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Comment Re:+-2000 deaths? (Score 1, Insightful) 119

It takes three medical support people to keep an Ebola patient clean, dry, hydrated, fed, and disposed of when he dies. And three more armed and dangerous army types to defend you while you do it. Now look at the Monrovia metro area with 4.4 million souls. On a moment's notice where are you going to get 15 million health professionals, 15 million soldiers, and the materials necessary to ensure this virus "only" kills 70% of the population? You aren't.

Comment Re:+-2000 deaths? (Score 0) 119

This strain kills 90%. There is a concurrent strain in DR Congo that kills 60% that survivors of this strain have no immunity to. Between the two that is 96% before you consider network effects and viral evolution. This could wind up being the big reset button that puts the global population down to 2 million, if it doesn't wipe us out altogether. Maybe we need to revisit the Great dying in this context. If we have time.
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Journal Journal: I might be done with /. 1

/. Used to be an obsession for me. I've been here over a decade. I've 2^8th +5 comments, 2^8 days read. I have broken news here by waking the Admins. For the last 10 years /. could count on me putting my spin on almost every story that hit the main page. I don't know if it is Dice ownership, that the trolls have finally won, /. Beta or whatever. More and more I'm finding the content stale, the discussion vile. I don't check in every day. What I do kn

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