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Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 245

By that definition Windows XP is itself a huge piece of malware that needs to be constantly rid of the numerous bugs and defects. It has been for the past 10 years thus, and still not fully fixed.

That makes MS an untrustworthy source of poor quality software, or intentionally buggy software aka malware.

Comment Free hardware? Why not? (Score 5, Interesting) 480

In my experience; it is far easier to obtain; install and work with Free Software than with Free Hardware. I asked you about this in person 2 years back; but you brushed it aside saying hardware is not trivial to copy.

Recent events have proved me right; I feel. We simply do not have access to Freedom Hardware at low cost - even the Raspberry Pi has proprietary components in its hardware.

Why can't the FSF pool resources; license technology from ARM Holdings; and build a truly Free Tablet, Free Cellphone and Free PC running Free GNU/Linux instead of the pseudo-free Android? I am sure the community will pay any money to buy truly free Hardware from the FHF.

Comment Re:WTF Nokia (Score 1) 105

I think Nokia has learnt from HP and Dell - threaten to release a Linux box; and you get hefty discounts on Windows OEM pricing. Even though a subsidiary of Microsoft; I guess Windows Phone 8 is a big fraction of the price of a Nokia handset - hence this crazy strategy?

Comment Re:NAT (Score 4, Insightful) 574

There are 2 dimensions to the IPv4 problem - the user end; and the server end. Except for newly formed companies looking to provide internet access to their users through a proxy server; the individual users are largely oblivious to the crisis; as you rightly mentioned.

But try hosting your own server (non-cloud provider) - your ISP forces you to acquire IPv6; and you have to jump through hoops to make it smoothly accessible over VPNs and the general inernet.

Comment Slashdot Beta = Windows Shitsta (Score 0, Offtopic) 116

I have been reading Slashdot since 1997 or thereabouts. Every single day after 1998; of that I am sure. Even when I went out on vacation; when I got married; when I was convalescing after angioplasty- when I returned to work; I would read every single article; and if interested; the comments as well.

Some days back, I stumbled onto Slashdot Beta; I felt it sucked, so I came back to the old design. Today when I open any article; the only comments I find are those complaining about Beta. I use Opera for the past 14 years; so I couldn't understand why many readers found it difficult to just get back to Classic.

Then I started Firefox and opened Slashdot in that. I just couldn't believe the shit I was seeing. The main storythere was about the New Zealand Spy Agency. I carefully looked for 3 more recent stories; and couldnt find them at all. The reason was simple: the top 3 stories were disguised as ads; bcos that's how ads look in the regular site.

Then I clicked on those stories and tried to comment. Firefox went into a never-ending loop; I waited for 7 minutes, and killed the browser. I gave up on the beta.
The reasons I visit Slashdot are:
1% - to look at the ads; and click on them
5% - to read the stories
3% - to read the linked artices
the rest - to read tons of Insightful comments from fellow Slashdotters
But in the Beta; I couldn't even get to the Comments section on my 6-yr old Compaq laptop after 10 minutes. So I went back to Opera and Classic Slashdot. Already the Snowden article had comments cursing Beta. So I prepared this post in Notepad.

From now on, I will try for First Post with this one; in every new article.

Slashdotters I admire very much; and we are very successful people as a rule; minus of course the paid shills. I am sure I will keep this up and burn my karma until everyone else including those not fortunate enough to be using Opera; also stop complaining; and Beta goes away. Like Vista Shitsta; Millennium and Microsoft Bob.


Comment Slashdot Beta = Windows Shitsta! (Score 5, Interesting) 93

I have been reading Slashdot since 1997 or thereabouts. Every single day after 1998; of that I am sure. Even when I went out on vacation; when I got married; when I was convalescing after angioplasty- when I returned to work; I would read every single article; and if interested; the comments as well.

Some days back, I stumbled onto Slashdot Beta; I felt it sucked, so I came back to the old design. Today when I open any article; the only comments I find are those complaining about Beta. I use Opera for the past 14 years; so I couldn't understand why many readers found it difficult to just get back to Classic.

Then I started Firefox and opened Slashdot in that. I just couldn't believe the shit I was seeing. The main storythere was about the New Zealand Spy Agency. I carefully looked for 3 more recent stories; and couldnt find them at all. The reason was simple: the top 3 stories were disguised as ads; bcos that's how ads look in the regular site.

Then I clicked on those stories and tried to comment. Firefox went into a never-ending loop; I waited for 7 minutes, and killed the browser. I gave up on the beta.
The reasons I visit Slashdot are:
1% - to look at the ads; and click on them
5% - to read the stories
3% - to read the linked artices
the rest - to read tons of Insightful comments from fellow Slashdotters
But in the Beta; I couldn't even get to the Comments section on my 6-yr old Compaq laptop after 10 minutes. So I went back to Opera and Classic Slashdot. Already the Snowden article had comments cursing Beta. So I prepared this post in Notepad.

From now on, I will try for First Post with this one; in every new article.

Slashdotters I admire very much; and we are very successful people as a rule; minus of course the paid shills. I am sure I will keep this up and burn my karma until everyone else including those not fortunate enough to be using Opera; also stop complaining; and Beta goes away. Like Vista Shitsta; Millennium and Microsoft Bob.


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