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Comment Re:We have been trained from birth (Score 2) 57

to be addicted to outrage and fear.

This is a relatively new phenomenon

Your ignorance of history is astounding. Go back and look at the polemics of Protestants and Catholics during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation when both sides regularly accused the other side of eating babies. And that's far from the only example.

Comment Re:NTP (i.e. Dr Mills) foresaw this (Score 1) 118

"Even if there were good reasons to use DST...However, there are no good reasons"

Sez you. As I get older and my night vision gets worse, I appreciate more and more having another hour of daylight in the evening. But I don't appreciate having my mornings in the dark. Keeping sunrise more or less at the same time over the course of a year requires Daylight Saving Time.

Comment Re:Not economically viable? (Score 3, Informative) 48

Unless it dies first, it will eventually become impossible to mine Bitcoin at all. There's a built-in ceiling of 21 million, after which mining operations will not yield any Bitcoins at all (actually, because of the way the Bitcoin algorithms round, production of Bitcoin should come to a complete halt when there is just short of 21 million).

Comment Re:Who trusts these VPN companies? (Score 1) 39

They have one use: They can make you look like you're located somewhere else. This is particularly useful when you want to access something that will block you if you use a local IP address. Granted, this is a rather overcomplicated way to get a proxy address, but it's the easiest way to do it for a lot of people.

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