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Comment NYPD is probably the worse & arrogant police d (Score 1) 292

in the USA. It amazes me that they think they can operate as if they are the CIA/NSA/FBI/DIA/DEA/Marshal all combined into one. Yet, they have not discovered one major terrorist plot...ever... The poor tax payers are getting reamed paying for all this wanna-be Feds who, really, need to be working in a supermarket, bagging groceries. NYPD=losers.

Comment Remember! AMERICA owns the UK. (Score -1, Troll) 743

All the judges in the UK really have no power over Apple. Not only Apple is an American company, but *THE* largest company in the world. The British judges are sort of like kindergarten teachers telling a 4-star general to do something. The general is just going to smile and play games at will with these British nannies, oops, I mean British judges. In all honesty, British judges are wasting everyones time trying to get Apple to do something. Except for the Apple American Lawyers who are having a field day with these judgee-wajjee hacks.

Comment Been there, done that. Move along, nothing new... (Score 1) 185

They are simply moving CO molecules around a metal surface. IBM did this back in 1990 and spelled the words IBM by doing this. Fast forward 22 years later, I'm still waiting for NAND gates composed of a few atoms and Star Trek like Replicators. There should be a law that researchers are forbidden to use "right around the corner" or "in a few years" for a "fantastic Sci-Fi device X". Its getting monotonous.

Comment Re:It already is (Score 1) 607

>They already did vote. Their vote said "I'm special, the our rules don't apply to me because I'm strong or smart enough to game the system." >Well, guess they were overruled on that one. Then we should also outlaw anyone who works on Wallstreet from voting too... They make the people in prison look like nuns...

Comment Re:It's already been ruled on. (Score 1, Insightful) 106

So what?! The constitution is utterly, and completely meaningless nowadays. The point is the police will continue to break the law as there are zero repercussions against them. Heck, they may even get a vacation (paid leave) if found "guilty". Seriously, who WON'T break the law to get free paid vacations all the time? Its human nature. What needs to be done is to throw these "cops" into jail for a very long time, and I'm not talking about champagne cop jail, but the real deal along with the rest of prison population.

Comment Petition for the Kelly Law (Score 2) 662

If you are sick and tired and seeing police officers beat people up and have them and the watch that WATCH it and do nothing get away, then please petition the federal government for a Federal Law: It is a start of the beginning of a whole lot of pain for officers who think they are in the sopranos while on the tax payers dime.

Comment Why isn't the prosecutor and the FBI agents (Score 2) 179

arrested? *THEY* broke the law and *THEY* should know better. These type of cases will continue to happen unless a judge arrests all the agents involved in this case. Show these agents zero mercy. Make an example of them to other agents to show this is what happens when you waste the courts time and lie and cheat. This is also very clear example that there are way too many law enforcement officials. TIme to cut the fat and fire/lay off 60-80% of the FBI, DHS, most of the state/local police forces. The USA is quickyl becoming the 1980's USSR police state...

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