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Submission + - MI5 to send terror alerts via email

Dik Zak writes: CNN reports that Britain's domestic spy agency MI5 has launched a new email alert service on Tuesday to warn the public about changes in the security threat level. Users will be able to register with MI5 to receive emails detailing the changes in security threat levels.
Operating Systems

Submission + - 2006: Linux is more frequently used in freelance

An anonymous reader writes: Statistics from recent research of more than 9000 freelance projects: Linux used in 58%, Windows — in 42% of all projects. Average winning bid: $162 for Linux-projects and $196 for Windows-projects. More data and diagrams —

Submission + - UK Terror Alerts via E-Mail

MrSplog writes: The BBC reports that MI5, the British security service, are planning to give the public security alerts via e-mail. Is the use of such an inherently insecure and already abused medium a wise choice for delivering such important information to an already sceptical public?
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Universal OS games?

QueePWNzor writes: Like the majority of people looking at this (I think), I play PC games. But fewer and fewer games work between multiple OS's, particularly Linux. But now that NeverwinterNights 2 isn't universal OS like the first, I'm pretty sure DirectX has sent all the good multi-platform games to hell (or Warrens-of-the-Damned, take your pick.)
What's left? Free-Wine I'd only trust to play pac-man. Few games are OpenGL, on the grounds that "only Windows people play games, and DirectX looks cool." The PS3 is the only system that uses high-powered OpenGL, but I'm not about to spend $500-600 for a system that only has $60+ games, requires a huge TV to look good, and takes almost as much power as the whole country of Mongolia (no offence, Mongolians.)
So I'd like to know: What good games are there that Microsoft hasn't killed? (Okay, so that's like asking how many dinosaurs aren't extinct. Bob from Dilbert not included.)
If anybody knows any games that work on Windows/Linux or Mac/Linux, please say. I would prefer that it runs on all three, but there are no games I know of that are sold for Linux so...

Submission + - PostgreSQl 8.2 gets first face lifting

JHWH writes: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group is proud to announce the release of PostgreSQL 8.2.1.
While the 8.2 release has shown some real advances in the PostgreSQL feature list and performance chart, the current release has been put together mostly to fix a number of issues that were causing, among others, crashes in the servers.
At the same time also the older versions have been updated back to 7.3.
" Users are urged to upgrade at the earliest opportunity " according to the development group.
Downloads are already available in several formats, as well as updated documentation.
Data Storage

Submission + - Open Source Dispersed Storage

pararox writes: Can massive amounts of data be reliably and efficiently stored using the internet and heterogeneous servers? The Open Source Cleversafe project is partnering with ISPs and hosting providers around the world to create a "storage internet" using information dispersal. InfoWorld has an interview with Chris Gladwin talking about the future and viability of this approach.

Lego Mindstorms + Lasers 122

hamsan writes "My brother just hacked a laser pointer into an NXT light sensor and fully documented the process. From the page — 'Total Project Cost — $16.99 plus shipping. Time Required — Approximately 2 hours of tinkering. Having an Alpha Rex with a Laser — Priceless!' Of course, the usual warnings about voiding warranties and avoiding lasers apply."
User Journal

Journal Journal: D & D Character Meme 1

I Am A: Chaotic Good Half-Elf Ranger Fighter

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Your Favorite Support Anecdote 1177

Most of us have had the unfortunate opportunity to have worked tech support at some point, whether it was for a paycheck or for a relative. The Register has offered up a vote for several of their favorite support stories but I'm sure there are many more out there to be had. My favorite horror story was while working a tech support call for a governmental employee, when asked to take her mouse and click on the "start" button all I could hear over the phone is what I later found out was the user banging her mouse against the monitor. What other horror stories have people seen from the trenches?

Icy-Flo - The solution to this summer's heat 145

Steve Kerrison writes "Desperate times call for desperate measures, but I'd like to think of this as more of an exercise in cunning. It's hot, but I'm not, thanks to an Icy-Box and a Panaflo. This was nearly categorised as hardware hacking, but then the only 'hacking' required was the removal of four thumb-screws."

FreeBSD 6.1 Released 227

nbritton writes "FreeBSD 6.1 has been released! This release is the next step in the development of the 6.X branch, delivering several performance improvements, many bugfixes, and a few new features. Of note are the major improvements to the filesystem and SATA code, possibly making FreeBSD the number one choice for SATA RAID implementations. For a complete list of new features and known problems, please see the release notes, errata list, Bittorrent Downloads, Mirrors, Hardware Notes, and Installation Guide."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Fours Meme 1

Pizza Hut Cook
Harding's Bagger
Web Developer
Database Analyst

The Princess Bride
So I Married an Axe Murderer
13th Warrior
Star Wars: A New Hope

Traverse City, MI
Grand Rapids, MI
Walker, MI
Portage, MI
User Journal

Journal Journal: Page 23 Meme

  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Turn to page 23.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

Learning Perl, 3rd Edition

Any character other than a single quote or a backslash between the quote marks (including newline characters, if the string continues onto successive lines) stands for itself inside a string.

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