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Comment Re:Really Stupid Idea (Score 1) 343

I've tried putting tabs on the left/right (yes, I tried both) sides of my browser (i.e., Opera's) window - it just looks hideous, IMHO. My natural inclination is to scan horizontally first, then vertically - probably due to English being my first language. Hmm, I wonder if people from other nations are more comfortable having their tab stacks on LHS/RHS of their browser windows, for languages that are written top to bottom and then horizontally?

What will really help "real estate" issues for web browsing use would be more manufacturers of monitors and laptops offering more models with screens with a 4:3 ratio, rather than 16:9 ratios...

Comment Re:debian is better for n00bs (Score 1) 345

I have to agree that the main plus point to Debian is its stability. I'm not using it right now; I've got an Eee PC and am using an Ubuntu/Debian-based distro called Easy Peasy which is aimed very specifically at netbook users. The only times I've managed to crash my Eee was when I simply just pushed the hardware to do too much, too quickly, causing the whole system to grind to a standstill. Mea culpa.

Comment Re:This is important? (Score 1) 380

or soldier on with out them.

I mean, death and loss are a part of story telling. Particularly when it's supposed to be a Western but in Space.

I was wondering when someone was going to point out that Firefly is simply the winning combination of "Cowboys in Space." Of course, this still doesn't excuse the upcoming film Cowboys vs Aliens...

Comment Re:Temporary problem. (Score 2) 185

The FDA needs to approve this? That's odd, I wonder why. Too bad you didn't explain why or tell us what stage of approval its in.

Most medical apparatus is single-use, unless you can autoclave it to ensure it is totally sterile for subsequent uses. The FDA would need to approve the recycling and filtering system to ensure that future patients won't catch anything from previous ones. IANAD.

Comment Re:Wow. (Score 1) 90

When it comes to litigation, Telstra is like Microsoft and will quite happily keep something in the courts for as long as required, in order to maintain some sort of market advantage... this is quite a change !

Telstra probably realised pretty quickly - well, 10 months is relatively quick for a monolithic company - that they had no market advantage to maintain by dragging this through the courts.


Submission + - Apple’s iPhone Nano will be Cloud equipped ( 2

hostedftp writes: More news has leaked out about the new iPhone Nano that is rumoured to feature Cloud capabilities as the new model reported by the Wall Street Journal will be half the cost of a regular iPhone

Submission + - HP-12C is 30 Years Old (

HSeldon2012 writes: What happens when companies push too far with product development that favors the new over the old? The results aren’t always positive, I am afraid. They violate one of those universal laws of marketing by creating products that their customers don’t want.

That did not happen to "The Calculator that Never Dies". HP created an icon 30 years ago that still sells in the original form, with the same design and for about 20% of the original price.


Submission + - Stardust Mission Makes First-Ever Return To Comet (

RedEaredSlider writes: NASA's Stardust probe made its closest approach to comet Tempel-1 on Monday night, marking the first time a comet has ever been revisited by a spacecraft.
The mission, formally called Stardust-NeXT, for New EXploration of Tempel-1, was launched on its way in 2006. On Monday night it came within 181 kilometers (112 miles) miles of the comet, taking pictures and measuring the amount and composition of dust in the comet's coma, the plume of gas that surrounds it. It approached the comet at about 10.6 kilometers (6.7 miles) per second, making it one of the fastest probes that has yet flown.
Stardust made its closest approach at 11:39 p.m. Eastern and after that, swung around its high-gain antenna towards Earth to transmit its data. The comet and spacecraft are about 336 million kilometers (209 million miles) away, so signals take a full 18 minutes to get to Earth.


Submission + - New Key Fob Brings NFC to All Mobile Phones (

Zothecula writes: The latest wireless technology finding its way into mobile phones alongside Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is near field communication, or NFC. It has taken a few years but the short-range wireless technology is gathering speed, with the number of NFC-enabled handsets on the increase and numerous trials of the technology being carried out around the world, mainly aimed at contactless payments and public transport ticketing applications. But if you’re worried you’ll have to throw out your current mobile phone to take advantage of the convenience of NFC then relax, because Simlink has teamed with Morpho to develop a key fob that brings NFC technology to any existing mobile phone.

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