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Comment Ineffective, and rarely tried (Score 1) 188

Yes, we all know that if they let you look at the page, your computer will download all the associated files and you'll have them. Just taking the files out of your Firefox cache is an obvious solution. Going in with developer tools already open is another one.

That being said, most people don't even try these measures anymore. They used to be a lot more common. But even the average web user is getting more sophisticated.

The new effort is to try to bake DRM into the browsers themselves.

Comment Re:yet more engineer bashing (Score 1) 497

No, the authors are not engineers because engineers aren't trained to perform this kind of study. One author is a sociology professor the other is a comparative politics professor.

Before you go crazy, everyone knows that few people are terrorists anyway, so few engineers are terrorists. They aren't trying to drive the engineers away with pitchforks.

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