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Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 166

If you don't watch TV as it is broadcast then you don't have to pay the licence fee no matter where you live. Yes this covers iplayer, as long as the viewing is not at the same time as the TV broadcast. Morally it might be wrong to consume BBC services without paying but legally one is able to. Detune your TV and ask them to visit your home.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 166

I'd rather not have the government deciding on a whim to cut BBC funding from general taxation, perhaps to punish it for attacking the government (see Hutton inquiry). The present system, where funding levels are decided 5 or 10 years in advance and cannot be changed by the government, works very well. Though I accept that in about four years' time when the Royal Charter is up for renewal again - and the funding for future years will be set - the chance of the licence fee continuing are very slim.

I often hear that British TV is the best in the world and if that's the case it's entirely down to the BBC's system of funding which relieves it from commercial and political pressures and allows them to experiment with programmes that might not be a success. Also the BBC's creative freedom has forced the commercial operators to up their game and consider similar risks. Non-Brits might find the licence fee a crazy system but it works. For British TV to fall into the commercial profit-driven LCD style of other countries would be the biggest cultural disaster to hit this country.

Comment Re:work an election before you tout pen and paper. (Score 1) 241

"Propositions" are indeed alien and in Europe it's what we pay our politicians to do. Sure, they should put major questions to referenda - like do we join the EU, do we allow part of the Kingdom to become independent - but anything else is part of their job description. If not, why don't we do away with politicians and put every single issue out to the public via some kind of X Factor mass participation programme?

Comment Re:Can it make Lego? (Score 1) 195

Don't even buy them, LEGO CS is good enough that they will send you the necessary brick for free if you give them a call. At least they used to. My future wife was the one who took the calls and grappled with ancient instructions to identify the brick in question. Great days, I've never worked for a better company...

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