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Comment Re:Whatever helps ANTIFA (Score 0) 264

Right wingers are actively, deliberately murdering people. They're being arrested, convicted, imprisoned for it. Anti-fascists believe that violent right wingers need to be met with violence in order to protect innocent people. Antifascists are not intimidating or attacking innocent people. The right wingers have the market cornered on that.

Comment Re:How you build all that infrastructure (Score -1) 146

Higher energy prices, especially gasoline prices, are very unpopular and will destroy public support for addressing global warming. We have to find another way.

Often, the public is stupid, and needs to be told what to do for all of our best interests. That's why we have a government. We need dramatically higher gasoline prices.

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If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
