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Comment Da Tovarisch Zampolit (Score 5, Informative) 1416

After the controversy swelled, Danielle Brown, Google's new vice president for diversity, integrity and governance, sent a statement to staff condemning Damore's views and reaffirmed the company's stance on diversity. In internal discussion boards, multiple employees said they supported firing the author, and some said they would not choose to work with him, according to postings viewed by Bloomberg News.

Looks like Google decided to help Damore make his case by reinforcing their bias against differing opinion. Science also supports (mirror) his conclusions.

Submission + - Google Fires Critic of Diversity Program (washingtontimes.com)

sethstorm writes: James Damore, the author of Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber (PDF), has been fired for "perpetuating gender stereotypes" and "violating [our] Code of Conduct". In addition, other Google colleagues have retaliated by ensuring that he would not be allowed to work on their teams.

Looks like Google's inclusiveness and tolerance of differing political opinions only can go so far.

Comment Re:Fighting the facts with FB's narrative. (Score 4, Informative) 157

Actually, third parties have reviewed the fact checkers, and overall found that their bias is minimal

If you're talking about the Poynter Institute or the International Fact-Checking Network, no such luck. They're effectively self-audited (by a friendly organization), and receive funding from an organization invested in opposing Trump.

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