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Comment Re:Who's this about? (Score -1) 90

Someone please explain to me why parents are letting these kids go to school with phones in middle school and such.

I can see it being more important once kids start driving themselves but there is no reason for a kid to have a phone at school.

The whole 'but I need to stay in contact for this emergency that might happen' excuse is bullshit - the school has had an office phone that could dial in and out since before it started accepting students in almost every school in america, the ones that are older still had phones installed 2 generations ago. There is no reason a kid should bring a phone to school before driving. Period.

They don't need a phone. They want a phone and have shitty parents. Thats different than need.

Comment Re: Full evil (Score -1) 44

Many people prefer the walled garden, including techies. Their stance on privacy are large part of it. I have a galaxy, but everyone else in my extended family has an iPhone because they don't want to live their life around figuring out which apps will F them. And mostly NO ONE CARES that they have to use the app store. You guys rant against Apples walled garden like whiney little bitches.

There is nothing compelling to these people about the wild wild west of apps on phones that you envision in your delusional app store utopia. Being able to install random apps that you think might be useful has exactly 0 value to them.

The walled garden is a feature that nutjobs like you seem to feel the need to destroy because God Fn forbid someone doesn't do it YOUR WAY.

You're a hypocrite, and it burns you up that every one doesn't agree with you. You're life must be miserable.

Comment Re:get rid of the tipped min wage and let tips com (Score -1) 215

Reality - if you don't make minimum wage with your tips, they just stop scheduling you and you make no money.

No company makes up the difference more than 2 paychecks, you either aren't that good or they can find someone who will make enough tips to not cause them to have to pay extra.

The whole minimum wage or tips to minimum wage think is BS.

Comment Re: Generally agree. (Score -1, Interesting) 174

You do understand that it is possible to write code without being full of exploits, right.

It is possible with proper processes and competent developers who understand wtf they are doing.

Unfortunately that's hard, most developers are not even to the ChatGPT generated code level of good, and there is pretty much 0 incentive to encourage companies to not cut corners and produce shit.

Comment Re: Nope (Score 5, Insightful) 174

Explain WHY software has to 'evolve'.

At least beyond the company with the copyright wanting to make more money.

There are many types of hammers and screw drivers, but these do not 'evolve' unless there is some gimmick to sell you another. If it breaks, you replace it WITH THE EXACT SAME THING, 40 years later.

Software can be done as well. It doesn't need to be ever changing.

As noted here, beyond the red squiggly line, word processor haven't done anything new in at least 25 years. They only look different and behave differently. Now they cater to empowering some moron to use some dumb font because now it's also got a bunch of desktop publishing features that are frivolous and used incorrectly by almost everyone that does it.

Comment Tim Sweeney is a worthless douche (Score -1) 24

The most amazing thing about Epic game store is that I have to click on it in the task bar and quit it each time I reboot so it doesn't make me feel like its the source of lag when gaming. I don't think it is, it seems to play nicely, but WTF does it auto start after install - and bother me at the worst F'n time about this weeks games in the middle of an intense session of WHATEVER.

Its wonderful popups to tell me that I have to come look to see what the current free game is were enough for me to swear off of epic store and ban it from running on my PC automatically. Just tell me the game and let me click ONCE to get it. Instead you take me to a bullshit promotional page where I have to scroll and hunt for the free game. You suck for your shitty marking/promotions.

Dear EPIC -

No one cares, we can get ALL the games that we care about on Steam, who has a far bettter track record in the industry for not being douches - Yes, I''m looking directly at you Tim Sweeney and your lawsuits against Apple and Google. STFU, I don't give a shit what you think about how much you should pay. You are lucky they let you sell stuff on their platform. You dont' get to dictate what others due on their platforms. Gamers are not impressed by you being a selfish asshole. No one cares that you have to pay to have your app distributed. We understand that your complaints are bullshit, and the 30% isn't really that outrageous for something that carries your game to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE FOR FREE if you offer it for free. Oh I'm sorry, you're whining that they take a cut of your completely virtual, didn't cost you anything other than a few hours of graphics artist time while they created a new skin for you to sell for $5 to millions of people

I'm a developer. 30% isn't that bad. FUCK OFF and don't support those platforms if you don't like it AND NO ONE WILL GIVE A FLYING FUCK THAT WE CAN'T PLAY FORTNITE ON AN IPHONE - seriously NO ONE FUCKING DOES THAT. Its a fucking tech demo, FULL STOP. Beyond that, its absolutely fucking retarded.

Stop acting like apple and android are stealing from you. They built platforms beyond anything you could dream of, and your retarded court cases deserve to fail.

Oh, and by the way, since you fucked up Cary Town Centre with your bullshit building plans, mind finishing the job and turning that parking lot into something useful?
  I was more happy when the failed mall was at least somewhere the old people could power walk, now its a disgusting rubble pile and you havent followed through with any of your bullshit promises.

Congrats, you've managed to make a gamer who grew up with Epic MegaGames - Commander Keen and F'n loved it in all its 2d glory a long with UT (2k4 was the best!) to hate you as not only a game company and also as a community business.

If this upsets you - shrug.- I'm tired of the bullshit from people like Sweeney complaining that they only made 10 bazillion dollars instead of 11 bazillion. Go fuck yourself Sweeney, I'm with CliffyB on this one.

Comment Re: But will 2024 See the end of Twitter? (Score -1, Insightful) 117

Musk did not make tesla and SpaceX what they are, the fact that you think he did is scary.

He is a hot air balloon with money.

The engineers and business people in these organizations made them what they are. Musk money and popularity helps, but ANY time he opens his mouth in public he opens his company's up to lawsuits.

Sometimes he's lying about buying something, sometimes he's calling it a full autopilot and getting people killed, sometimes he's yelling his customers to go fuck themselves while he regularly follows nutjob theories with no proof.

Yea, he's amazing

Comment Re: But will 2024 See the end of Twitter? (Score -1, Informative) 117

Musk has never been an engineer.

At one point he wrote some code to start a REALLY FUCKING SHITTY payment platform that to this day still fucks over the little people as often as possible.

He didn't even do it scale, other developers did that.

Calling Musk a engineer is like calling me the Virgin Mary

Comment Re: So? (Score -1) 101

As a general rule, banking at large scales draws more 'conservative' leadship because they are far more willing to take advantage of loaning to big oil and other industries with large amounts of money

You won't find a large bank led by liberals - Not one that's making money anyway, their politics demand not taking advantage of the most profitable paths.

Conservatives ( I mean Republicans, not actual conservatives, Republicans aren't conservative, it's just their battle cry.) will absolutely exploit every possible business opportunity unless it is obviously and immediately detrimental to thier bottom line.

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