriggle their ways up in these organizations pretending to defend the interest of unions or the public against the interests of Da Man, and once in key leadership positions, they can levarage and moderate the living life out of unions til they are all dead or lobotomized carcasses that still kick around and collect union dues without actually providing high paying jobs or any tangible benefit in return, all the while fucking up the whole country, shortsightedly laying waste the whole economy, just so that Da Man, one person, or a few people, a minor percentage of the population, can make more money, temporarily. Fuck the corrupt EFF pretending to protect the interests of the public. Fuck Adobe DRM. Fuck any DRM for that matter. Fuck the DMCA. To this day I refuse to watch a single DVD movie because it contains DRM. And I have the right to boycott DRM in my life like that, and I will try to live out the rest of my life without ever watching a single region coded and similar DRM carrying DVD. An exception of course would be a data disk containing nonDRM videos, without regions codes and the like.

What's really needed is some people in the government with some spines, who can nationalize these abusive private companies like Adobe, Microsoft, in fact all utility companies or monopolies, USRA style, and divide them up and re privatize them to other people who are not as unscrupulously conspiring like these fuckers, and who would actually compete against each other, know how to exercise self restraint when it goes against the interests of the public, and actually create useful stuff instead of concocting ways of how to put the rest of the population into even more restrictive bondage, and how to tap the creative energy, and channel the rewards from that into their own pocket, like the richest guys on the planet, a prime example being Bill Gates, a college dropout, who never created anything other than schemes of sucking out more money from creative people, and in return, from the rest of the population. What did Bill Gates create? GW BASIC? That's another run of the mill BASIC, which was originally created by Janos Kemeny and Tom Kurtz. The real creators of the early computing systems were Gary Kildall, with a PHD in computer science, who created the BIOS and DOS, the employees at Xerox who created Windows/GUI systems, with phd's, and the guys at DEC, with phd's, working on VMS who created the NT preemptive multitasking kernel that finally avoids constant blue-screening so common back in the 90's with windows. All the while making the choice to stay away from the overly complex and resource abusing C++, and stick with the simple and robust C for the windows API, but these days we have unimaginable bloat of java and dotnet, way beyond C++, and all the code made since about 2002 is pure raw shit and garbage, and they still want to shove it down your throat and extort billions for it. No thank you, take your fucking recently created software and shit code eat it yourself. All the while loading it up with more and more gargantuan control schemes like DRM, activation, etc. And they are looking for creative employees to exploit as coding slaves, not stopping themselves from intentionally infecting people with life threatening diseases, or making them wheelchair bound handicaps, by forcing them into intentional accidents, like a remote control car with a smooth power steering, so smooth that sometimes, on the highway, it steers opposite of the steering wheel, just to land you in a crash and make you wheelchair bound. Just so they have no other means of making a living then coding for them. These guys won't stop at anything. If anything these owners at Microsoft and Adobe need to be infected and forced to be wheelchair bound and handicapped, to get a little taste of their own medicine. And now their are trying to fix up their public image and goodwill by "philantropy", donating half a billion dollars they unscrupulously extorted from the rest of the population, to fight diseases like malaria, and that's just a news broadcast, you'd be lucky to see one 100,000 of that money actually end up in fighting malaria, and that too just to have one or two example stories to cover their asses when asked where is the money, because, of course they also control all media channels and politicians anyway. Fucking corrupt motherfuckers. They keep fucking with me, and I keep fucking with them. I know everyone has dirty laundry, and some of it very dirty, to even when they don't fuck with you you have a duty to cry foul, but when the fuck with you on top of that, what the fuck. Tell the whole world.

I'm a great advocate of leave me the fuck alone, so I can live over here and you can live over there. That includes the government and mandatory bills. I want less government in my life, and less private domination too. If I ever vote on any party it's gonna be the Tea Party, and I would even participate in some reenactment scenes of actually destroying some physical property, like dumping tea into the sea because of mandatory taxes, how about when they increase sales tax go into stores and destroy merchandise, tea party style, or when they increase payroll taxes, destroy some company equipment, when they increase car insurance limits, go smash up some cars, without hurting anybody, it's all just fucking private property, nobody's getting hurt, what's the big deal, oh yeah, it's that important, you said it, so how come taking it from people is not that important. When they increase some mandatory expense burden on the population, like payroll taxes, sales taxes, utility basic connection fees that apply even in absence of consumption, mandatory insurance purchases, increases in mandatory insurance coverage limits, just increases in taxes in general, while cutting jobs and outsourcing everything to foreign countries and forcing everyone into minimum jobs. There is a bunch of corrupt crooks all over the key leadership positions who don't care about the public, who don't care about the country, all they worry about is stuffing their own pockets or their constituents and buddies pockets at the expense of everyone else. I am willing to work for very little money and respect the dollar, but in exchange I don't want to pay the insane housing costs stuffing the pockets of banks with tallest skyscrapers for the rest of my life with interest, i don't want to pay any form of mandatory insurance, aka mandatory gambling, which is a horrible gamble, for each dollar invested you get back less than 50 cents, if that, I don't want to pay any utilities, this includes abusive sewer systems, that send me bills of mandatory basic utility fees when I had them turn off the water at the street front, when a homeless guy flooded my basement on purpose, and they kept sending bills, saying it was an emergency disconnect, but the account is still active, and fees apply, even if you can't get any water. How is the water off? It's officially off or unofficially off. It's fucking off, not a single drop is coming into the house. Then they say, and this came out of their mouth, in order to fully disconnect sewer service, they'd have to come into the house and "pour cement down each sewer hole." Can you believe that? It's not enough for them to have the water shut off at the street front, because you might still piss down the sewer holes, even if you can't flush it. Same with the gas company, that, when I did not use them much for like months, other than hot water, I used to have like $10 bills, now that they are no longer properly regulated, they send me a standard assraping $25/mo fee before which any other fees apply, to the point of where the landlord, having floors below me empty of tenants because the only tenants he can get for the assraping rent are welfare supported ones who don't care about how high the rent is, if welfare pays for it anyway, all the while breeding out of control on welfare money, when I can barely keep it together financially, let alone assume extra financial responsibilities, like raising a child, while they raise all kinds of kids on my tax money, abusing my good will of trying to not letting anyone starve in this country (hey in Africa it's okay to have 20 kids if 18 starve and 2 survive and carry on the chain of life and maintain a stable population level, but in the USA where the government feeds everybody, having 20 kids and all 20 surviving simply leads to an economic collapse of the whole system and a zombie apocalypse with hunger games) and now they want me to go educate their kids in math and science, teach them how to build better weapons and how to kill me, or my kind, better, all the while not letting me have kids and go extinct anyway, by piling on the burden financially, including Obamacare, increased taxes, increased utility fees, increased all kinds of garbage like grass cutting, house demolition. Fuck them. I want to get the fuck away from any city or any utility zones. that have any kind of sewer systems, and be able to shit in a hole I dig in the ground, then spread it as precious fertilizer for the vegetables I eat, instead of giving it to them, not getting paid for giving it to them, instead getting raped on fees for them having to deal with it. Abusive fucking governments and private businesses in power. I don't want any fucking bills at all. No housing cost, no food cost, no water cost, no fuel cost, no utility cost of any kind except a backup electric connection to the grid that actually pays to me if I feed it some electric, instead of consuming from it, no insurance cost, public education cost (especially this one, teach your own fucking kids, and I'll teach mine, don't make me pay for their education when you have so many and won't let me have any.) I wanna live independent. Tea party July 4 style. Get the fucking government and these abusive private corporations you can all gather under one hat and call Da Man, King of England style. The only thing I'm willing to pay for is taxes for a federal military. That's it. And public roads, sustained by local government budgets. No public education, no social security, except for elderly and handicaps, but not to healthy people breed out of control inconsiderately of others money on it, saying why should I work when I am better off on welfare, (government pays rent, food, insurance, transportation, which I don't need that much, and which, if I work, I can't make ends meet on what I make, including the daily commute,) and especially no mandatory insurance bullshit of any kind. Don't get me wrong, I like insurance available as an option, I like options, I like variety, but you can't make it mandatory even if I find the price and their profit margin is not right for my financial situation, just like you can't make me buy apples in a store if I don't find it a good deal, especially when other food is cheaper comparatively. Timothy McVeigh recited at his execution the poem Invictus, which ends in "I am the captain of my soul." I am in charge of managing my credit and financial situation to best of my abilities, and the bankrupt government with a clear record of unable to manage their own credit, should not meddle in my financial affairs, unless it's willing to take over the responsibility when I file for bankruptcy, all 3 major credit reporting agencies saying I have good credit but the government accepted responsibility for one of my bankruptcies, for making me buy stupid overpriced bullshit that made me collapse, like Obamacare, that pimps money into his private buddies pockets as something like 50% profit margin.

Comment China, mankind's last hope? (Score -1) 109

These short average stature Asians built the Great Wall and the deadly and treacherous Rocky Mountain portion of the US Transcontinental Railroad, while the taller Europeans only built the flat prairie piece of cake parts. The Chinese can be obsessed workaholics. Maybe they can pull off building a centrifugal artificial gravity rotating cylinder floored self sustaining/farming Great Space Station which can accommodate free roaming kangaroos hopping around and giraffes eating from tall trees in their zoo / sky city jungle parks, beside much of the rest of the Noah's Ark animals. They want to call is Sky City, but I think a city is not big enough to accommodate all of Noah's creatures to where they feel free roaming around freely. Such as aquariums for whales, sharks, killer whales, corals, etc. It's got to be huuuuge. But if successful, I expect the Moon to be gone within about 500 years, so take a good look at it, maybe some pictures to leave for future generations. Then the Muslims will have to find something else to put on their flags, else their kids will keep asking them what that symbol is on the flag. I just hope if the Chinese pull it off they don't make other people learn Chinese, because their alphabet is really difficult compared to the 26 alphabet English. I much prefer English, maybe a future modernized version of it that spells more phonetically. Like what's the point of spelling accommodate with so many computer memor, printer ink and time wasting letters? Speling it as acomodate wud b fin. Texters are evolving the language in that direction, shorthand becoming more and more mainstream than b4.

Comment Re:US Citizenship (Score 0) 190

Yes, they did worry about that. They worried about urbanization, where everyone is slave to an employer, who controls their vote, and instead they wanted to create a Jeffersonian democracy of yeoman farmers. Even Washington, when he could have crowned himself Emperor of the United States Colonies, like Napoleon did in France, instead he returned his mandate of general of the military, and said he was going back to his farm. That was totally unexpected, and even King George of England said that Washington was the greatest man alive that he did that. They recalled him to be the first president, but after 4 years he saw where that was going, and started the custom of 4 year terms only for top leaders of this country, which of course has its pluses and minuses, one of the minuses being, that being in charge temporarily, they don't care for long term consequences of what happens to the country, instead they seek near term gains for themselves and their buddies who helped them get elected.

