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Journal Journal: If you live in the Great Lakes area, pls help 2

Do you need a dog: Dairyland Greyhound Racetrack, Kenosha, WI closing on Dec. 31, 2009. 900 Greyhounds need adopting, or will be euthanized. Great family dogs. They have been crated most of their lives and sleep ~18 hours a day. Dogs are tested for cat, small dog friendly and multiple dog homes. Please CROSS POST, we only have 6 weeks. P: 312.559.0887 Or Dairyland Race Track Adoption Center at (262) 612-8256

Comment Re:Ha! Post-Dispair Fail (Score 1) 15

I hope so, but I kinda doubt it. I lived in the area for a little over a year (about a year and a half, really) and saw much much worst from the Post-Dispair. My ex went to school there (Parks College) and lived there for many years and used to tell me stories. I really do hope you are right and that they have to can his sorry ass.

Comment Re:Ugh (Score 1) 10

Yes, I am a jerk. I'm a jerk to people who are wrong. This complete bullshit about "how great it is to drive to work while white" is complete crap. Poor white people get shit on just as much as anyone else, period. You don't know shit about shit. I do. I have worked DAMN FUCKING HARD to get where I am. I'm not "rich" per se, but my children will have the same advantages you do, as will my grandchildren.

Your title is lame. You can choose not to be.

Comment Ugh (Score 1) 10

This is RE-fucking-DONK-ulous.

Do you know why history makes it look like white people built this country and made it what it is?

Because white people built this country and made it what it is.

I have really begun to hate this crappy, pseudo apologetics bullshit.

Comment I'm so sorry (Score 1) 9

When Theresa kicked me out, I thought my world was over. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but this too shall pass. I know that is cold, cold comfort right now. You are correct in thinking that ONLY you can really understand what you are going through right now. I'm here if you want to talk to a neutral third party with experience in what you're going through.

vladinator at gmail dot com

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