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Comment Re:Experience from academia (Score 2, Insightful) 1259

No, the idea behind this argument is that inflation is measured against goods which can keep their costs down through productivity improvements, while college is not such a good, so it should see prices rise faster than inflation. I'm not sure I buy the argument, but it is indeed an argument that tuition prices should rise higher than the inflation rate.

We currently have good evidence that the inflation rate doesn't apply broadly to all types of goods - houses and cars are keeping it down while milk and bread are definitely going up more than the official inflation rate. No clue if college is more or less like milk and eggs, though, but it's pretty clear that you can't simply argue that everything should go up by the same inflation rate.

Comment ECC on a home system? (Score 4, Interesting) 333

I've always thought it would be a nice-to-have feature for my home system to have ECC - perhaps it might degrade over time and misbehave less if it could detect and fix some errors. But my normal sources don't seem to stock many choices. E.g. Newegg appears to have 2 motherboards to choose from, both for AMD CPUs, nothing for Intel. Frys appears to have one, same, AMD only. Is this just the way things are, or do I need to be looking somewhere else? Would picking one of these motherboards end up in not working out well for my gaming rig?

Comment Re:Whoa! (Score 1) 427

I wish the extra features weren't so frustrating. Built-in wireless disconnects a lot, and the streaming video player doesn't always resume where the disconnection was, so if you want to actually watch videos you basically have to go wired or copy them to the local the drive first, but good luck getting the copy to complete it will error out half way through and isn't smart enough to resume the partially complete copy. Web browser alternates between being incredibly slow and painful to load flash videos or just getting stuck and hanging and you have to power cycle the system.
It's so frustratingly close to perfect, that it's frustrating. But to do something like watch a flash video on your tv when your friends are over, you basically still need to hook up a laptop to do it quickly and reliably.

Comment They're just giving preference to yahoo answers (Score 3, Informative) 582

It's not specifically pro-MS or anti-Apple. It's just that whatever their ranking algorithm is rates yahoo answers as a better source than other sites. Search engines have to weight sites somehow; if all sources of pages were equally good authorities, we'd all still be using altavista.

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