Comment Re:How about we hackers? (Score -1) 863

"It's those that demand change that need to justify themselves."
This is basic common sense, and tradition. Maybe those who pimp systemd so aggressively, and assault the conservatives over their reluctance to change, need to read the Declaration of Independence. To help them out, here is a full text of it.

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
  He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
  He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
  He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
  He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
  He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
  He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
  He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
  He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
  He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
  He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
  He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
  He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
  For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
  For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
  For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
  For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
  For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
  For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
  For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
  For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
  For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
  He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
  He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
  He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
  He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
  He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

The 56 signatures on the Declaration appear in the positions indicated:

Column 1
        Button Gwinnett
        Lyman Hall
        George Walton

Column 2
North Carolina:
        William Hooper
        Joseph Hewes
        John Penn
South Carolina:
        Edward Rutledge
        Thomas Heyward, Jr.
        Thomas Lynch, Jr.
        Arthur Middleton

Column 3
  John Hancock
  Samuel Chase
  William Paca
  Thomas Stone
  Charles Carroll of Carrollton
  George Wythe
  Richard Henry Lee
  Thomas Jefferson
  Benjamin Harrison
  Thomas Nelson, Jr.
  Francis Lightfoot Lee
  Carter Braxton

Column 4
      Robert Morris
        Benjamin Rush
        Benjamin Franklin
        John Morton
        George Clymer
        James Smith
        George Taylor
        James Wilson
        George Ross
        Caesar Rodney
        George Read
        Thomas McKean

Column 5
New York:
        William Floyd
        Philip Livingston
        Francis Lewis
        Lewis Morris
New Jersey:
        Richard Stockton
        John Witherspoon
        Francis Hopkinson
        John Hart
        Abraham Clark

Column 6
New Hampshire:
        Josiah Bartlett
        William Whipple
        Samuel Adams
        John Adams
        Robert Treat Paine
        Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island:
        Stephen Hopkins
        William Ellery
        Roger Sherman
        Samuel Huntington
        William Williams
        Oliver Wolcott
New Hampshire:
        Matthew Thornton

Of course this "holy" text disregards the rights of Indians, so to speak, with whom some kind of better balance could have been established, and also the issue of slavery, which, the Crown could afford to ban, but it became an economic necessity of the United States. It was not until tobacco became a high profit market item to the Old World that the colonies had a somewhat secure economic standing, and it was not until cotton from the South, exported, or even processed at clothing factories in Boston, that the US became an economic powerhouse in the world. Even as late as 1933 cotton was the top export item of the US to the world, and even today it retains a significant market share. Picking cotton, unfortunately, is extremely labor intensive, and it may not have been profitable if fair wages had to be paid to slaves doing it. Which is why we have had affirmative action in place for decades, but it also creates problems of overpopulation without an external economic constraint present, as we try not to let anyone starve regardless of how they were born, but this welfare burden also drags the government debt into levels to where one simply has to state that it will never be repaid, and some kind of writeoff in the future will be the normal course of events, in the form of some kind of system crash or economic transition. The debt cannot be repaid because the cost of living in the US is too high compared to the rest of the world, and in that, before Obamacare sets mandatory health insurance loose on everybody, starting with babysteps of only 10% of your income, then that limit lifted when the government can no longer pay the rest, so before this new era of healthcare costs spiraling out of control, it has been housing that was the most insane cost of living expense, followed by transportation, then utilities, insurance and taxes, and clothing and food has been very low. The top cost should be food, the daily bread, followed by almost daily transportation, followed by clothing every few years, and followed by housing once in a lifetime. Yes, housing cost should be less than clothing cost. All the other bullshit of taxes and insurance and the like are arbitrary and superfluous when push comes to shove. The problem today is housing, the cost of property, by Da Man holding all property hostage, and extorting insane amounts for rent, or giving people a makebelieve dream that, if they only pay the tax deductible interest for 30-40 years on a mortgage, they will be able to pay it off, and avoid paying rent for those 30 years. Of course most people lose their job at least once in 30-40 years, at which point their mortgage resets back to zero, which is why it's called the American Dream, because you are dreaming, wishful thinking. Da Man hogs all property and keeps its prices high, and now he wants to extend the limits of property, to intellectual domains to never before seen extents, such as claiming intellectual property rights and suing people over breeds of dogs being copied, or genetic engineered seeds that produce only infertile seeds, controlling the food supply of the whole world through claiming intellectual property over it, all the while destroying the country. Da Man is destroying the country in a short sighted, overmilking it way, when he refuses to adapt to the new realities of global competition, reduced wages in the US from $25/hr union wages to $8/hr minimum wage if the person is lucky to get a minimum wage job and not have to sit on welfare, and all the while rent prices increasing. What Da Man needs to do is drop the rate of milking the cow, let the cow keep it's milk, let it live, come back to life, and flourish, and once it's healthy and back to normal again, he can restart the milking, at a sustainable rate, we don't really care, but when he's milking the cow to extents to where he will destroy the cow with it, we start complaining and bitching loud. We understand he needs to milk the cow, so he can live too, but not to the point of ignoring the welfare of the cow too, and destroying it with his shortsighted concern of only himself. We the People are the cow. Da Man needs to drop the cost of living, and in that the cost of housing, not add extra cost of mandatory insurances like Obamacare and increased taxes like increased payroll taxes, to where our cost of living is low enough to compete with the rest of the world. Pretty much everyone I know works their ass off to pay for their housing. Most of their income is spent on housing. How the hell did housing prices get so out of control? Everyone is guilty. All I know China is not going to stop underwriting the value of the dollar with a lot of sweat equity and providing products for cheap. We finally got them to agree to relax their pegging of currency against the dollar for value, so this way Da Man can create fluctuations and arbitrage, and milk income from that arbitrage out of the rest of the population's hard work. But China agreed nevertheless, but even so they are not gonna stop underwriting the dollar and sustaining it's value and stability as the world currency by providing a lot of value for very little dollars, irregardless of how hectic and insane our leaders run our country, irregardless of what economic mayhem and hunger games crash they are trying to create with their crazy financial policies, even when things have come to an absolute breaking point of making the dollar worthless, by starting up the printing presses and diluting its value by flooding the market with paper money of no intrinsic value, nor backing of it by gold or collected taxes, so even under this scenario China keeps faithfully providing value against the dollar, underwriting it with a lot of work, and they are a massive stabilizing force in the world for monetary stability through that. But we have to stoop to their level too of providing a lot of worth for very little money, competing with them on their terms, and underwriting our dollar with a lot of value created by us for very little dollars, if we want to stop our insanity of businesses shutting down and outsourcing to China, Mexico and Bangladesh, and everyone ending up on quasi-welfare unemployment, or just straight welfare in the process, while piling on the national debt to ever higher levels. Of course we'd be a competition to China in production, and they'd have to adapt by cutting back on their own production, but in a sense they would tolerate that if that creates a stable world. No nation in the world has undergone bloodbaths in history like the Chinese, and it all lives vividly in their memory, and they are still tired of it all thousands of years later, and there is nothing they prefer more than peace and stability, but it is possible to piss them off and incite them into aggression with sufficient harassment. But if we clean up our house and create stability in our economy, by creating Made in USA cheaper than Made in China, because we can drop our cost of living to their cost of living, and create stability at home, China might be tolerant of the extra competition and lost markets they get from that, even while they are struggling with their internal overpopulation issues, because of lack of enough monks, but if we create stability and peace in the world, they'd welcome that.

But dropping cost of living expenses, so we can start competing with the rest of the world on price - e.g. by providing shoes and everything else at $9/pair when they do it at $12/pair, because of the shipping cost, but we may simply be too snobby and unwilling to work so cheaply, because we are better than that - would also put a severe stop to inflation and create a deflation, to where our national debt becomes even harder to pay off, but as long as we could come up with a sustainable solution to Made in the USA, and not everybody sitting on unemployment, welfare, or minimum wage, and businesses constantly shutting down and moving to foreign countries, we could worry about the debt then. If I had more extra money I'd buy more things, and more expensive ones. But if my basic living costs of housing, transportation and utilities put a limit on my spending power, I cannot sustain other businesses than paying these basic costs to Da Man himself, who pretty much controls all housing, transportation cost, and utility costs. Food and clothing presently rank very low on the list of my expenses, when food, the daily bread, has traditionally been the single biggest preoccupation of all lifeforms, including people, and it's pretty much the only absolute necessity, other than of course water, or air, but those two are free for now, but water is losing that status. Especially while people are forced to pay rent, or live in jam packed neighborhoods, and the rainwater falling for free out of the sky like manna collection systems cannot be efficiently created, because Da Man charging the rent does not want you to modify his property, because he is also starting to derive great profit from making your tap water unpotable, and making you sick with it, to where you are forced to buy his overpriced bottled water that sometimes costs more than pop which has actual food value calories in it. And even pop is starting to be poisoned, to get people on the bandwagon of buying their plain drinking water, whose price then can be controlled to even higher exploitation limits than housing. And then comes the issue of air, which you need to consume every couple seconds, unlike water every couple hours, or food every couple days. When air is turned into private property, and you have to pay a fee to consume it, directly to Da Man, that's gonna be a hell of a world without much Liberty. You say something that pisses off Da Man? He'll instantly increase your air fees, and you will no longer get the discounts, like he can manipulate other people by giving everybody different rates of car insurance, based on his political views and what not. Maybe if they want to push a mandatory car insurance purchase on everybody, they should also set the mandatory rates charged, that people approve with voting, where you can look up your fee based on your driving record. But of course all that does is transposes the game from the variable fees to the variable driving records, where cops will hunt certain people but let others off, or even just plain falsify driving records. Da Man can do that. He can even fuck up your driving record and make you lose your license over unpaid child support. What do child support payments have to do with driving safely, or car insurance rates? It's all fucking bullshit anymore, and we're getting close to the tipping point where we have to roll out the guillotines, and recite the Declaration of Independence to Da Man, before we stack his head into a pyramid.

