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Comment How to Experiment w/ Fast Booting Linux:3 EZ Steps (Score 1) 241

Step 1. Download UNetBootin from SourceForge (2 minutes)

Step 2. Stick in a blank USB thumb drive and use UNetBootin to install Linux Mint version 6 or Puppy Linux version 4 onto the drive. (3 to 30 minutes depending on network speed)

Step 3. Reboot and tell your BIOS to make your newly bootable USB thumb drive the boot drive. (2 minutes)


Online Billpay Provider Loses Control of Domains 232

An anonymous reader writes "Several sites are running a story about a domain hijacking at Checkfree, the largest provider of online bill payment services to numerous banks and credit unions. According to Network Solutions, someone logged in to the domain administration page using Checkfree's account, and redirected its domains to a site in the Ukraine configured to serve up malware to unsuspecting users." Things like this make me nervous about switching to otherwise-tempting online bill payment, but checks are dangerous, too.

Submission + - String Validation Routines in .NET Exposed (anachronic.com)

ubiquitin writes: Web application security researcher Arian Evans has posted previously unrelease details of Microsoft's .NET 1.1 string validation routines. This includes anti cross site scripting request validation routines as well as a more generic ValidateString method. Such disclosure is expedient for all appsec researchers wishing to find holes in .NET applications.

Submission + - 'Dumb Terminals' Can Be a Smart Move for Companies

Carl Bialik from WSJ writes: "More companies are forgoing desktop and laptop computers for dumb terminals — reversing a trend toward powerful individual machines that has been in motion for two decades, the Wall Street Journal reports. 'Because the terminals have no moving parts such as fans or hard drives that can break, the machines typically require less maintenance and last longer than PCs. Mark Margevicius, an analyst at research firm Gartner Inc., estimates companies can save 10% to 40% in computer-management costs when switching to terminals from desktops. In addition, the basic terminals appear to offer improved security. Because the systems are designed to keep data on a server, sensitive information isn't lost if a terminal gets lost, stolen or damaged. And if security programs or other applications need to be updated, the new software is installed on only the central servers, rather than on all the individual PCs scattered throughout a network.'"

Journal Journal: Slavery versus Abortion 2

Spoken by someone already free, spoken by someone already born....

SLAVERY - Although he may have a heart and a brain, and he may be human life biologically, a slave is not a legal person. The Dred Scott decision by the U.S. Supreme Court has made that clear.
ABORTION - Although he may have a heart and a brain, and he may be a human life biologically, an unborn baby is not a legal person. The Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court has made that clear.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yes, I wrote it. Happy Holidays.

Ode to Ye Beautiful Trolls (2004)

Hear now, hear now!

Gather round ye trolls of slashing,
Come to listen to that fateful dotting.
With goatse dudes and hot grits flashing.
Tis a grand karma massacre we're plotting.

Extoll hear, ex troll here!
Extolling extrolling, we trumpet your arse,
Yet break wind from front and rear,
Perl,PHP,Python: these you cannot parse.

Comment Re:the real problems lie in understanding... (Score 3, Informative) 193

I spent a decade working in the field of knowledge-based machine translation (KBMT), in the Center for Machine Translation (now part of the Language Technologies Institute) at Carnegie Mellon. Prior to that, I worked on several natural language processing projects that were focused on knowledge-based automatic analysis of English text..

KBMT can be done. We demonstrated that pretty definitively. It's labor-intensive. Yes, we DID create concept maps (ontologies) for the domains of human endeavor relating to the texts to be translated, and yes, we DID link words (lexical units) to those concepts, in multiple languages. And it turned out that we didn't have to make the ontologies very deep--we had to make them broad, and start by assuming the need for a one-to-one mapping of concepts to nouns, verbs, and modifiers in the domain. This we arrived at after several attempts at making them deep. Turned out the lexicon is the real key. You only have to use enough ontological structure to support the way you deal with analyzing function words (relative pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, certain adverbs, etc.) and to capture deep generalizations for certain classes of verbs and verb-derived nouns (deverbal nouns.) The system uses a fast (real-time) English analysis parser based on the Tomita algorithm, and a rule-based target-language generator based on the KANT system.

We created a custom-built MT system for Caterpillar, to perform automated translation of their operations and maintenance manuals from the English of Peoria, Illinois into French, Spanish and German. It took us six years (not counting all the projects that preceeded it, from which we learned a great deal.) The system empoys a controlled subset of English that forces Caterpillar's technical writers to favor certain constructions in their writing, and to disambiguate certain other constructions using a writer's workbench interface. (Caterpillar has a patent on this application of MT technology for technical documents.) It contains all the vocabulary that Caterpillar needs--hundreds of thousands of terms. Caterpillar updates the lexicons as needed.

This system has been in production use at Caterpillar since 1996. It translates controlled English text at accuracies in the high 90-percents. The tech writers adapted, the translators got turned into post-processors (and I believe there was some turnover of personnel--the work had to have gotten a lot more boring), the English reads a little bit stilted but it's perfectly clear. Response from Caterpillar's customers was positive, the manuals get translated faster, and are accurate. The controlled English can actually force a little higher accuracy. Caterpillar's investment in this techology ended up saving them a bundle.

Due to the proprietary context of our work for Caterpillar, there were very few academic publications that came out of the project.

If you want to engage in further reading, search on KBMT-89 (an MT project funded by IBM-Japan that laid much of the foundation for workable real-time KBMT.) We published a book on it.

You can read about the KANT technology at


There are also a number of pointers to other knowledge-based projects on the lti.cs.cmu.edu site.

For looking at the progress of KBMT in the U.S. generally (over the past couple of decades), search for publications by Jaime Carbonell, Sergei Nirenburg, Eric Nyberg, Masaru Tomita, Teruko Mitamura, Robert Frederking, Lori Levin, Kathy Baker, Ralf Brown, and a cast of dozens. Warning--this will bring you vast amounts of material.

User Journal

Journal Journal: reinventing the wheel

When I first read this quotation about six years ago I thought it was true. I still think it is true, and Microsoft continues to learn this lesson. Unfortunately, best design doesn't always equate to best selling.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly. -- Henry Spencer

User Journal

Journal Journal: It's all about the friends

The only way to have a friend is to be one
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Go oft to the house of thy friend, for weeds choke the unused path
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
--Dale Carnegie

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