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Submission + - Very Very Bright Comet in 2013!! (blogspot.it)

An anonymous reader writes: Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) will get to within 0.012AU of the Sun (extremely close) at the end of November 2013 and then to ~0.4AU from Earth at the beginning of January 2014! According to its orbit, this comet might become a naked-eye object in the period November 2013 — January 2014. And it might reach a negative magnitude at the end of November 2013.

Submission + - Is it time for Android on the desktop? Via Technologies thinks so (apc.io) 2

fragMasterFlash writes: Via Technologies is launching the aPC, a $49 desktop motherboard running Android Gingerbread with support for downloading apps from the Google Play store. Dubbed "A bicycle for your mind" this device represents an attempt to span the digital divide, bringing a full-fledged computing experience to the next 2 billion new users.

Submission + - Eunuchs Had More Fun: Castration Leads To Longer Lives. (medicalnewstoday.com)

tetrahedrassface writes: "A study out from Korea verifies what the animal world has been telling us for years. Castrated males live longer lives. The study rounds out the period of the Chosun Dynasty where servants were castrated. The unit-less men lived on average 14 to 19 years longer, could marry and lived to the ripe old age of seventy whilst their royal employers lived on average into their forties. While the science is in, before everyone runs to get the service done to their person, it seems that the younger you are when castrated, the better the benefit.


Submission + - Spectacular fireball lights up UK sky 1

The Bad Astronomer writes: "An extremely bright meteor burned up over Ireland and the northern UK around 22:00 UTC on Friday night, and was apparently witnessed by thousands of people. It traveled east to west, and was moving relatively slowly. It may have been an actual rock, or it may have been some human-made space debris — a satellite or rocket booster — burning up. Space junk tends to move more slowly, so that's a potential suspect, though orbiting debris usually moves in the opposite direction. I'm collecting pictures and images on my Bad Astronomy blog."

Submission + - GPL Kerfuffle Kills Xbian for RaspberryPi (raspbmc.com) 1

tetrahedrassface writes: Rasbmc developer Sam Nazarko is reporting that Xbian had violated the GPL and stolen his installer code without providing attribution and not releasing their source. His breakdown of events is interesting, and currently the Xbian project has been taken offline with several tweets saying Xbian development is terminated.

Submission + - Chattanooga's EPB Doubles Down On Fiber Speeds. (timesfreepress.com)

tetrahedrassface writes: The first city in the U.S. to offer a screaming fast fiber network has now announced customers will get a free 60% boost in speed. If you had the 30 MB/sec service you now will get 50. Mid-range customers get a doubling for free, while the high end consumers of fiber get an average 250% boost. The fiber network recently passed 40,000 members and judging from a test of my business, we are currently over 300 MB/sec. It's awesome!

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A rock store eventually closed down; they were taking too much for granite.