Back in the day businesses respected the market, the customer, and only produced as much as the customer could truly desire, while letting the customer get the most out of his previous investments, irregardless if by doing so, they limited their own profit. That should be normal, ethical business behavior where the customer is king. This is the kind of stuff China for instance is pissed about, when they wave their puppet neighbor, North Korea at us. These days we're slowly getting into territories where you have a perfectly working car that's only a couple years old, but to make profit the car company will remotely kill your car via a phoenix bit inside the chip in the car computer, because he no longer has the patience to wait it out before it rusts away from his purposefully designed in rusting away policy. That kind of attitude is bullshit, and we have all the right to bitch against businesses like Microsoft and much of the web or even car companies over forced upgrades and loss if existing investment property for the simple reason of satisfying their desire to generate profit. What kind of bullshit is that, I will no longer sell you Windows 7, because I feel like stuffing some new garbage we concocted that you don't want to buy down your throat. Microsoft is a monopoly, and they are so because they actively attacked and killed off other software businesses to become a monopoly, and they should be regulated by the chicken government. Over simple stuff like, by being a standard and having everyone write software for that standard, then using that power to put shit like code into Windows 3.1 that seeks to kill off DR DOS, who lost out on the operating system deal with IBM to become the standard DOS in the early days of the PC, by lawyers from IBM trying to get his wife sign a nondisclosure agreement when he was not home, and she refused to sign it in the absence of her husband, so they said too late, we don't have time to wait, and took the deal over to Bill Gates, who was a college dropout, unlike Gary Killdal, who actually had a phd in computer science, and who later got violently killed in a bar for wearing the wrong biker clothing, not knowing that Harley Davidson was a forbidden fashion item in a biker club. Ever since the only way Bill Gates makes real money is by harvesting other people's creativity. And he's the richest guy in the world, he is the epitome of the kind of crap we allow to go down in the Land of the free and the home of the brave, while the rest of us are trying to serve society by trying to give everyone a value for the money they give us, and we don't go after them to destroy that value, just so they are forced to come back and buy again from us. What kind of bullshit is that? Fuck Microsoft, fuck Da Man, and fuck businesses that act arrogantly like that. Bill Clinton should have chopped up Microsoft in 1999 into like 4 baby softs, Bill Gates leading one, Paul Allen the other, Steve Ballmer the other, each based on the size of their ownership in the company, maybe even Charles Simonyi sticking around, and of course they would have colluded and conspired with each other against the customer still, but at least we would have had a higher chance of at least one of them serving the customer and protecting his prior investments, and if one of the 4 stands their grounds and provides backward compatibility and protects the investments of the customer, the others could not force upgrades onto their customers in a monopolistic fashion. But Wall Street responded, Da Man said don't fuck with our monopolies because we control everything by the balls anyway, including all the bank mortgage interest that lands in our pocket, we hold a monopoly on banking and erase with fire and hell and disease anyone who is not one of us who wants to enter that sector. The Sherman Antitrust Law is violated all over the place in this country anymore, by monopolies controlling political life through their unfairly extorted money from the rest of the population. It's called a corrupt system of government, it rots the good life away from the bulk of the population, at the minor benefit of creating good life for the relatively few of those who do it.

Comment Re:100 year old survival knowledge in PDF files??? (Score -1) 272

Which is why an oldschool fanless 486DX 33 with thick tracks in the silicon and relatively low heat generation or internal erosion, or even a fanned DX2-66 running Win95 with Acrobat 3 may outlast many of these modern fast cpus. It's all about feature size and electromigration and diffusion of silicon, and the more fanless the design, the less the heat generation, and better the longevity. Even if the 486 is far slower that my tastes require, and I've mostly become a collector of fan needing x86 CPU-based laptops and computers made between 1998 and 2005, which still run Win2K decently, the last version of Windows that works without activation, with video cards my tastes fall short of most people's requirements. My favorite video cards to this day are the nVidia Geforce 2 MX400, wiith 32 or 64MB memory, as they are fast enough even for DirectX 6 games, but they don't need fans. Before then, for Win95 was the Tseng Labs ET6000 2D-only cards, all Made in USA, but they have limited memory and limited screen resolutions from that. I also heard good things about Matrox 2D quality, Made in Canada. Back in the day you used to have a 3dfx standalone card for 3d, and if you were not playing around with 3d, you could always pull it from the motherboard. At least they could just unpower the 3d part of a video card for most usual 2D tasks such as reading a PDF, or typing on Slashdot should not require fancy 3d video instructions, in an ideal world, unfortunately these days even Slashdot is loaded with Flash ads that make the computer quiver and collapse on its knees from the overload of instructions it has to process, simply to usher everyone to upgrade, upgrade, throw your old computer away and spend some computing money into our pockets, says the computing people, and fuck with your old stuff on purpose. Back in the day there was a respect for the market and the customer, including making color TV backward compatible with black and white TV, to protect the accumulated wealth and investment of the customer, and only as many color TVs were manufactures and the customer requested or had funds available for, not by forced killing of old stuff, like it's so customary these days. Microsoft or Apple or any of the top computing companies these days would no longer make a decision to stay backward compatible with black and white television if that decision were left up to them. Their argument is that we have these hundreds of thousands of programmers working for us that we have to feed. What if the color TV standard designers back in the day used that argument, we have hundreds of thousands of people working in our TV factories and they'll go hungry if we don't purposely make black and white TV's obsolete and fucked with our new standard? Yes you have a right to exist, but you should cut back and adjust yourself to true customer needs while protecting the customers investments, as opposed to arrogantly attacking his investments just so you can make more money. Adam Smith's self interest as the ultimate best collective benefit guiding principle is fucking great. Even in XP you had an effort for backward compatibility all the way back to the earliest MS DOS things, and if those did not work, because direct hardware access was forbidden, and booting to DOS was no longer possible after Win98, the customers bitched. One of the values of Windows is being a standard of DOS in the 80's and Windows in the 90's, and the billions or trillions of investment into custom software that went into that, and once Microsoft is actively pulling the rug from these investments by pimping non backward compatible new shit, they are also actively pulling the rug from under themselves, because if the software has to be rewritten, it's no longer a top choice to write it for the abusive, lessons learned Windows platform, if you can help it. There is an active drive even from Microsoft to completely abandon the x86 platform which has trillions invested into it, and ditch Intel and AMD over low power Arm, where, the low power and long battery life and low electric bills do seem very enticing, I fear it is mostly done for reasons of killing people's old software that works just fine on x86, but not on ARM, so they hire programmers to rewrite everything from scratch, therefore generating revenue and profit for the computing business, their main goal as a company. They are absolutely not interested in preserving the customers investments, their only motivation more and more intensely is becoming self interest, their own profit, irregardless of the damage or amount of things they lay to waste external to themselves, in that process of promoting self interest. It's called Adam Smith's ideology of self interest is what best promotes collective interest. Our forefathers, even as late as the 1970's or even 80's, had common sense, and understood that balance of self interest with the interests of the environment you're trying to live in is necessary for the collective good. But as our current generation keeps decaying in intelligence and common sense, til we reach complete idiocracy, we see less and less of that balance, more economic stress, and people forced to fight against each other and do harm to each other, with simple things as nonbackward compatibility, simply because they themselves need to survive, and they don't know how to self moderate that, such as family planning to live within the means, or adapting business size and number of employees to actual market demand, instead of forcing increased market demand by unscrupulous techniques.

Btw, I went to that site, and the full download is 100GB, but it only comes through torrents, and I did not find an easy way to inspect the contents of the books. I fear some might still be in copyright, compared to what you can individually inspect and download from the advanced search of (btw Google has become a jerk these days, they don't respect search terms you give them, such as books between 1900 and 1922, they keep showing you books published in 1999 instead, so luckily we have, where filesizes are often larger, and browsing and inspecting the quality of the contents, making sure it's not crap, is more difficult, but whenever you have to give up on google, and it's "about this book" feature that highlights notable pages in the book, like a good image, and an image is worth a thousand words, usually books with images, drawings, formulas, sketches are worth a whole lot more, in at least science and technology, than imageless, novel-like narrative books. does not have this quick notable pages evauation part - so when you have to give up on google, the 2nd top choice is
I would love to have 100GB of carefully selected books, but all I see is a way to increase network traffic on torrents, which attract the attention of authorities, and often you're guilty of copyright violations simply because you have torrent traffic, irregardless of what you download from there. And the assault of copyright violating material is so thick on torrents, that it's near impossible to avoid downloading copyrighted material, while google does exert an effort not to provide pdf's of copyrighted books, though they too mess up sometimes, and make mistakes.

