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Comment Re:In lost the will to live ... (Score 1) 795

"No arheist is so stupid" was the claim. The link refutes the absolutist "no atheist", but perhaps I misread the misspelling, and you meant something else?

Still, I should have read further back in the conversation and posted this instead:

Comment Re:In lost the will to live ... (Score 1) 795

I was thinking more about the "Good without God" movement- definitively and explicitly atheist, yet still somehow affected by "Good" that just happens to coincide with the good of Christianity.

Your one true atheist would be rather unwelcome in such circles, having never worked at a soup kitchen.

Comment Re:In lost the will to live ... (Score 1) 795

I remain unconvinced, either way, that the tale of Saint Isa is true or false. But if true- and there's plenty of room in the Bible for it to be true, 30 years is a long time in a young man's life, and travel to India was certainly possible from Galilee in those days- then yes, it is quite possible that Buddhism infected Christianity with certain ideas.

But I'm not sure what Buddhism has to do with modern Atheism, which would deny the Buddha as being yet another bronze age magician.

Comment Re:In lost the will to live ... (Score 1) 795

"that views others as equal to yourself in all ways. "

Exactly. That was the novelty of Christianity 2000 years ago- the concept that all are equal in sin and dignity.

Well, that and free food. I think the free food, before the liturgy was locked down, was more the reason for conversion in a time that didn't have any such thing.

Comment Re:Do the math (Score 1) 169

Yeah, good point on the protein levels. I have found that hydration plays a huge role in terms of how your protein workups show in your urine screens.

The creatine levels are usually high because I'm usually a vegetarian, so I tend to go through adding some creatine in my shakes (cycle through them). I think on that particular day, I was perhaps a little less hydrated than I should have been, resulting in higher levels than usual. In any event, I know I'm over-saturated with creatine and need hydration when I start having cramps.

And you're right about see-sawing on fitness. I don't necessarily see-saw per se, but I do go through bulk and cut periods (i.e., winter and summer). And so at the peak of a cut with lots of active workouts thrown in, my resting heart rate is lower. At the peak of my bulk with almost only weight exercises thrown in (usually around the winter holidays), my resting heart rate is higher. It's a good thing I can wear sweaters then to cover up my fatceps. :-)

Comment Re:In lost the will to live ... (Score 1, Interesting) 795

Well, for that matter, modern atheism is hopelessly Christian- it comes from a post-Christian world in which certain values that would never be recognized by pre-Christian pagans as true, are taken as truth.

Or at least that's the only explanation I can see for a non-violent atheism.

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