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Comment Re:Isn't slander illegal? (Score 1) 549

That'd be true if it was slander. This is basically a political op-ed site, which is protected under the constitution. The slander against bloggers/websites has been tried before and found to be afforded the same protections as any print publication, which includes print publications by political opinion entities.

Comment Win7 or Vista Remarketed... (Score 1) 350

"(we can only hope that as Windows 7 gains popularity, this trend will reverse)"

Why oh WHY would you even want to hope for that? I think a better thing to hope for would be for Windows XP to lose popularity. Hell, I'd rather see people transition to... *shudder* a mac over Vista Remarketed.

And before I get the "Why don't you try it" or "You're a mac fanboi" crap: My network is 7 linux boxen (2 Cell, 3 SPARC, 2 AMD64) 2 Server 2008 (1 as a workstation, 1 as a DC) 1 Win7 Ultimate, and a hoard (lost count) of Win XP laptops. No macs. No Linux on anything that isn't some form of server.


Submission + - SanDisk shipping 64Gb X4 NAND flash memory (

ElectricSteve writes: SanDisk Corporation has begun shipping 64Gb flash memory cards based on the company’s advanced X4 flash memory technology. Five years in the making, X4 (4-bits-per-cell) technology holds twice as many bits in each cell as conventional multi-level cell (MLC) NAND memory chips. Based on 43nm process technology, the 64Gb NAND flash chip is the highest-density single-die memory device in the world to enter production.

Comment Re:Can the outed blogger sue the model? (Score 1) 476

SLAPP doesn't apply as its not really abuse of the system. If it was, the RIAA would have gotten shut down quite a few times by now. The model never performed any legal action that named the blogger directly to force the blogger into litigation just to cause the loss of money or to be annoying. Its gaming the system, but unfortunately, the model can get away with it by saying "Once I found out it was a nobody, I didn't see the point of persuing litigation."

Google on the other hand seems like they would have a decent SLAPP case if the blogger tries to get cute.



Submission + - SPAM: Will Nanotech Create a Brain Revolution? 2

destinyland writes: "Brain researcher Zack Lynch discusses "the coming neurosociety" in his book "Neuro Revolution". (On the jacket Vint Cerf says "Avoid reading this book at your peril.") And in a new interview Lynch argues that nanotechnology will drive amazing progress in brain technology. ("One of the hallmark characteristics of each technological revolution is that when a technology is developed for one then begin to see it in a wide variety of different endeavors far beyond it's original intended use.") Lynch also envisions "neurosoftware applications" to adjust brain miscalculations, and believes today's cognition-enhancing drugs will lead to drugs (and "neurodevices") which improve memory in normal humans. Ultimately he sees the possibility of a new "neurospiritual tradition," and even drugs and neurostimulation devices to improve sexual experiences."
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