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Comment Re:Best Lawsuit Ever. (Score 1) 120

Depends on how well you write your contracts, back when I did programming as a contractor, the contract dealt specifically with liability and damages - basically boiled down to, the customer could sue, but would never be able to get more than actual damages and never more than the module / sub routine cost to have developed. Granted, this wasn't in the US, so liability laws and statuary damages etc. are vastly different here.

Comment Re:Only 5000 bucks? (Score 3, Insightful) 62

"I went to see Professor Douglas Hartree, who had built the first differential analyzers in England and had more experience in using these very specialized computers than anyone else. He told me that, in his opinion, all the calculations that would ever be needed in this country could be done on the three digital computers which were then being builtâ"one in Cambridge, one in Teddington, and one in Manchester. No one else, he said, would ever need machines of their own, or would be able to afford to buy them."
-- Douglas Hartree

There are billions of smart people out there, just because you fail to see a purpose doesn't mean there isn't one, it just means you aren't the one making it rich in this niche.

Comment Re:No, you don't have an opt out. (Score 1) 138

Well thank you for posting a link to someone who is trying to boil something quite complicated down to 3 columns.

The actual law is:
 264 a. Den, som uberettiget fotograferer personer, der befinder sig pÃ¥ et ikke frit tilgængeligt sted, straffes med bÃde eller fængsel indtil 6 mÃ¥neder. Det samme gælder den, der ved hjælp af kikkert eller andet apparat uberettiget iagttager sÃ¥danne personer.

 264 a er ændret fra d. 01.07.2001 ved lov nr. 433 af 31.05.2000 (afskaffelse af hæftestraffen)

 264 b. (Ophævet)

 264 c. De i  263, 264 og 264 a indeholdte straffebestemmelser finder tilsvarende anvendelse pÃ¥ den, der uden at have medvirket til gerningen skaffer sig eller uberettiget udnytter oplysninger, som er fremkommet ved overtrædelsen.

 264 c er ændret fra d. 01.07.2004, jfr.  1.7 i lov nr. 352 af 19.05.2004

 264 d. Med bÃde eller fængsel indtil 6 mÃ¥neder straffes den, der uberettiget videregiver meddelelser eller billeder vedrÃrende en andens private forhold eller i Ãvrigt billeder af den pÃ¥gældende under omstændigheder, der Ã¥benbart kan forlanges unddraget offentligheden. Bestemmelsen finder ogsÃ¥ anvendelse, hvor meddelelsen eller billedet vedrÃrer en afdÃd person.

On top of that, you can be punished for publishing pictures on the internet without consent (persondataloven)

Now this law is primarily about non-public places, however, iff you are photographed on a public place you can request they do not take picture(s) of you, that is full frame, up close or zoomed etc. if you happen to be in the background and not primary focus of the picture some exceptions are granted. *HOWEVER* you are still not allowed to publish these pictures, unless they are in the interest of the public, e.g. public television shooting a segment - but again there are exceptions.

Comment Re:No, you don't have an opt out. (Score 5, Informative) 138

You know how people know you are a true 'Murican?

Did you miss the part about local laws? This drone was in Brazil and I'm talking about the laws I know, which is Danish law - if you take a picture in Denmark, they can ask you to remove it and you must comply.

Just because you feel like your picture is important, doesn't mean some random stranger wants to be in on it.

Also, if the subject happens to be a model by trade, they can by local law sue you for the damages to their brand, if the picture you took end up on the internet (there are some exceptions to this). Again local law.

Comment Re:A taste of things to come? (Score 2) 138

Even if you are in public, local laws might prevent you from snapping away; usually people must have the ability to opt out of their picture being taken, which is pretty easy, when someone is pointing a camera at you, however, when a drone flies by, it's next to impossible.

The other day I was stalked by a drone in a park, which I must say, is rather unsettling, don't really care about it taking pictures, but those propellers are aggressive and when the drone is only 2 meters from your head, you do start to wonder, just how good are those guys at handling it...

Comment Re:What's wrong with html and javascript? (Score 1) 466

Well earning 1 million dollars over two decade span in this industry working as an consultant is actually pretty abysmal.

And whats with the bow analogy? Are you saying that you are estimating wrong all the time, but you do so faster than anyone in the industry? Because going 200 mph, isn't that impressive, if it means you are going to crash horribly...

Also, why do you believe using ; to debug helps your development 6 months down the line? I find comments and well structured code is the right path there. Also, explain to me, how you debug weird branched code, without stepping through frames (up and down) - and why would you ever pass on the ability to hot wire your code by manipulating the current scope using your debugger?

Comment Re:What's wrong with html and javascript? (Score 2, Informative) 466

Are you insane?

There is no way your shot-gun approach to debugging is ever faster or better than dropping JS into a debugger; having something like intellij hook into your browser and debug your code running in an IDE is by miles better and faster than what you suggest.

Especially if you are doing something difficult and not just trying to load an ajax request...

Comment Re:What about the shareholders? (Score 2) 211

Also, what most slashdotters seems to have missed, this is a good business decision - Elon knows that he is going to face competition from the major players in the car market - by opening up his patents on charging, he is gaming that the next batch of cars will support the system *his* cars are using.

By being the defacto standard, he can ensure his customers will have access to charging stations, when the big guns starts putting them up around the world - if a competing standard is chosen, the Tesla might face difficulties selling in the future.

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