Also, as far as your comment goes, the longevity of storage media - all harddrives are prone to fail, so are nuclear bomb em wiping and destruction-sensitive things such as flash drives, or magnetic sensitive things that could be bulk erased by the government with a simple magnet to your storage containers, also most CD-R's based on organic inks are prone to fail, unlike molded aluminum CD's, but you do have a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of CD-RW's or even DVD-RW's(though again track size for CD-RW's is better, thicker, and requires less accuracy of laser reading head alignment compared to a DVD, so a CD-RW has a better chance of being read well even in a shaky DVD reader.) These CD-RW's are based on silver-tellurium-indium-antimony based, or germanium-antimony-tellurium and the like chalcogenide glasses, that melt at high temperature, and take up a different optical reflectivity, compared to unmelted portions, and an erasing simply remelts the whole surface, little bit at a time, and you get 800 or so of these rewrites before the molten stuff migrates and moves too much. Still the idea behind the CDRW disks is not using them as rewritable medium, but simply as a CDR, a write once medium, but one that does not decay over time, unlike organic dye or organic ink based CD-R's that are cheaper, but they decay from simple things like sunlight UV, or even bacteria and fungi chewing them up as food. If organic ink based CD's are kept in the dark frozen deep below zero, such as liquid air or even liquid CO2, they too may last a long time, but they also deteriorate on each read, from the laser beam itself, compared to a metalloid based CDRW, whose surface, unless it's re-molten on purpose, should tolerate reads many time beyond the readability of ink based CD-R's. These optical mediums are also noteworthy that, unlike a harddrive or flash drive, they can be separated from the logic built into the storage system, separated from the silicon, that may have a zero day malicious program built into it by a manufacturer, even an internal covert clock that ticks on every time it's powered, so it can be programmed to fail, and it may fail in 2050 if used a lot, or 2150 if used less, but it can be guaranteed to fail by the manufacturer, you cannot trust chips, but a chipless storage medium that can be separated from the silicon, and moved into another reading device, such as a magnetic disk, tape, or especially optical medium (which, if necessary, could be hand read by a microscope, and as a CDRW may take a lot more abuse than a sensitive magnetic storage.) The advantage of the magnetic storage is the ability to have tapes that can be separated from the logic, from the silicon, and store huge amounts of data in robotic tape libraries. See , where it says that Sony developed a data tape technology in 2014 that could potentially store 185 TB per tape, and Fujifilm followed with similar claims. Now you're talking serious off-grid, off-line storage capacity, away from the cloud, away from the ability of Da Man to wipe all your data. But present capacities are more on the order of 10TB per cartridge, but the whole thing is much more expensive then TB sized harddrives, and you may only get a few GB's for cheap ebay things, so for short term, buying a couple terabyte size harddrives, and practicing redundancy of backups with them, and replacing them as they fail from redundant backups, should be most cost effective to average users, with the caveat of, if you are anywhere near a wifi signal, these modern terabyte harddrives may pump all your data as you back it up through wifi, with their built in covert wifi chips, up to Da Man to snoop on you and inspect your data. I noticed a noticeable difference in speed between a 1TB USB3 Toshiba and a 320GB old school USB2 Toshiba, the 1TB taking unusually too long, and I don't trust it as much because of that, as my normal sense dictates that newer driver with higher capacity have been able to read and write the same 2 GB of data much faster than smaller capacity older hard drivers, so something smells really fishy when the old 320 GB leaves the 1TB in the dust in the amount of time it takes to copy the same 2GB. I trust the old ones much more because of that. Plus the new 1TB drive came formatted with a gap in the front, a couple hundred MB of unformatted space, where, I guess Da Man intends to hide secret code that can be executed but not visible inside operating system file systems. For now that space is mostly empty, with just a 1 byte being nonzero in the first couple megabytes of space dd'd with linux into an image then inspected, so that may serve as an ID that the drive has not been tampered with or whatnot, but I expect this whole leave the beginning of the drive unformatted is simply potty training for times when that portion will execute secret code. Of course I reformatted it, and did not allow hidden zones there. Another issue is linux swap partitions, which are also unformatted domains, which can more easily hide data by avoiding certain portions, and filling the rest with garbage, as a normal swap drive would operate, and I prefer running without any swap partitions at all, but sometimes they are necessary when you have an old computer with low RAM. But if the military uses linux, they may want to spend money on inspecting just what exactly does the swap drive handling code do, are there any specifically skipped domains it does not touch, or what exactly is stored on the swap drives, and even if it passes audit today, it does not mean that tomorrows audit will also do so. Of course Toshiba justifies the unpartitioned space at the front of the drive as an intend to provide the ability for newer versions of Windows to place encryption code there, for encrypted harddrives, but with encrytion, a rule of thumb is, if you don't understand it, don't rely on it. There is no such thing as absolute security, there are only obstacles. Such as a lock on a door that requires a key. If someone really wants to get it, they can run your door down with a tank. Since WWI, there are also no longer any defensive military structures, such as forts and redoubts or battleships that are untakable or unsinkable, because of the immense firepower available, especially since nukes, so there the only defense is offense, and in that, air power. But in the rest of the security world security means obstacles piled on, and sometimes simple but obscure ones that you understand and custom design, such a an encryption that uses simple methods of letter shifting, and such, that are childsplay easy to decrypt, but rotates these methods every 10 bytes, in a predetermined sequence that you privately share and carry, whose decrypting and breaking requires physical access to the facility or personnel sharing that private key, may be more robust than some off the shelf high tech encryption you don't understand, has no private keys that you can physically walk in your facility, but works with public keys and such, and hackers may be able to decipher through a simple network access, such as wifi or just the internet. In rotating the sequence of simple encryption methods to small grain sizes to where statistical dictionary attacks don't work, you basically pile on the obstacles to would be crackers of that encryption, but never assume any encryption is uncrackable, or that there is any absolute security, all you get in security is degrees. Like in the Hollywood movie Ocean's Eleven from 2001, it's a good movie to watch. The soundtrack 69 police was a favorite of mine after watching that movie. Or a recent theft of a painting which I remember reading in the news a few years back, the news saying the camera footage shown to the security guards still showing the painting present, but when you walked to the actual site, the painting was gone. Somebody tapped into the camera system, and fed it bogus images. Which is why at one time when I had to run a process, under circumstances of constant attrition and attack - as in none if my digital process measurement devices would hold a calibration or display trustworthy information, except one that was the most important, and I kept calibrating it every hour - so that process begged automation, but from the subtle assault from other devices I knew that if I put anything in place, such as a camera system that watches for chemical spills from a comfortable arm-chair in an air conditioned office, I knew it would be hacked, unreliable, and the responsibility of the spill would still fall unto me. Therefore I'd do a walkby inspection every 15-20 minutes. Security, and trusted computing. Sometimes it's as simple as abandoning high tech computing and video surveillance and relying on your own two eyeballs by physically walking to the location, and looking. That is hard to hack, other than making you sick where you're unable to perform your job, but then the security issues are obvious, and a replacement is found. In the future, with all these mind controlled gaming devices, mind control of humans by other humans will be possible through technology, and then you won't be able to find reliable human security guards, because they can be hacked too. But for now the only mind control of humans is practiced by other benevolent lower lifeforms, such as fungi and bacteria. Watch ant mind control fungus videos to get a jist of it, and find an explanation of how the biblical prophets knew the precomputed future. The fungus is more intelligent than the ants. Got to be. And without the fungus the ants would not be able to keep their complex society together, where telepathy is essential, and chemical hormones and scent trails and automatic reflexes are only half the story.

Comment Re:Who cares (Score -1) 145

The real issue is getting customers used to abandoning their offline storage devices and keeping all their data on the cloud. The first step is of course just using the cloud as a remote backup against a fire or accidents that wipe out all your local storage, and that's a big step for Da Man who can thus inspect all the data you own, and adjust his strategies against you based on what kind of counter ammo you possess against him if dragged in court. In court one of the issues is not going off your memory, but records, and those records are fluent in the hands of Da Man, he can modify them at please. Only what you remember, however vague and fallible your memory is, is what you can truly rely on, not records on a forgeable piece of paper or records inside chips or magnetic stores. Once you get used to keeping a backup copy of all your data on the Cloud, then the assault of constantly failing portable off line storage devices begins, and eventually you just give up trying to keep your data in your hand, because the devices break the bank on expense, and constantly fail on you anyway. Especially when they all become non-magnetic, non optical, but chip based. Eventually computers and smart phones will refuse to connect to portable storage devices, because those won't know the rolling, daily rotating schedule cloud password, which may be impossible to crack in the chip. But to make all this transition to total world domination by Da Man happen, Microsoft should actually bribe and pay like $10,000/year/seat to all their new customers, and people should resist accepting that cloud storage deal anyway, because that's how much liberty they are sacrificing by it, but you can bet your ass people would sign up just to get the money, and pretend they are using it when they are really not, and slowly, little by little, they'd become dependent on it. Then the blackmailing of cloud addicts begins to get ransom for their data held hostage. This kind of free promotional period is also standard business practice by drug dealers. Near schools, or near lots of unaddicted but potentially lucrative customers, during the promotional period the drugs, crack, pot, heroin, are all free, the first time. Then the blackmailing begins later, to recoup the initial investment and generate a business profit.

Comment Re:She's.. (Score -1) 235

Actually, the whole remote access to your computer is not software or operating system specific. It happens in FreeDOS, Linux, Win2K, WinXP, etc, which makes you think it's actually the hardware itself doing it. All I know the Intel 440BX running Pentium 3's on a Gigabyte 6GA7+ feels rigged, in fact I remember really strange things on my Abit BH6 I bought online in 1998 acting really crazy on me in 2005 in ReactOS, Knoppix 3.6 linux 2.4 kernel, and Windows 2000, (thought it may have been later replaced with a rigged motherboard by people entering my home where I was renting.) So how far back do you need to go to get an unrigged, reliable hardware computer that has no remote access built in, and it's x86 instruction based? Perhaps a 486 DX2 66 might still be OK, but starting with Pentium 60, and with the start of name fighting that AMD and Cyrix and Winchip could no longer copy, perhaps other fighting began too, such as hardware remote access, at least through ethernet, because wireless networking was not available yet back then. These days the only secure way to use modern Intel, AMD, or even ARM based computers is to be completely off grid, off network, away from the Internet or any kind of cellular service or satellite signal, and lock yourself into a good Faraday cage, from which, even if data leaks out, no data can come in. Such as a deep underground cavern or cave or abandoned mine covered by dense, moist and heavy earth or rock above you. But on the internet, or in a densely populated city permeated by stray WIFI signals, you are hopeless, because Da Man is lurking inside your computer, sees everything you see, logs everything you do, and wants you to use encryption, so he can see what you do, what your passwords are, etc, and especially see what you would want to hide, in a sense, what you claim yourself guilty about. Then he has ammo in court against you, because you confessed up to him your dirty laundry. Best policy is not to use encryption - if you have private pictures, so what if someone else in the world sees them? Once I worked at a place that in the 40's used to be called US Rubber, and came across this box of black and white photos of people, banquets, festivals and dinners, and I did not have a feeling of violating someone's privacy or what not by looking at those pictures. If they were nude pictures of some female coworkers still alive, even working with me, that might have been a different story, but if they are dead people, or even nude pictures of women who are 80 today, but they looked really hot in the nude 60 years ago when they were 20, well, that's like a different story.

Comment Re:On the other hand... (Score -1) 700

With the oldschool dumb RS232 port you did not need this messed up zoo of USB id's, which are pretty superfluous, just a communication protocol of baud, stop bits, parity, flow control/handshake. If you wanted to find out what device you were talking to, once you set the baud rate and such, you could find out by issuing special commands to it, such as the Hayes modem commands, and it could ID itself like that, but the port itself, or the computer, needed no drivers and keeping track of all this stupid USB id bullshit. If they made the USB port backward compatible with RS232, in a ground, rx, tx way of 3.5 mm RS232 adaptors (and in case a device needs hardware handshake instead of xon/xoff or no handshake, you can manually tie the 9 or 25 pin connector handshake lines together so it self handshakes, as some kind of workaround), we could all ignore this other USB bullshit, or even USB drivers at all that every operating system, or OS upgrade, needs a special version of, and instead everyone could be using the RS232 protocol built into the USB chip at 480,000,000 baud, or bps, talking to portable hard drives and what not with ease.

The caveat is of course artificial intelligence development, and physical real world access of such AI through computer ports from very high computing power cpu's, and also such things as easy automation around the world by idiots taking over the world, and this is how you fight back, they disrespect basic decencies of how we abuse the system in the way we breed out of control, or commit crimes to take over jobs, it's kind of a racial or tribal fight between different people, and this is how some people, who respect the system otherwise, fight back "unfairly" on the computing front, making it difficult or impossible to use or understand computers easily. I mean imagine the 3rd world taking away all jobs because they can find easy ways of automation, through super high speed RS232 protocol talking USB ports.

