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Comment Re:Because that would be unimaginable CENSORSHIP? (Score 1, Troll) 832

Ah, the old "It's not censorship because it's a private company" thing that we always hear from leftists when non-leftist speech is suppressed. This is a principle of convenience, of course. Do these same people support the 1950s Hollywood (private company) blacklists of communists and fellow-travelers? Of course not! That's entirely different, somehow....

Comment A classic book: How To Lie With Statistics (Score 1) 238

How To Lie With Statistics by Darrell Huff is an old but classic work that everyone should read. Its lessons about the ways that statistics are misused are as relevant as ever today. I read it in junior high school, but a bright 10-year-old should have no problem grasping it. It has entertaining cartoon-style illustrations, which help.

Comment Re:Trump could be elected today (Score 1) 239

Good points, but here are a few more: 1) One party only rarely keeps the White House for three terms in a row, and the general mood of the country (and especially that of a lot of swing voters) is not: "Oh please, let's have four more years like the last eight!" 2) Trump is quite popular in New York. It's not out of the question that he could beat Hillary there.

Comment Re:Activisim? (Score 2) 98

Well, no. If I dismissed a particular bearer of a particular argument as merely motivated by personal psychological issues, yes, that would be the ad hominem fallacy. But merely pointing out that personal psychological issues often underly political positions is simply acknowledging reality.

And of course, it's a matter of degree. Nearly every activist cause has some truth to it. There is plenty of tragedy and need and injustice in the world. But one way the personal psychology comes in is in how someone reacts to these things. Many activists get so emotional, and blow things up so out of proportion, that it's clear that they are upset over more than what they claim to be upset about. When college students have a passionate demonstration because the administration did not condemn "offensive" Halloween costumes, in advance of Halloween, it's obvious that more is going on. No psychologically-balanced person gets upset over Halloween costumes they haven't even seen.

Comment The Art of the Deal (Score 1) 316

It's important to remember that Trump is a businessman and negotiator, and I think he's using standard business negotiating tactics: ask for everything, then compromise later. Standard politicians only sometimes do that sort of thing, because they're too worried about offending or alienating some constituency, or too afraid of being labeled an "extremist" or whatever. But part of Trump's appeal is to ignore that, go big, get the headlines, and give the finger to the media and establishment as they clutch their pearls and whine that "Politics simply isn't done this way! *SNIFF*!" His supporters just love him more for it.

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