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Comment I hope the DOJ hems them up good (Score 1) 301

For years now I have been trying to go see a certain artist perform. Only to find the only tickets available ... moments after scheduled release, was at the shady reseller sites. I've always refused to pay 5x the face value or even 2x face value. Especially when it is blatant fraud on the part of the re-sellers.

Hopefully the DOJ hems them up in prison for a very very long time indeed. Say, one day for every ticket they snatched up .. or one day for every dollar they made. Or just take them out back and shoot them. They deserve it.

Comment I still say (Score 1) 489

If something awful happens to befall the guy he gets what he deserves. I'd even support any Gov't efforts to help that something awful along. He's put the lives of people in jeopardy. He thinks it will somehow serve a greater purpose if those people (our sons and daughters serving as war fighters) get killed rather than allow the Govt's to have classified communica. He's a buffoon.

Comment Wiki Leaks need shut down (Score 1) 966

There is a line between 'serving the public' and recklessly endangering the lives of our war fighters. They have crossed it and need to pay the piper.

The people who sent the information and the people who have decided to publish it deserve whatever awful experiences are in their future.

Comment There are problems with ethanol. (Score 2, Informative) 894

Ethanol attracts moisture. A stabo additive is required.

It attacks fuel lines. This spring I had to change out the fuel lines in all my lawn equipment. The line trimmer had (was cheaper) to be replaced.

It's a nightmare for the marine industry. Not only attacking the fuel lines, but the internal fuel tanks also.

Needless to say, I've learned my lesson. I go out of my way to purchase fuels that don't have ethanol mixed in.

Maybe in the future everything will be ethanol tolerant. But that day isn't today.

Comment Logs, what logs? (Score 1) 857

Do I have logs? If I do, where do I get them? I've never seen these logs your talking about. I don't even have a fireplace. Why would I keep them around?

This is nonsense. There's no friggin way the fed can expect me to keep computer logs for two years. Heck, I can't even keep a hard drive two years anymore, little loan maintain a data warehouse for some law enforcement agency. Who's going to pay for that?

This will be treated just like most un-funded mandates handed down from congress. Ignored.

Comment Re:whois (Score 3, Insightful) 904

It's just my guess that you haven't had to carry a breast pump every where you go for two-three years. Not to mention finding a place to plug it in and pum. Oh, and then the cooler for keeping the milk cold. And the heater to warm it back up. Nor all the necessary items needed to clean and sterilize the pump parts after each use. Don't forget the crying hungry child demanding instant satisfaction for their hunger pains.

Pumping milk is an option some mothers choose. Some choose formula and some choose breast feeding. By far the easiest and most healthy option is breast feeding. IMO the most inconvenient way is to choose to pump because of all the baggage you need to haul.

One thing is for certain. Those kids need and will be fed. Just no way around it. And on their terms, not any one elses schedule. To be offended because someone is breast feeding is ridiculous.

Businesses Reporting This Holiday Season Their "Best Ever" 314

In a refreshing break from all the doom and gloom, is calling this holiday season their best ever. Reporting a 44 percent rise in the number of items sold, they are refusing to provide actual dollar amounts, so it is still a very subjective measurement. "Amazon customers ordered more than 6.3 million items on Dec. 15, compared with roughly 5.4 million on its peak day last year, the company said. It shipped more than 5.6 million products on its best day, a 44 percent rise over 2007, when it shipped about 3.9 million on its busiest day. The company did not provide dollar figures and wouldn't say whether the average value of orders had changed, and the jumps it reported Friday are in line with increases Amazon has seen since it started releasing the figures in 2002."

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