By the way, there is a caveat against absolute democracy, or total lack of nobility, so to speak. The nobility tends to be smart, and able to create lots of high tech wealth, such as computing, even if they are very inbred. In a yeoman farmer society one might be able to grow his own food, but may not have computers, stereo equipment, or cellphones at all, kinda like in the communist Soviet Union, you might be stuck in the past technologically, where people want to, but they can't, make stuff like computers, or electronics. In essence the wealth extracted "unfairly" from the rest of the population through abuses of power and property control is what makes it worth to those people doing it to keep providing high tech weapons for national defense, technology, electronics, etc. In fact I witnessed the closure of a union rubber plant in the US, relocating to Mexico, paying $5/day there instead of the $17.85/hr uniform across the board pay to every union worker here (I was getting a nonunion clerk's pay in the offices), regardless if they were the janitor or reactor operator or warehouse worker, and the whole thing really happened because the union people had their mindsets distorted, there was only 100 of them when there used to be 200, so they assumed the right to overtime was normal, and it ended up where often nothing was done during the 8 hrs of regular work, and any actual work was used as an excuse for overtime, in effect, the whole place was like a clubhouse you show up to chitchat about politics and what not, instead of a regular job. In essence you should work smart, not hard, and you can sit on your ass if you got it figured out - or work your butt off if you're an idiot, any job in the world is easy if you know what you're doing, but you can make it hard if you don't know what you're doing - but then the corporate bean counters constantly complain to cut cost, lay off people, so there was this eternal struggle of making your job easy and putting out the tons and tons of quality product each day without killing yourself with work, but also without getting laid off over making your job too easy. It was like management refused to negotiate the contract properly, and they let the union get away with anything they asked for, just to get them into a distorted mindset and situation where they got anything they asked for, and it was a really awkward situation. Like sleeping on the job was normal, while being paid for it, but you can argue that these 55-60 year old people(who should be 80 yrs old today), having worked there 35+ years, ever since they turned 18, pulling 5 days straight 16 hr days, or 80 hrs in 5 days, practically living at their jobs, dedicating their life to it, unlike the corporate bean counters who got half the income this way too, yet they did not have to live at their jobs for 16 hr days, kind of needed to be able to schedule sleep breaks during those 80 hrs, in order to do their jobs properly. Because their pay was so high, they had a vested interest in making sure the plant made good money, and they made production decisions that a remote or even local management would have no clue about, because they did not spend their whole life living with the equipment and knowing its quirks inside out, like 2nd nature, so when they slept, they did not sleep in a stupid, or uncaring about the company way, but did it for a good reason. Most of the time. Age was of course an issue too, but with age came wisdom of knowing just exactly how to turn a knob, and be sort of an analog computer that controls the process to maximum profitability, something the remote bean counters that don't spend their entire lives living with the machine have no clue about, nor can you just get a guy off the street and assume he'd know how to do it. Of course it was ISO certified, yet it was impossible to write work instructions, because the workers were not stupid to tell what took them 30 years to figure out, and put themselves out of a job that way. There were actually some jobs that only 2 people knew how to do right, and everyone else fucking up on it, such as the process of how to properly transform latex into solid rubber, and if both of them happened to be sick or on vacation, the foremen put that hole process on hold, just kept accumulating the latex for when they came back, instead of letting another guy make either too watery glue or too dry black burnt crap from it, instead of proper solid rubber, some of the stuff was that touchy. So knob-turning jobs were done well by these old timers, but physical labor, such as vessel cleaning, was difficult, also because it was the oldest people volunteering to absorb the carcinogen doses from it into their body (plus they got some silly 25 cents an hour extra pay, as hazard pay, which was the only way to make more than 17.85/hr, and it was usually the guys with the most seniority that bid out and booted the younger ones from such a spot, and the whole seniority structure shake up of people picking new jobs, booting others from their posts who in turn booted others from their posts, trickling down all the way to the youngest guys, happened, but this way almost everybody learned every job they were stuck with, or more like there was a communal decision of who to put into what spot next, and interesting childish politics and jokes came of it, it was like a clubhouse of entertainment sometimes where instead of having to pay for the fun you made really good money, but you had to know what you were doing in exchange.) So it ended up being the elderly taking the hazard pay jobs and protecting the breeding age young kids from it, and because they were old, they had a hard time climbing up into the toxic confined space vessels, through a tiny manhole, and sawing off foot thick caked on rubber from the pot walls with a sawzall, lying on a raincoat in the organic cyanide chemical sludge (just as a note, organic cyanides are nowhere near as toxic and regular inorganic ones, but they do have a carcinogen or mutagen effect, it's like almost anything in the world does, including fruit or spice flavor extracts, things like peach seeds do contain cyanides, it's a matter of dose and exposure), cutting off foot size cubes of stinky rubber, doing it for 2 hrs then taking a 2 hr sleep break to recuperate, then doing it again for 2, until the plant manager came in one night and woke them up during sleep to go back to keep working nonstop. What's right and wrong?

So when the shutdown was announced, and there was word that the corporation is gonna close the plant, and instead the union wanted to get it, and run it by themselves, an engineer whose opinion I valued highly, told me that when a corporation gives up on a plant, these self owned hillbilly places usually fail very miserably. Some of it is partly because they don't have access to the sales and supply channel, also controlled by the corrupt corporate bean counter gang, especially when all small customers, of which there were hundreds of when I started there, 2 years later were all bought up by one massive entity, which, of course, would never buy rubber from a union owned plant, while small customers, of family owned businesses that previously used to purchase, would probably have kept buying. It's like as soon as I started working there, the decision was made to fuck the plant up, by the bean counter gang, buy up all its customers by giving them an outrageously good deal. This company came after me at my next job too, bought the next company I worked at, so to speak, and got rid of me from there too. It's like where can I work where I don't feel the massive, billion dollar spending corporate bean counter effort of we waste all these billions just to fuck with you? Seriously, they make me feel like that, always setting traps, and when I fall into them there is this exhuberant joy. It's like set me another trap, I fall into that one too. What's the big deal. But of course there was already a process of technology transfer to Mexico in place even before I started there, and other college students doing similar work went off to more secure jobs as soon as they had the opportunity, when their job here was to do things like copy engineering drawings in the vault, and send them to Mexico, go back out into the plant to find out how some stuff is done here, and tell their boss who ran into issues in Mexico while trying to get things going, they knew there was no future or career for them here. And the first two I started with totally acted with me like some anti espionage agents, but when they found out I'm just a regular idiot, they sent regular kids to work with me. And I've been mostly a regular idiot, but it gets annoying when you constantly get fucked with and have to constantly adapt to yet another bullshit. Like made sick by force, being pushed out of a job where you to move around, to one where you have to stay put, in one spot, for 12 hrs, either sitting or standing, and you can just tell you're getting xrayed the shit out of you, because your whole body shakes and quivers, from simple sitting in one place and folding small paper boxes with your fingers. I can't find another explanation, and yeah, having to constantly use hand sanitizer does not help, but some days you can make it with only using it once or twice, because you don't have to pick up anything off the floor, nor did you touch your face, yet you still get sick as hell, and you came in healthy, and as soon as the job is over, and you start driving home, by the time you reach the highway you feel healthy again. It had to be x-rays, because I would feel better even if I'd just move around, or go to the bathroom, and then it became an issue of why I go to the bathroom outside scheduled breaks. Wtf? I'm not gonna hold my piss for another 2 hrs to the next break, what kind of bs is that? It's a we can't x-ray you properly if you constantly lose the beam and recouperate bs. But, anyway, there may be something to that statement of, if a corporation that's expert and running a business, gives up on a plant, the union workers may fail miserably on their own, because simply making a good product and knowing how to run the equipment is not the only thing required to run a successful business, it's almost the only thing, but not 100%, and if you lack that remaining expertise, such as legal defense, accounting, management, sales, IT, etc, most of these things that may seem highly superfluous, you may still fail miserably as a business. Even before the company was under constant harassment from like a legal firm that purchased an old section that has been down for decades, with old buildings on it, and they did not start a business there, they only bought it so they can dig out some old ash pit where all the fly ash from coal was dumped back in the 1940's when the whole plant ran on steam, fueled by shoveled coal, and that's where all the ash happened to be dumped to, and they'd sue the company over pollution, to where the company paid over 10x the purchase price in legal penalties and fees of what they sold that property for. It was an easy way to suck money out of the company by the bean counting lawyers, buy a piece of land from the company then keep suing the company over it. Make sure you can find at least some coal fly ash. Fucking bloodscuking scumbag lawyers. That's the only way they know how to make money. Keep suing honest hardworking people. Let alone a county government, who came to the company asking for their waste water, gave them a deal so they stop processing the waste in their own massive lagune system, then 10 years later suing them for the polluting discharge, with fees of $100,000 per month penalty for discharging sodium stearate soap. They actually had an infrared monitor looking for sodium stearate, so the beancounters from corporate headquarters from the other state, or their expert engineers, had to go for some soap that would keep a stable latex, but not show up on the detector. Sodium stearate is like the most organic, benign and least expensive soap there is in the world, and everything else is worse environmentally, but you have to use something else when the despotic idiots who wriggled their ways into the county government harass you over it, so they can collect. It was all bullshit beyond belief around the company, the money was good because a quality product was made, but everyone was fighting to get a bite out of it, including dirty tricks of legal battles over nothing, or county government idiots on a rampage wanting to make more money off of you. Of course the company shut down and went to Mexico where they did not get harassed by the local government, and there are not EPA harassments either. What else did the county think would happen? It was not really the union bullshit that put the nail into the coffin, but all this extra take a bite out of you, $1.2 million in penalties to the local government over bullshit, when your total revenue was 20 million, half going to the local and corporate beancounters and stock holders, half to the 100 union employees (coming to 100,000/yr/head with a highschool dimploma, due to massive overtime + benefits like health insurance, 401K, etc.), and the beancounters of course were not very happy with that, they thought they could make 15 million for themselves and 5 million to the union, or 50,000/yr/head, there was this constant struggle like predators in the jungle fight over a piece of bone, and the "owners," the beancounters ultimately always get their way, because they are absolute rulers of their private property, and can go to places like Mexico, all the while fucking up the US economy by doing that. That 10 million union wages all used to go into the local economy, and now it does not.

