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Comment Re:Went over my head. (Score 5, Interesting) 593

Emotion is a fact.

I take from this short statement the same sentiment that Bruce Schneier was speaking about, when he stopped whining about how everything "security theater" was completely irrelevant, and started exploring the real and tangible impact and importance of the feeling of safety IN ADDITION TO actual safety controls. You cannot just dismiss grandma's warm and fuzzy acceptance of strict authoritarian searches, you have to actually include it in the calculus, the whole of which can inform the security methodology.

Security is both a feeling and a reality. The propensity for security theater comes from the interplay between the public and its leaders. When people are scared, they need something done that will make them feel safe, even if it doesn't truly make them safer. Politicians naturally want to do something in response to crisis, even if that something doesn't make any sense.

Religion is the same: you can't just dismiss religion, it's a palpable phenomenon for a large number of stakeholders. Often, you can coexist with their philosophy while still doing real science. Galileo wasn't locked up in house arrest for his science, he was locked up for being an ass to the church. The church actually had little problem with the already-common views on the shape of the solar system, and would have "come around" on the matter much faster without his goading.

Comment Adobe and ebook DRM? Color me surprised (Score 1) 304

So, we all know how well this worked out for Dmitry Sklyarov last time. Learning how DRM is a self-defeating technology is kinda like the cycles in the fashion industry: everything old is new again. The stakes just get higher and higher with all the maximalist lobbying that goes on between each cycle.

Comment Re:Despise that low-profile keyboard and mouse (Score 1) 178

The PCjr was not one of those flexible rubber keyboard things. The Mac keys are actually dense rubber/nylon, while the PCjr keys were plain hard ABS plastic of the same shape. The PCjr keyboard had a raised ridge around the whole board. Otherwise they were quite the same as the current Mac standalone keyboards. One reason for the chiclet design on the PCjr was so they could make little paper cards that fit in the raised ridge and surrounded every key, to label various key functions for specific applications.

Comment Re:i bought one (Score 1) 178

Funny that for all the bitching about the "chiclet" style keyboard back then, now I see way too many laptops (and even Macs) that are using what looks like the same style. I hated it then, and I hate it now.

I definitely should have said this in my other post. I laugh and laugh at the Mac's chiclet crap. They're horrible to use for touch typing, just one step above a membrane keyboard. Yet everyone "loves" them because Steve Jobs told them to.

I swapped my chiclet infrared keyboard for the heavy-ass IBM keyboard right away. As soon as Macs went to chiclet, I bought two of the last heavy-ass Apple bluetooth keyboards; one for today and one as a spare, to use them through the years.

Comment Had one. Liked it. (Score 3, Interesting) 178

I had one, and I really liked it. It lacked DMA on the floppy drive so things were a bit slower during a file load or save. It only had one bay. Otherwise, it was basically the same as the PC (my dad had a low-serial-number model 5150). It had a couple more graphics modes than the standard VGA, enabling a lot of games to use 16 colors rather than 4. Nobody I knew ever used the "sidecar" bus for anything worthwhile.

Comment Re:Voice assistant (Score 1) 113

And it's nothing like the command line, which does no interpreting, refining or clarification at all; it just executes a limited set of commands exactly as entered, with no room for so much as a misplaced comma.

ZORK I (1979):

> unlock grating with key
Which key do you mean, the skeleton key or the rusty key?

> skeleton

Comment common and fun (Score 4, Interesting) 301

Doesn't everyone who can proram do this? Just like gun fans identify and count shots for each weapon they see?

From the (mistaken? wise?) use of a .300 in an IPv4 address in The Net, to the identification of some kind of 6502 assembly code in the Terminator's red overlay, it's always been something to try to do in the theater without freeze-frame available.

Comment Re:Why not just do this using batteries? (Score 2) 296

The point of "power from vehicles" was for use in emergencies. The concept was first in the mainstream press after Fukushima wiped out a massive area of infrastructure. A hurricane in the Philippines is similar. If you can't get the car out of the local village to go get a working gas generator and gas to run it, then just use the car itself to keep your family from freezing.

Comment Re:Don't really see the market (Score 1) 240

A lot of the replies here are incredulous about Nexus 7 power.

My Nexus 7 2012 edition would charge up, even if the screen and wifi was on, if left on a 500mA laptop USB port (usb debugging / storage enabled).

My Nexus 7 2013 edition would not charge up, even if the screen and wifi was off, if left on a 500mA laptop USB port (even with usb debugging / storage disabled). It would drain slowly. It required a 1A from a wall-wart to tread water with the screen on. It took a 2A wall-wart to actually charge up while using it. I still have to find a powered hub that will give more than USB standard 500mA, so I can pass debug/storage data while charging.

Comment Re:It's all about the stock price (Score 1) 487

You can see this if you watch the Google News links related to a given stock. All year, "ValueWatch" has been beating Tesla up at every opportunity, and when there is no opportunity, they make up a reason. Someone's in a squeeze, so they try to hit the stock. Someone wants to buy, so they try to hit the stock. Even with all this brouhaha, TSLA is up 300% this calendar year.

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