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Comment Re:Missing Option (Score 1) 584

What is up with the complete lack of Cowboy Neal options lately? They would have fit into the polls so well.

How Smart Are You? Smarter than Cowboy Neal.
In the last 24 hours, I've consumed Cowboy Neal. (Ewww... maybe).
Of the options below, I'd most like to learn more Cowboy Neal.

Truly we have seen the zenith of the Slashdot poll.

Comment Re:Intel plans US Plants to Manufacture 32nm Chips (Score 1) 193

It's been my understanding that Intel has always kept the most advanced fabs in the US (AMD too). I worked down the road from the fabs for the Pentium 4 (as horrible as that might be) when I was in Oregon. When you're talking about the cutting edge technology, it's done in the US but Intel makes A LOT of chips. From the desktop CPUs to lowly little microcontrollers that are designed to allow mechanics charge you $300 to replace. It's the older technologies that get pushed offshore.

Comment Re:And... (Score 1) 781

There is a difference though when it comes to the learning curve between Windows and Linux. For me, the worst thing about Linux is that the gui is rather incomplete. There are far too many commands and settings that can only be run from the command prompt and not via the gui. The problem with this is that it makes it infinitely more difficult to learn how to do something new because you have no where to start when you do not know the command or the files you need to work with. It took me God knows how long just to figure out how to set my USB soundcard as the default sound card. Why? Because the audio programs interface through ALSA and I need to set ALSA to choose the default soundcards, but this can only be done by editing the settings file for ALSA. So I have search the internet to find this out, find examples of how the setup the file, etc. With Windows, I can just click around and search the menus. I go to Control Panel and voila, there are places to adjust the audio settings. Even if I do not know exactly where I need to go I at least can search the menus and such to find the appropriate programs. The only thing I can think of that I use the command prompt for is ipconig.

Windows at least is fairly consistent on the gui between versions. We have had the Start Menu since Win95 and other interfaces like the Control Panel, etc. I don't think there will ever any hope for the users that can't seem to get pass anything as simple as a change in colors. But hell, my grandmother was able to move from Windows 98 to Vista by virtue of the fact that the main elements of the gui were still consistent. She still had her Start Menu, Quick Launch, and Desktop icons.


Obama Significantly Revises Technology Positions 940

method9455 writes "Barack Obama has edited his official website on many issues, including a huge revision on the technology page. Strangely it seems net neutrality is no longer as important as it was a few months ago, and the swaths of detail have been removed and replaced with fairly vague rhetoric. Many technologists were alarmed with the choice of Joe Biden before, and now it appears their fears might have been well founded." Update: 09/22 18:07 GMT by T : Julian Sanchez of Ars Technica passed on a statement from an Obama campaign representative who points out that the changes in wording highlighted by Versionista aren't the whole story, and that more Obama tech-plan details are now available in a PDF, saying "there is absolutely no substantive change to our policy - folks who want more information can click to get our full plan."

Slashdot's Disagree Mail Screenshot-sm 354

There is an old Japanese proverb that goes, "Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher." This week's mail is all about teaching. Whether it is about the seriousness of psychic ability, a short history of trolls or explaining how much free time and malice your dad's attorney has, these people just want to impart information. If what they sent me is any indication, they had a lot of sick days. Click on the link below to become enlightened.
It's funny.  Laugh.

"War On Terror" Board Game Confiscated In UK 598

An anonymous reader writes "The board game The War On Terror is a satirical game in which George Bush's 'Axis of Evil' is reduced to a spinner in the middle of the board, which determines which player is designated a terrorist state. That person then has to wear a balaclava (included in the box set) with the word 'Evil' stitched onto it. Kent police said they had confiscated the game because the balaclava 'could be used to conceal someone's identity or could be used in the course of a criminal act.' Balaclavas are freely sold all over the place in the area." Schneier has blogged this stupidity, of course.

Net Shoppers Bullied Into "Verified By Visa" Program 302

bluefoxlucid writes "According to The Register, several banks are forcing users to opt-in to the Verified by Visa optional service by locking their cards if and when they encounter a Verified by Visa participating site and fail to opt-in. Register reader Steve says, 'This seems like a strange way to implement a voluntary system. On most of the retailers' websites there is no clue that you are about to be challenged by Verified by Visa until you attempt to complete the transaction. This means that you trigger the "fraud protection" unintentionally. And when you have located a retailer who doesn't require Verified by Visa to complete a purchase, you can't because your account is on hold.' Further, '[I]n some cases resetting the password is all too easy. Fraudsters know this and go after these credentials which, once obtained, make it harder for consumers to deny responsibility for a fraudulent transaction. Phishing scams posing as Verified by Visa sites have sprung up targeting these login credentials.'"

EBay Deal Irritates Individual Sellers 382

Dekortage writes "EBay's recent deal with appears to be seriously irritating its veteran individual sellers. The deal allows and other large fixed-price retailers to list millions of items on eBay without paying listing fees, and appears to be the direction that eBay will follow in the future. Understandably, individual sellers are outraged. 'I've paid eBay many hundreds of thousands in fees over the past several years and believed them when they talked about a level playing field. And they just plain and simple are going back on their word.' This comes after the dire prediction that eBay is losing its popularity."

New Dune Movie Confirmed 482

bowman9991 writes "Peter Berg will be directing a new big-budget Dune movie from Paramount. SFFMedia reports that 'although there were some doubts that they were going to get it,' the producers have secured the rights to the Dune novel from Frank Herbert's estate and are looking for writers to provide a screenplay that is true to the original text. Can't wait!"

Startup Claims to Make $1/Gallon Ethanol 456

gnick writes to mention Wired is reporting that an Illinois startup is claiming they can make ethanol from most any organic material for around $1/gallon. Coskata, backed by General Motors and several other investors, uses a process that is bacteria based instead of some of the other available methods. The bacteria processes organic material that is fed into the reactor and secretes ethanol as a waste product.
Hardware Hacking

Multitouch Without Touch Using Wiimote 94

owlgorithm writes to mention that Gizmodo has a neat hack for the multitouch Holy Grail — multitouch without the touch. This hack turns the Wiimote into a receiver for IR light reflected from an emitter off of your fingers using reflective tape.

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