But anyway, if you watch the "Last Mohican" Hollywood movie, you get a sense of what royalty, the crown, nobility is how they act and behave, both its abuses of power, and also the organization top down structure that functions even in chaotic situations. (For instance all militaries in the world function as a top down despotism, under unified command, instead of a voting democracy of what shall we do next in the heat of battle, in the chaos of war.) The hillbilly americans against the betrayal of the crown still stand relatively little chance in that movie, because they don't have the industrial base, the knowledge to make weapons, how to direct an efficient economy, compared to the crown. And back then people knew all this, and when they wrote the US anthem in 1812, they knew exactly just how lucky they were winning that war against The Crown, but also just how dedicated they were back then to maintaining their own liberty from power abuses by The Crown, in the Land of the Free, and the home of the brave, under their new Novus Ordo Seclorum, under their Constitution. By the way the war of July 4th, 1776, the war of independence was really won for the US by the French navy, successfully blockading a British resupply of military forces, and postpone the war to 1812, otherwise there would never have been a formal capitulation by the British Crown, and the war would have dragged on and on endlessly, the Americans, under Washington's command, not winning a single battle during the entire War of Independence, though most every single battle the British Crown won was a Pyrrhic victory, and the whole thing could have economically potentially drained the British Crown during its height of power, and might have stopped by the British Crown giving up further pursuit anyway. The warfare scenario during the war of Independence was pretty much the British redcoats marching in formation through the swampy back country jungle woods of Eastern USA, for never before heard of distances (in the US distances are huge compared to Britain or much of the rest of the world), physically worn down, relatively thin and overextended on resupply chains, and the American farmers ambushing such marching formations with a few gunshots, picking off a redcoat here and there, then going back to their farms and continuing harvesting and work there, then going back, picking off a few more redcoats, who marched on endlessly seldom being able to achieve a pitched battle, instead just being put through constant harassment of sniper shoot then run by the hillbilly independence fighters, and whenever they achieved a pitched battle, they did win every single one of them. And this could have dragged on endlessly, for another 30 years war, or another 100 years war, because the stakes and wealth in question were high, just like in the prior 30 year or 100 year wars in Europe, had it not been for the French Navy blockading the resupply of the fort where the British withdrew. The French Crown did it to curtail the power of the British Crown, their arch enemy for centuries, against which they were losing ground in the constant power grubbing battles of the monarchies of Europe (and such constant battling is no longer allowed or possible in the nuclear age, but its interesting that Europe never ended up under one royal house dominating all countries, in a sort of monopoly way that a whole lot of the US recently goes into in a lot of fields, such as how long before AT&T owns every physical cell tower, and the likes of Verizon are forced to pay rent to them?), but the French Crown did it at such a desperate cost, at such grave debts, that the French Monarch, citoyen Capet, lost his head under the guillotine and stacked into a pyramid, during the economic crash and rebellion that ensued from it. He was not able to refinance his debts, unlike the British crown, so in essence the death sentence was done by not the French Revolution itself, but by the preexisting beancounting powerstructure permeating Europe denying him economic stability. Because of what he created, a non-nobility society the first time for millenia in European domain, called the United States, because nobody expected Washington not to become emperor of the US, or king of the US, and instead stick to the words they put down into the declaration of independence, that we do not recognize privilege by birth, in our view all men are created equal in the eyes of the law. Similar financial hardship issues, such as the very heavy penalties of WWI restitution payments born by Germany to Britain and France, were in large part responsible for triggering WWII by Germany, and in absence of that heavy economic drain we may have never had a WW2. The beancounters controlling money create a lot of wealth, but they often abuse their power too much. Economics, or more exactly money, can kill or create death more than anything in the world. But the point is not to go extreme on underestimating monarchies and top down control of an economy, even while being conscious of the abuses of power present in them. By far the single most prevalent and easiest way to lose any kind of fight or battle is by the overconfidence in your abilities and underestimating your opponent.

It's important to understand the intricacies and nuances of things hanging in balance, while protecting your 99.9% of the population yeoman farmer or other small private property owner liberty your forefathers so dearly fought for, against the 0.1% of the population that seeks to own and control all your private property, and through it, every aspect of your life. Which is pretty much what's happening even under democracy today, concentration of wealth and power, the economic divide between the rich and the poor getting wider, the extermination of a dominant middle class, the weak get weaker and the strong get stronger, the rich get richer exploiting the poor get poorer, and the strong who get stronger also set loose the checks and balances that used to be in place by government lawmakers, such as correctly regulated natural monopolies or city water/sewer systems, natural gas and electricity suppliers, also such simple things as a single corporation or person owning a maximum of 7 radio and tv stations in any local market, that was lifted in 1996, when Clearchannel went on a rampage with easy Wall Street stock money, and bought up everything they could, the remote Wall Street or corporate beancounters often cutting out local experts with quality programmings, to push their drab programs, and of course, control advertising pricings, political venues, in a monopolistic centralized fashion. In essence they can control who gets elected anywhere in the US by controlling all the radio stations and other media outlets like newspapers, tv channels, etc, there.

PS. By the way standards should be voluntary. Such as cell phone connectors are free to take on any shape, especially if they are a clever new way of cost saving and robustness, we're open to experimentation with good will, and we like to give liberty like that to companies, but we reserve the right to bitch about nonstandard connectors that are simply nonstandard, and overly complex and costly, for the simple sake of nonstandard compliance, for having to purchase the adaptor from the manufacturer itself that patents the design and wants to rape you in the ass over the cost of it, as opposed to being able to replace it with an off the shelf cheap standard power supply and connector. So we bitch, but we shoulhd not enforce standards compliance by manufacturers, just turn on the bitching heat and discomfort to them really high if we feel they are not acting in good faith toward the public, and are simply aiming to derive sort of unfair profit, so to speak, without any benefit whatsoever coming from nonstandard compliance. And forcing them to simply explain what these benefits are when they don't follow standards, by filling out some kind of legal form issued by the government, just simply creates overhead, more red tape, bureaucracy and inefficiency, and lawyers running off with the money in another unfair or unnecessary profit way. The best solution is massive bitching directed at them from unhappy customers who retained some kind of critical thinking ability, in simple places like online review sites. If the Consumer Protection Agency or FBI discovers such misbehavior, they could employ a bunch of undercover agents who create some kind of intense (but still moderated enough to keep the company in business) customer bitching feedback through various channels, including online review sites (while still posting honest and critical opinions about the nonstandard products), (or even contacting tech support, specifically bitching about nonstandards compliance for no apparent good reason) that regular customers busy with their everyday lives simply don't have the time or drive to do. And it gets complicated on what's a nonapparent but still present good enough reason, or if that's good enough reason at all to justify nonstandard compliance. It's like you can leave it up to regular customers too, and protect their rights to bitch, and complain, Archie Bunker style, and if they willingly tolerate and accept minor abuses, such as they seem to have liked Apple's gadgets irregardless of power supply connector shapes, because of the value they were getting out of the overall deal, then let them have it. (Btw I would never buy a new overpriced Apple gadget, but I have bought like 2GB small portable harddrives on ebay that were disassembled from old Apple music players, for like 50c or $1 each, that nobody wants because of the small 2GB size.) So the consumer protection agency should go really light on such undercover customer bitching punishment, and it should especially not become a tool to be lobbied by competitors to drive each other out of business through one competitor who did not lobby enough getting crucified, while others getting a free pass. As that is what politicians do, manage things, meddle in the affairs of the public, provide favors to their network, and fight against competing networks in the public. So in a sense you need a Consumer Protection Agency, but in the Ronald Reagen sense you don't, we already have too much government. So it should be small and efficient, and only going after blatant cases, only when necessary, and otherwise not doing anything, and not be a yet another department going to daily morning meetings, looking for something to do that day as a job, finding an unlucky business to pick on each day, even if not necessary. It's like the FBI is well suited to be the Consumer Protection Agency, and when they have nothing good to do, get reassinged to work on other FBI related issues, such as local police corruption cases and the like. You don't have to have government for the sake of government, and once you put people in a job there, dependent on that income, it's really hard for them to say, ok, we think we have nothing useful to do for today, or for a few months, and we're not gonna pick up a paycheck, unless someone can reassign us to a temporary job where we can do something useful, then come back to this one every once in a while to make sure things are still going well, and we still have nothing useful to do here.

Comment Re:User choice eh? (Score 0) 353

Yes. All you have to do is not agree to the terms of the agreement shown to you when you first turn on the computer. You purchased the computer in the store on a separate contract, where you were not presented with that same contract agreement terms attached to the software, before you paid for the hardware + software bundle. In absence of agreeing to the software terms, you have the right to keep the hardware part at least, if you so choose, and return the software part that comes with a separate contract. Then you can do whatever you want with the hardware, such as pull capacitors from the motherboard, melt down the motherboard for copper scrap values, drill holes into the motherboard, put weird tattoos and lights on it, hang it on your wall in a picture frame as a decoration - it's yours. No matter how badly the intellectual property pushers want to tell you that we sell you something, but you can't do what you want with it, can't smash an xbox with a hammer, you can't put a hole in it with a drill and what not. At least tradition goes that way when purchasing other items like cars, bicycles, stereo equipment, you have the right to shoot a potato gun at your old CRT tv and watch the screen get smashed. Or install other chips on the mainboard if you feel like it. It's yours, irregardless of what some stupid contract these intellectual property power mongers want to hang on it. There is a tradition of people considering it common sense to mod their cars any which way they see fit, and the manufacturer does not have the right to claim intellectual property violations on such mods. The person bought the object, he owns it, he can fuck with it all he wants. We sell it to you, it's yours, but we don't really sell it to you, we want to control what you're allowed to do with it, it's like we want it back intact when it comes back to our junkyards. What the fuck? Rent everything in the world, huh? No, you have the right to smash an old TV with a sledgehammer if that pleases you, you don't have to return it intact into the junkyards. Rent everything. It's like we sell you this underwear bikini, but we want it back, you can't touch it or modify it, because we retain ownership over it while you wear it, you're not allowed cut a hole in it and show your pussy on wearing it, because we own the design pattern, the intellectual property conveyed by the bikini object, and you're violating our intellectual property conveyed by the design pattern when you cut a gaping hole in it. Fuck Da Man and his perverted ways of extending the limits of property cock blocks into every aspect of life, choking the fun out of everything like an octopus with its tentacles getting a stronger and stronger grip.

Comment Re: On the other hand... (Score -1) 700

In fact one way to guarantee the stability of the dollar is by eliminating paper money, or chipped money and the like (where the chip can be rigged to fail at some catastrophic zero day and stop being accepted by vending machines and checkout lines), and back it with value in person, or in presence, as in making metal coin one dollars that carry within themselves intrinsic value in the metal itself. The 5c nickel and 1 cent copper plated zinc bulk are already at their limits or sometimes containing more intrinsic metal value than their face value. In essence, they should allow melting down of coinage by law, to recover the intrinsically carried value, and thus guaranteeing currency stability and lack of inflation. Even if you have paper money for $100 bills, the real backing of it would come from the ability to exchange it for coinage, for metal $1 coins, $5 coins, even $20 coins, which, of course carry at least say $15 of metal value with a $20 face value, so the melting down of it is not worth it, but the intrinsically carried metal value would guarantee that a $20 would never fall in absolute value under $15. In effect stopping inflation completely, or at least controlling the rate to something very slow over decades, as the mint issues new metal coins of lesser value (as they switched from all copper cents to zinc bulk/copper plate cents) and it flushes out slowly over a period of 20-50 years from the currency circulation. With such a thing people would be able to keep tangible wealth and value in their homes, or dug away in their back yards, instead of being vulnerable to Da Man pulling the rug out under them with a currency crash. Currency crashes were very common at the end of WWII, where a lot of currencies became worthless and were swept up on the streets, reaching denominations of 100 trillion within a matter of months, and even since then some countries, like Italy or Turkey, throughout the latter half of the 20th century had double digit yearly inflations, where you could not store wealth in money stuffed away in your pillows, and instead, in Turkey, there was a habit to get paid from your job, buy your groceries and present needs, then sink the leftover money into building a house, continuously little by little over a period of 20-30 years, just to preserve value, because if you kept it on your hands for months, it would drop to half its worth, as in you could buy half as much bread or eggs on it as you could a few months before then. Even these days, a recent major crash was the Z$, Zimbabwe dollar, where the monetary policy of the dictator was to not collect taxes, just keep printing paper money, and he had trouble getting ATM machines that would handle the 100 trillion Z$ denomination zeros and not crap out on him. A stable currency is essential to a decent life, but the dollar, with its gold backing removed, is very vulnerable to an intentional crash by those betting against it, taking up short positions in it, where they get it today, and will have to pay it back tomorrow when it's worth nothing. A metal backed currency, even if not gold, because there isn't enough gold around, but silver, platinum, even nickel(stainless steel), cobalt(batteries, cutting tools), samarium, gadolinium, neodynium (used in magnets and lasers), cerium (used in gas lighting mantles), indium(used in transparent conductive screens), tellurium (used in CdTe photocells or rewritable cds), or anything rare but of good technological value, could be used, and even issuing a $50 face value coin that has an intrinsic metal value of a combination silver, platinum, neodynium, indium mix of only $5, (clad in copper-nickel by plating them sintering/semimelting the surface, to protect from unknown health hazards of some rare earths or things like Niobium overexposure) would be a good idea, because it would guarantee some kind of protection against crashes of its value going to zero, like paper money swept up on the streets at the end of WWII, so even if you're left with $5 when you had 50 that's better than absolutely nothing.

Chip currencies are bullshit. You cannot trust chips. It's bad enough you have to use them in your cars, computers, cellphones, but where it matters hard core, you should keep away from chips. Such as money. How can a chip guarantee anything, when in fact it's a source of failure (as in it's a good piece of money that traceably did come from the mint or printing office, yet the chip decided to go bezerk in it), a source of counterfeiting security and encryption issues, etc.

Those who seek destabilizing the dollar, and removing hard core tangible in your hand backing of value in it, are only seeking to make money off of the mayhem that ensues, and hopefully pegging the blame on some other poor squirrel trying to get a nut, while they stuff their own pockets and run with the easy money they did not have to work for. It's like people have the right to gamble, and win, or even find money on the street on the ground, for free, but it's not a gamble when you conspire to corrupt and fuck the system, it's not the same situation of free money falling into your lap and your pocket.

Comment Re: On the other hand... (Score -1) 700

Yeah well who wants to live in a metropolis like that.

By the way private property is essential to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but in a yeoman farmer, small property owner way, where everyone owns the home they live in, can sustain themselves and survive in absence of an economy or jobs on the food they grow (meaning property taxes are low), and that would be proper balance, between total communism where you cannot own anything, and absolute monarchy or despotism where the top dog, one guy, or a few nobles, own everything and the common bulk of the population is forbidden from owning private property, instead they are slaves or serfs or whatever you want to call them, they themselves are private property of either the communist state, or the absolute monarch and his nobles. In an ideal world everyone would own their home and a small patch of land enough to sustain himself with self grown food, housing prices would be low, and life would be relatively stress free without mandatory bills, like sewer bills, or Obamacare-like mandatory health insurance purchases irregardless of the price charged, irregardless of the insurance companies right to go bankrupt and out of business after you paid them all those premiums for years. And the government pays into these private motherfuckers pockets from the tax treasury that's already beyond empty in your name and will blame you for the internal economic collapse of the country. Fuck Obamacare. Fuck the centralized private property ownership of all housing by mega-banks, which then rape everyone in the ass with interest, which you can corruptly deduct from your taxes, and keep you in a perpetual refinance situation, because, if you want to pay your mortgage, you need a job, if you want a job, you need a car, and good luck finding a car without remote controlled chips in them that die on command, so you keep refinancing your home trying to get new cars. Or just keep refinancing it to pay off the credit cards you used to feed yourself when Da Man laid you off and kept you there, just long enough to wind the mortgage clock back to zero, and make you start over, after 20 years of paying mortgage, back to zero, at age 50, and you only have to pay another 30-40 years, if you live that long. What the fuck is with these insane housing costs? How did everyone lose touch with reality? The greater fool theory. It does not matter if I pay 200 million dollars for this stupid 2 bedroom hole in the wall shack about to collapse, because I can resell it for 210 million dollars to the next guy. Everybody is insane. Everybody is guilty of driving up housing cost, starting with the scumbag real estate agents who don't really do any work, or contribute to society to justify some of the 6 figure incomes they make. To live well, everyone needs a lowered cost of living. And some sort of right to grow their own food and not be dependent on grocery stores, or government welfare aid, in absence of a job. The top concern or daily cost of a person should be putting the food on the table, the daily bread, every day, 2nd transportation to acquire that food, 3rd clothing once every 10 years or so, and 4th housing, once in a lifetime. The top cost in housing should be the land value, not the house erected on it, because of the value it represents in ability to grow your own food on it. But the corrupt contractor - local govt building permit system, that makes a killing on houses made of cardboard, or wood, made to topple in less than a lifetime, yet charge 400,000 for such a house on top of the land value, which is close to the total earnings in a lifetime to some people, and on top of that comes food, transport, everything else, is also bullshit. It's all in the name of your safety, the building code inspector comes out to inspect your homes and issues penalties, tickets to you, to protect you from yourself. Fuck the building code enforcement agencies. Fuck the sewer systems that won't let you have an outhouse and recycle your own shit as fertilizer to your own garden, keeping your diseases put, in one place, instead of sending the diseases you poop out down the sewer system into the rivers and lakes and oceans that everybody else gets their water and food from. Fuck overcrowded cities that are breeding grounds for diseases and misery and poverty, because the bills are high, and ability to obtain income is low, or even ability to put food on the table is low.
Hitler chases Da Man away, Da Man ended up mostly in the US, where the first thing they did was violate the principle of separation of church and state, the very reason the Pilgrims came to the US in the first place, the 1st Amendment seeking freedom of religion rights, and they put "In God We Trust" on the dollar bill in the 1950's (having already put it on the cent coins in the early 1900's). Karl Wojtila, or Pope John Paul the 2nd fought on the other front, when the commies banned religion, and built a churchless city, where he held open air public masses regardless, defying the commies. The proper balance is not no religion, or state enforced religion, but freedom of religion which is everyone's private matter, and does not belong into the common secular life. Up to the 50's the main motto of the US was "E Pluribus Unum" And this includes Zen Buddhist godless religions. Or you wanna put in Buddha we trust on the money? The 2nd thing they did was remove the backing of the US dollar by gold. That meant the dollar was meant to be fucked, and the economy is meant to be crashed on purpose. They are getting there pretty well. The reason why the dollar needs to be fucked and the economy crashed is to eliminate this whole mass of freedom loving mofos that ended up in the US, and reinstitute the Old World Order of royalty and nobility throughout the world, nobles having guaranteed privilege, competition free survival and prosperity to their offsprings. Why should you have your kids compete head to head with some low life mofos, when you can have them inherit nobility titles from you? And they can own and control everything that goes down in the world. Such as the newly arising intellectual property control of all food. Up until now you could grow a food crop, and the grain seeds you harvested you could eat, or resow, freely. Food was material property in the sense that if you had specific grains in your pocket, you most likely owned those, and if you swallowed them, you owned them as material private property, and there was no intellectual property attached to any kind of life or any kind of food. In fact if you bought any specific breed of animal, by having that specimen you had the right to breed and own the offsprings too. Now with Monsanto's genetically modified technologies we are entering into a new era where people don't only materially own lifeforms, but they own intellectual property in them, and can sue any farmer who resows such plants, or even has their plants cross pollinated by accident from a neighbors lot, for intellectual property violations. What the fuck? Life cannot be owned in an intellectual property way, life is meant to have the right to reproduce and live. Owning lifeforms materially is a necessity to survival, in that most food is life, and you have to be able to own as private property what went down into your stomach. But there is no necessity to attach intellectual property to life forms, and then hog it and take over all of that intellectual property by some centralized bank or centralized power structure like a despot or monarch, and rape everyone in the ass with fees over access to that property. It's hard to see small private property owners, yeoman farmers, where the bulk of the population owns most property, 99% owns at least 50% of all property, as opposed to some 0.1% nobility of the population owning and hogging everything, and 99.9% a slave or serf to them. Good life is not possible without private property, but extremes of communism where nobody is allowed to own anything, or the Old World Order royalty and nobility where nobody is allowed to own anything, except some minor 0.1%, are horrible abuses regarding private property. Jefferson envisioned a democracy of self reliant yeoman farmers, and they distrusted city dwellers slaves to someone throwing them a bone of a job, and controlling them in an economically exploitable and vulnerable situation, where their vote is pretty much owned by their employer, or whoever controls their putting the daily bread on the table. These days we have 99% of the population urbanized, food prices kept artificially very low with high property taxes on small farms (big farms over 10 acres can get special tax treatment, and because of that, can keep their food prices low, we're talking the yeoman farmer who cannot afford a big farm), and all farmers bankrupt. Let alone harassed by Monsanto over intellectual property violations when it comes to their nonfertile seeds. Fuck Monsanto. They already sell you seeds with some extra productivity or disease resistance benefit, at the cost of those seeds not being fertile. They already got you fucked in the ass. Why do they need to also drag you to court over intellectual property attached to those seeds? They are already walking dead life. Because they know self reliance, self sufficiency, and freedom from abuse from Da Man depend on the food supply above everything else. And we cannot allow losing control, because then, if others take over power, then they might do abuses like the Romans. And you can see their point too. But still, who likes to live like a slave? Or a quasi slave? It's like in order to protect the world from abuses of power and maintain control, fight against losing control, they commit the same power abuses they are trying to protect the world from. And things like violating basic principles of separation of church and state, or even things like setting the dollar afloat, removing its being backed by some hard core value, like precious metals of gold, silver, etc, you know where that's heading? It's done to send it into a price fluctuation, instability, where there is easy money to be made on the arbitrage that develops, that in essence, sucks the value out of the rest of the economy, out of other people's work, and puts it into your own pockets, and even sending it into a total crash, just to fuck these freedom loving rebellious bunch of Europeans that ended up in America, that need to be exterminated genetically because throughout the centuries of Old World Order there they and their descendants were always a source of trouble, so the US is purposely sent toward a crash by purchasing up all businesses or backbones of economy, shutting them down, and relocating them to China or Bangladesh or at least Mexico, and when the crash of the dollar happens, and the starving begins, we'll do it in a way where we can blame one of them for the whole thing, and call him a legend, when he's forced to just act like a squirrel trying to get a nut for himself, taking care of his own business.

Comment Re:No postmark date? (Score -1) 131

No kidding. There is a phrase: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Regular stamps can be a standard among different people, can be transferred and resold, and maintain anonymity in a sense (as it is possible to send letters from fake addresses, if you really have to, if you worry that Da Man is tracking your mail and won't deliver anything from you, you can always use a pseudonym or a fake from mailing address, and the post office job is to deliver it to the destination address, and as long as there is such a thing as undeliverable mail, or destination address not found, or the addressee no longer lives there, etc, and the mail having to be returned to the originator (which, btw, at my present address the post office refuses to do to all my downstairs neighbors that moved out, while at my previous address they were kind and accepted a return mail my neighbor marked up as I no longer lived there, and found me, and delivered it to my new address.) So the issue of undeliverable mail to the originator, or a fake originator address, should only arise if the mail has to be returned. But at least some degree of anonymity lets you send your rent to your landlord on time if that's what he specifies in the contract, that it be mailed. Imagine where the man, with unique stamps on every envelope, can selectively block people and fuck with them financially, such as not delivering their rent, and getting them evicted from their homes. Yes, there is a balance between the power of Da Man in charge controlling individuals, and the power of individuals, or liberties, anonymities, privacies of such individuals against Da Man in charge (such as in the old days they used to have to issue warrants to live up to the 4th amendment, these days that's no longer in vogue, as long as we can get some kind of witch hunt or terrorist hunt or whatever the latest scare, Ebola hunt justification for it). In everything in life, balance is the key, and extremes are not preferred. Digital, high tech, individually indentifiable stamps just give even more power into the hands of Da Man, who already has too much of it anyway, with simple things like cell phone tracking. Did you know you have to pull the battery from your cellphone if you don't wanna be tracked, or leave it on at home and go without it - there have been days like 4 years ago when I showed up at work having forgot my cellphone home, and everyone was scared, or acting weird, and they sent me home that day. I simply forgot, but it shows just how much people are assumed to have cell phones, and be trackable. Even without a cellphone each car with chips in it - meaning fuel injected, noncarburetted - is also trackable, but still, I somewhat respect one of my aunts who's high tech in other ways, but refuses to have a cellphone, instead all she has is a home phone, and in that, a cable modem land line, not the AT&T is back with a vengeance monopoly landline. "We The People" told AT&T back in the 70's to split up and compete against itself in the form of Baby Bells, and stop being an abusive monopoly of We The People, but AT&T is back, saying we piss on you, "We The People." And if things went right back in 1999, Microsoft would have ended up as a bunch of Baby Softs, and we'd have a better chance at a decent and nonabusive computing environment, but of course, with the fall of the Soviet Union, "We The People" and our "New World Order" you can read about on the dollar bill from 1800, or even today, on the opposite side of George Washington,we no longer stand a chance against the "Old World Order" of "We the King of England" and his nobility, that we fought so dearly against starting in 1776, then in 1812. They too, are soon back. With a vengeance. I mean they been around all the while, but not so obvious about their ways. And it's gonna be especially difficult to put up a fight if Obama kills the 2nd amendment, or even the 1st amendment. Btw, every time I enter a building which says on the door no firearms or weapons permitted on these premises, I feel like I'm entering the Old World Order domain, where only the privileged have the right to self defense, and carry weapons, such as cops, security guards, you know, the agents of Da Man.

Comment Re: On the other hand... (Score -1) 700

The whole problem started with the design of USB, universal serial bus. They fucked up by not properly considering hardware/bios based backward compatibility with the previous technology, called the serial port, RS232C. As most USB 2 ports could go in slow USB 1.1 OHCI/UCHI(depending on manufacturer) and EHCI 2.0, (+ USB 3 now), all you needed was adding yet another way of using them, namely dumb RS232 protocol, where you can set the baud, parity, stop bits, etc, and use it similarly to a 3.5 mm to 9 pin adapter, having ground, rx, and tx. In fact you could have had a usb to 3.5 mm audio conector adapter running in RS232 mode. If that were properly provided in hardware by the chip itself, you wouldn't have such an issue over trying to get proper timing done under a capricious OS like modern non-realtime windows versions, inside a driver that deals with 20 ms lags when, if implemented in hardware, timing accuracies of 1 us would be piece of cake, accurate timing software that FTDI seems to excel in their chips and drivers, while others are still playing catchup. The USB stack is so complicated, that FTDI must have figured out a trick, or have some undocumented info, and the rest of the world still can't properly implement a USB to RS232 converter, even with billions invested. What a fuckup the USB design was.

Back in the days of good engineering, they pulled off color television backward compatibility with black and wide television. That was quite an engineering feat, but it respected the customer's invested wealth. Even in MS DOS and Win9x, even WinXP, you had respect for backward compatibility.

These days the vogue is intentionally created non-backward compatibility, and violating standards, so the company can screw the customers as much as possible, and achieve greater profit that way. You can see it in all the nonstandard ways DELL and HP and the like make their computer cases and motherboards, that cannot accept standard cases or standard motherboards, only custom ones from the same manufacturer, same with the various cell phone chargers and adapters, similarly some Radio shack custom batteries, let alone all other electronic device batteries, companies purposely want to fuck the customer over, or more like the powers that be that make these economic decisions purposely want to waste people's money with nonstandard designs in order to keep them poor, and down, and easier to control. Let alone intentional kill switch designs, like, did you know, that back in the 90's COM Activex objects all had a kill switch designed into them, by Microsoft, called the Phoenix bit, cuz they knew one day they had to kill the good stuff they sold you, remotely, just so it stops working and you're forced to go out and buy their latest garbage, with the latest remote kill switches, and these kill switches help them improve their profitability. When they pulled the Phoenix bit on me, that's when I stopped keeping step with computing technology, and went out of business as a programmer.

Fuck da Man and his bullshit ways of making money. Too bad when Bill Clinton went after Microsoft to reign in their abusive behavior as a monopoly, and declared them guilty, the Da Man on Wall Street dropped the stock market the biggest up to that point in history, as punishment for Bill Clinton for fucking with Da Man's ways of making money. Da Man's got everyone by the ballz, and he's fucking everyone over with no shame, in fact he is bored and wants to rebellious bitching, just so he can pinpoint where the hotspots are, who are threats to his total world domination plans. Such as extending the reaches of property to extents never seen before, such as perpetual copyright terms, on basic science facts, banning nondigital analog devices, or even books, to control all knowledge and keep everyone dumb, or blackmail everyone over it. People cannot live without property, but the reaches of intellectual property are very extreme, and going even more that way. Such as intellectually owning all foods produced in the world, through genetically modified, infertile seeds that only the manufacturer can supply, and owning the intellectual property license on such GM seeds. Monsanto's motto is that there shall be no food grown on the planet that they don't own intellectually speaking. Fuck Monsanto. Da Man's motto is that there shall be no information, no science, no technology, that he does not own and control and blackmail everyone over. It all starts with the cloud. And it's part of the reason why IBM is split up from being a vertically integrated company that does both hardware and software, because it's so fucking important to have standalone, intellectual property only software companies, otherwise integrated companies could sell just the hardware, and give the software that makes it work away for free with it, kinda like when you buy a flashlight, or a vaccuum cleaner, you get the manual with it almost for free, or can download it for free from the internet. It's true that software is often more work than the hardware, but I think this drive to prove to everyone that inellectual property, or just simply property, has a place in the world, is to then go extreme on it, and lock every bit of knowledge down as intellectual property, or every bit of physical property as rental property. Da Man loves to hog property. It's the only way he really knows how to make a living, convert every friggin thing into property, take it from everybody by force, then sell it back to them at a greatly inflated price. The issue on real estate and housing price crisis in the US, the outrageous housing cost and rent prices, which then drive up the rent-like you'll never pay it off mortgage prices (called the American dream of owning your own home and not have to pay rent or mortgage interest on it, that's all it is, a dream, because he makes sure only a few actually ever pay it off, everyone else is kept in a refinance hamsterwheel by remote killing the chips in their cars), is at the core of why the US is uncompetitive in the global marketplace, it's not human talent or ability, but Da Man having lost a sense of touch with reality, and still expecting to keep increasing rent yearly from $500 to pretty soon 700-800/mo, while cutting $25/hr union jobs to $8/hr minimum wage. And if someone grumbles, hisses and bitches loudly, that's good, he can easily find and control and keep down the trouble makers, analyze their DNA genetically, then find other people with similar DNA, and kill them all. In the name of his self interest.

Comment Re:so glad I sold my IBM stock when Rometty took o (Score -1) 84

Just watch Edit Bunker and Archie Bunker go grocery shopping, when Archie loses his union job. You can tell Archie has not been shopping for years, which means he brought home the money, and it was all up to the female to budget and manage how to spend it, how to stay within the means for the couple.

Comment Re:Good riddance. (Score -1) 475

Ever watch Hannibal Lecter eat brain, or even in Collateral Damage a guy getting fed a deadly snake? Now you're guilty of watching imaginary things as if you did them yourself. Pretty much all Hollywood would have to go to jail, for a whole lot of movies have sex and violence and blasts in them, I know, they are supposed to be things of the imagination, just like Manga cartoons. Why is it OK to watch a person getting gutted violently, but a post puberty sexually reproductive female (most manga girls have huge tits meaning they hit puberty and are sexually reproductive age) naked not? If anything they need to lock up all the biotech researchers that torture mice and frogs and rats and monkeys in labs, and set all the child porn addicts free, as long as they don't have a history of actually committing a sexual act with a child. A lot of them are probably recluses, and what do they do? Look at a manga cartoon image? Gimme a break.

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